# Which protocols will we use to discover printers on the network? # Can use DNSSD and/or CUPS, or 'none' for neither. BrowseRemoteProtocols DNSSD,CUPS # Which protocols will we use to broadcast shared local printers to the network? # Can use DNSSD and/or CUPS, or 'none' for neither. # Only CUPS is actually supported, as DNSSD is done by CUPS itself (we ignore # DNSSD in this directive). # BrowseLocalProtocols none # Settings of this directive apply to both BrowseRemoteProtocols and # BrowseLocalProtocols. # Can use DNSSD and/or CUPS, or 'none' for neither. # BrowseProtocols none # Only browse remote printers from selected servers # BrowseAllow cups.example.com # BrowseAllow # BrowseAllow # BrowseAllow # Use BrowsePoll to poll a particular CUPS server # BrowsePoll cups.example.com # BrowsePoll cups.example.com:631 # BrowsePoll cups.example.com:631/version=1.1 # Use DomainSocket to access the local CUPS daemon via another than the # default domain socket # DomainSocket /var/lib/run/cups/cups.sock # Set CreateIPPPrinterQueues to "Yes" to let cups-browsed discover IPP # network printers (native printers, not CUPS queues) with known page # description languages (PWG Raster, PDF, PostScript, PCL XL, PCL # 5c/e) in the local network and auto-create PPD-less print queues for # them (using a System V interface script to control the filter # chain). Clients have to IPP-poll the capabilities of the printer and # send option settings as standard IPP attributes. We do not poll the # capabilities by ourselves to not wake up the printer from # power-saving mode when creating the queues. Jobs have to be sent in # PDF format. Other formats are not accepted. This functionality is # primarily for mobile devices running CUPS to not need a printer # setup tool nor a collection of printer drivers and PPDs. # CreateIPPPrinterQueues Yes # The AutoShutdown directive specifies whether cups-browsed should # automatically terminate when it has no local raw queues set up # pointing to any discovered remote printers (auto shutdown # mode). Setting it to "On" activates the auto-shutdown mode, setting # it to "Off" deactiivates it (the default). The special mode "avahi" # turns auto shutdown off while avahi-daemon is running and on when # avahi-daemon stops. This allows running cups-browsed on-demand when # avahi-daemon is run on-demand. # AutoShutdown Off # AutoShutdown On # AutoShutdown avahi # The AutoShutdownTimeout directive specifies after how many seconds # without local raw queues set up pointing to any discovered remote # printers cups-browsed should actually shut down in auto shutdown # mode. Default is 30 seconds, 0 means immediate shutdown. # AutoShutdownTimeout 30 # Unknown directives are ignored, also unknown values.