# Monopd configuration file.

# Port which monopd should be listening to.

# Frequency of monopigator registrations in seconds. The monopigator XML
# database only returns severs who have registered during the past 300
# seconds, so make this value smaller than 300 if you want your server to
# appear continously. The minimum value is 60.

# Host of the monopigator web interface.

# Port of the monopigator web interface.

# Our identity. Monopd will not register automatically unless this value is
# set, so uncomment it if you want to run a public server. Make sure you can
# be reached under the hostname you set here or else you will show up in
# Monopigator without users being able to use your host! The web interface
# might check availability of your monopd server before adding you to the
# database to avoid localhost, masqueraded localnet and firewalled entries
# to appear there.