#!/sbin/runscript # Copyright 2014 tclover <tokiclover@hprofile.project> # Distributed under the terms of the GPL-2 license # $Header: hprofile.initd,v 1.4 2014/10/10 13:05:23 -tclover Exp $ description="initialize hprofile boot profiles" depend() { after modules } start() { for profile in $PROFILES; do hprofile -f $profile eend "$?" "Failed to start $profile profile" done return 0 } stop() { for profile in $PROFILES; do hprofile -s $profile eend "$?" "Failed to stop $profile profile" done return 0 } # # vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=gentoo-init-d:ci:pi:sts=0:sw=4:ts=4: #