# Copyright (C) Eazel, Inc. 2000, 2001 # # MIME magic patterns as used by the Gnome VFS library # # The format of magic entries is: # # offset_start[:offset_end] pattern_type pattern [&pattern_mask] type # # <offset_start> and <offset_end> are decimal numbers (file offsets). # # <pattern_type> is (byte | short | long | string | date | beshort | # belong | bedate | leshort | lelong | ledate). # # <pattern> is an ASCII string with non-printable characters escaped # as hex or octal escape sequences, and spaces and other important # whitespace escaped with '\'. # # <pattern_mask> is a string of hex digits. The mask must be the same # length as the pattern. # # <type> is a valid MIME type. # # Order magic patterns such that ambiguous ones (such as # application/x-ms-dos-executable) are at the end of the list and # therefore get applied last. # # Avoid rules that require a seek deep into the examined file. If you # must, locate such rules at the end of the list so that they get # applied last # # When designing new document formats, make them easily recognizable # by defining a sufficiently unique magic pattern near the document # start. A good pattern is at least four bytes long and contains one # or two non-printable characters so that text files won't be # misidentified. 0 string %PDF- application/pdf 0 string \177ELF\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \004 &0xffffffff000000000000000000000000ff application/x-core-file 0 string \177ELF\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \003 &0xffffffff000000000000000000000000ff application/x-shared-library 0 string \177ELF application/x-executable-binary # Disable zip because detecting StarOffice files correctly is more imporant in the release # than detecting the occasional zip file without an extension #0 string PK\003\004 application/zip 0 string \004%! application/postscript 0 string \000\000\001\272 video/mpeg 0 string \000\000\001\263 video/mpeg # .mmv, mpeg transport stream created by movieshaker 0 string \x47\x3f\xff\x10 video/mpeg 0 string \377\330\377 image/jpeg # The below ignores the details available (architecture, type, version) 0 string \xed\xab\xee\xdb application/x-rpm 0 string Rar! application/x-rar 0 string GIF8 image/gif 4 string ftypM4A audio/x-m4a 4 string moov video/quicktime 4 string mdat video/quicktime 8 string mp42 video/quicktime 12 string mdat video/quicktime 36 string mdat video/quicktime 0 belong 0x3026b275 video/x-ms-asf 0 string ASF\ audio/x-ms-asx 0 string \<ASX audio/x-ms-asx 0 string \<asx audio/x-ms-asx 0 string MThd audio/x-midi 0 string IMPM audio/x-it 0 string \x1f\x07\x00\x00 &0xffffff00 video/dv 2 string -lh0- application/x-lha 2 string -lh1- application/x-lha 2 string -lz4- application/x-lha 2 string -lz5- application/x-lha 2 string -lzs- application/x-lha 2 string -lh\40- application/x-lha 2 string -lhd- application/x-lha 2 string -lh2- application/x-lha 2 string -lh3- application/x-lha 2 string -lh4- application/x-lha 2 string -lh5- application/x-lha 20 string \375\304\247\334 application/x-zoo 0 string StuffIt\ application/x-stuffit 11 string must\ be\ converted\ with\ BinHex application/mac-binhex40 102 string mBIN application/x-macbinary 4 string gtktalog\ application/x-gtktalog 0 string diff\ text/x-patch 0 string Index: text/x-patch 0 string ***\ text/x-patch 0 string Only\ in\ text/x-patch 0 string Common\ subdirectories:\ text/x-patch 0 string FONT application/x-font-vfont 0 string IIN1 image/tiff 0 string MM\x00\x2a image/tiff 0 string II\x2a\x00 image/tiff 0 string \x89PNG image/png 0 string 8BPS\ \ \000\000\000\000 &0xffffffff0000ffffffff image/x-psd 0 string #LyX text/x-lyx 0 string DCMw image/x-dcm 0 belong 0x59a66a95 image/x-sun-raster 0 belong 0x01da0000 &0xfcfeffff image/x-sgi 0 belong 0xb168de3a image/x-pcx 0 string \x28\x00\x00\x00 image/x-dib 0 string SIMPLE\ \ = image/x-fits 0 belong 0x46506978 image/x-fpx 0 belong 0x00000200 image/x-icb 0 belong 0x53445058 image/x-dpx 0 string d8:announce application/x-bittorrent 8 string matroska application/x-matroska # Desktop file support - slightly wrong, since comments can be before # the [Desktop Entry] line in the current spec - probably should fix # desktop entry spec to allow this 0:32 string [Desktop\ Entry] application/x-gnome-app-info # Theme ("Metatheme") support 0:40 string [X-GNOME-Metatheme] application/x-gnome-theme # special Nautilus link type 0:32 string \<nautilus_object\ nautilus_link application/x-nautilus-link # special GMC link type 0:32 string \URL: application/x-gmc-link # xpm rule needs to go before text/x-c 0 string /*\ XPM\ */ image/x-xpixmap 0:64 string \<!DOCTYPE\ xbel application/x-xbel 0:192 string \<xbel application/x-xbel 0:64 string \<!DOCTYPE\ NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1\> application/x-mozilla-bookmarks 0:64 string \<!DOCTYPE\ NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1\> application/x-netscape-bookmarks 0:64 string \<ephy_bookmarks application/x-epiphany-bookmarks # svg rules need to go before html 0:256 string \<!DOCTYPE\ svg image/svg+xml 0:64 string \<svg image/svg+xml 0:64 string \<chemistry application/x-gchempaint 0:64 string \<crystal application/x-gcrystal # php rules need to go before html 0:64 string \<?php application/x-php 0:64 string \<smil\> application/x-smil 0:64 string \<SMIL\> application/x-smil 0:64 string \<!DOCTYPE\ HTML text/html 0:64 string \<!doctype\ html text/html 0:64 string \<HEAD text/html 0:64 string \<head text/html 0:64 string \<html text/html 0:64 string \<HTML text/html 0:64 string \<dia:diagram application/x-dia-diagram 0:64 string \<abiword application/x-abiword 0:64 string \<\!DOCTYPE\ abiword application/x-abiword 0:64 string gmr:Workbook application/x-gnumeric 0:64 string \<project application/x-mrproject # text/xml content detection needs to be after all the xml-derived formats 0:64 string \<?xml text/xml 0 string {\\rtf application/rtf 0 string #!/bin/sh text/x-sh 0 string #!/bin/bash text/x-sh 0 string #!/bin/csh text/x-csh 0 string #!/bin/ksh text/x-ksh 0 string #!/bin/perl text/x-perl 0 string #!/bin/zsh text/x-zsh 1:16 string /bin/sh text/x-sh 1:16 string /bin/bash text/x-sh 1:16 string /bin/csh text/x-csh 1:16 string /bin/ksh text/x-ksh 1:16 string /bin/perl text/x-perl 1:16 string /bin/python text/x-python 0 string BEGIN:VCARD text/x-vcard 0 string BEGIN:VCALENDAR text/calendar 8 string CDR\ vrsn application/vnd.corel-draw 8 string AVI\ video/x-msvideo 0 string MOVI video/x-sgi-movie 0 string .snd audio/basic 8 string AIFC audio/x-aifc 8 string AIFF audio/x-aiff 0 string .ra\375 audio/x-pn-realaudio 0 belong 0x2e7261fd audio/x-pn-realaudio 0 string .RMF audio/x-pn-realaudio 8 string WAVE audio/x-wav 8 string WAV\ audio/x-wav 0 string RIFFxxxxCDXA &0xffffffff00000000ffffffff video/mpeg 0 string RIFF audio/x-riff 0 string OggS application/ogg 0 string pnm:\/\/ audio/x-real-audio 0 string rtsp:\/\/ audio/x-real-audio 0 string SIT! application/x-stuffit 0 string \312\376\272\276 application/x-java-byte-code 0 string Joy! application/x-pef-executable 4 string \x11\xAF video/x-fli 4 string \x12\xAF video/x-flc 0 string \x31\xbe\x00\x00 application/msword 0 string PO^Q` application/msword 0 string *BEGIN\ SPREADSHEETS application/x-applix-spreadsheet 0 string \x00\x00\x02\x00 application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3 0 string PSID audio/prs.sid 31 string Oleo application/x-oleo 0 string FFIL application/x-font-ttf 65 string FFIL application/x-font-ttf 0 string LWFN application/x-font-type1 65 string LWFN application/x-font-type1 0 string StartFont application/x-font-sunos-news 0 string \x13\x7A\x29 application/x-font-sunos-news 8 string \x13\x7A\x2B application/x-font-sunos-news 0 string %!PS-AdobeFont-1. application/x-font-type1 6 string %!PS-AdobeFont-1. application/x-font-type1 0 string %!FontType1-1. application/x-font-type1 6 string %!FontType1-1. application/x-font-type1 0 string STARTFONT\040 application/x-font-bdf 0 string \001fcp application/x-font-pcf 0 string D1.0\015 application/x-font-speedo 0 string \x14\x02\x59\x19 application/x-font-libgrx 0 string \xff\x46\x4f\x4e application/x-font-dos 7 string \x00\x45\x47\x41 application/x-font-dos 7 string \x00\x56\x49\x44 application/x-font-dos 0 string \<MakerScreenFont application/x-font-framemaker 0 string \000\001\000\000\000 application/x-font-ttf 1 string WPC application/x-wordperfect 0 string ID; text/spreadsheet 0 string MZ application/x-ms-dos-executable 0 string %! application/postscript 0 string BZh application/x-bzip 0 string \x1f\x8b application/x-gzip 0 string \037\235 application/x-compress 0 string \367\002 application/x-dvi 0 string \367\203 application/x-font-tex 0 string \367\131 application/x-font-tex 0 string \367\312 application/x-font-tex 2 string \000\022 application/x-font-tex-tfm 0 string \x36\x04 application/x-font-linux-psf 0 string FWS application/x-shockwave-flash 0 string NSVf video/x-nsv 0 string BMxxxx\000\000 &0xffff00000000ffff image/bmp 0 string AT&TFORM image/vnd.djvu 0 string Return-Path: message/rfc822 0 string Path: message/news 0 string Xref: message/news 0 string From: message/rfc822 0 string Article message/news 0 string Received: message/rfc822 0 string [playlist] audio/x-scpls 0 string [Reference] video/x-ms-asf 22 string \<EDL application/x-cinelerra 32769 string CD001 application/x-iso-image 37633 string CD001 application/x-iso-image 32776 string CDROM application/x-iso-image 0 string OTTO application/x-font-otf 54 string S\ T\ O\ P application/x-ipod-firmware 0:160 string fLaC audio/x-flac 0:160 string ID3\x20\x00 audio/mpeg 0:160 string ID3\x30\x00 audio/mpeg 0:160 string ID3\x40\x00 audio/mpeg 0:512 string \x00\x00\x01\xba video/mpeg 0 string BLENDER application/x-blender