// Unvanquished dedicated server configuration file.

// -----------
// basic setup
// -----------

// Whether the server is advertised on the internet or in the LAN only.
set server.lanOnly                "0"

// Server name and motto of the day.
set sv_hostname                   "Unnamed Unvanquished Server"
set g_motd                        "https:/\/unvanqished.net/"

// Number of client slots.
set sv_maxclients                 "32"

// Private slots are reserved for players who know the password.
set sv_privateClients             "2"
set sv_privatePassword            "archlinuxftw"

// ------------
// team balance
// ------------

set g_teamForceBalance            "1"
set g_doWarmup                    "1"

// ----------------
// client downloads
// ----------------

// Whether clients are allowed to download missing files from the game server.
set sv_allowDownload              "1"

// Whether clients are redirected to a webserver for faster downloads.
set sv_wwwDownload                "0"
set sv_wwwBaseURL                 "dl.unvanquished.net/pkg"

// ------------
// map rotation
// ------------

// Name of the first map rotation to use.
set g_initialMapRotation          "rotation1"

// The first map must be loaded explicitly. This must be the last command.
map plat23