#  This shell script can be executed by mcelog in daemon mode when a sockets
#  receives Bus and Interconnect errors
# environment:
# MESSAGE	Human readable consolidated error message
# LOCATION	Consolidated location as a single string
# SOCKETID	Socket ID of CPU that includes the memory controller with the DIMM
# CPU		Linux CPU number that triggered the error
# SET		PCI segment number
# BUS		PCI bus number
# DEVICE	PCI device number
# FUNCTION	PCI function number
# note: will run as mcelog configured user
# this can be changed in mcelog.conf

logger -s -p daemon.err -t mcelog "$MESSAGE"
logger -s -p daemon.err -t mcelog "Location: $LOCATION"

[ -x ./iomca-error-trigger.local ] && . ./iomca-error-trigger.local

exit 0