# $Id: sample-hsqldb.cfg,v 1.15 2005/07/23 19:54:17 unsaved Exp $

# Sample configuration file for HSQLDB database server.
# See the "UNIX Quick Start" chapter of the Hsqldb User Guide.

# N.b.!!!!  You must place this in the right location for your type of UNIX.
# See the init script "hsqldb" to see where this must be placed and
# what it should be renamed to.

# This file is "sourced" by a Bourne shell, so use Bourne shell syntax.

# This file WILL NOT WORK until you set (at least) the non-commented
# variables to the appropriate values for your system.
# Life will be easier if you avoid all filepaths with spaces or any other
# funny characters.  Don't ask for support if you ignore this advice.

# Thanks to Meikel Bisping for his contributions.  -- Blaine


# Unless you copied a hsqldb.jar file from another system, this typically
# resides at $HSQLDB_HOME/lib/hsqldb.jar, where $HSQLDB_HOME is your HSQLDB
# software base directory.

# Where the file "server.properties" resides.

# What UNIX user the server will run as.
# (The shutdown client is always run as root or the invoker of the init script).
# Runs as root by default, but you should take the time to set database file
# ownerships to another user and set that user name here.

# The HSQLDB jar file specified in HSQLDB_JAR_PATH above will automatically
# be in the class path.  This arg specifies additional classpath elements.
# To embed your own application, add your jar file(s) or class base
# directories here, and add your main class to the INVOC_ADDL_ARGS setting
# below.

# We require all Server/WebServer instances to be accessible within 
# $MAX_START_SECS from when the Server/WebServer is started.
# Defaults to 60.
# Raise this is you are running lots of DB instances or have a slow server.

# Time to allow for JVM to die after all HSQLDB instances stopped.
# Defaults to 1.

# These are "urlid" values from a SqlTool authentication file
# ** IN ADDITION TO THOSE IN YOUR server.properties OR webserver.properties **
# file.  All server.urlid.X values from your properties file will automatically
# be started/stopped/tested.  $SHUTDOWN_URLIDS is for additional urlids which
# will stopped.  (Therefore, most users will not set this at all).
# Separate multiple values with white space.  NO OTHER SPECIAL CHARACTERS!
# Make sure to quote the entire value if it contains white space separator(s).
# Defaults to none (i.e., only urlids set in properties file will be stopped).

# SqlTool authentication file used only for shutdown.
# The default value will be sqltool.rc in root's home directory, since it is 
# root who runs the init script.
# (See the SqlTool chapter of the HSQLDB User Guide if you don't understand 
# this).

# Set this to either 'WebServer' or 'Server'.  Defaults to Server.
# The JVM that is started can invoke many classes (see the following item
# about that), but this is the Server that is used (1) to check status,
# (2) to shut down the JVM, (3) to get urlids for #1 from the 
# server's server/webserver.properties file.
# Note that you don't specify the org.hsqldb package, since you have no 
# choice in the matter (you can only run org.hsqldb.Server or 
# org.hsqldb.WebServer).  If you specify additional classes with
# INVOC_ADDL_ARGS (described next), you do need to specify the
# full class name with package name.

# This is where you specify exactly what your HSQLDB JVM will run.
# The class org.hsqldb.util.MainInvoker will run the TARGET_CLASS
# specified above with any arguments supplied here + any other classes
# and arguments.  Every additional class (in addition to the TARGET_CLASS)
# must be preceded with an empty string, so that MainInvoker will know
# you are giving a class name.  MainInvoker will invoke the normal 
# static main(String[]) method of each such class.  
# By default, MainInvoker will just run TARGET_CLASS with no args.
# Example that runs just the TARGET_CLASS with the specified arguments:
#INVOC_ADDL_ARGS='-silent false'
# Example that runs the TARGET_CLASS plus a WebServer:
#INVOC_ADDL_ARGS='"" org.hsqldb.WebServer'
# Note the empty string preceding the class name.
# Example that starts TARGET_CLASS with an argument + a WebServer +
# your own application with its args (i.e., the HSQLDB Servers are
# "embedded" in your application).  (Set SERVER_ADDL_CLASSPATH too).:
#INVOC_ADDL_ARGS='-silent false "" org.hsqldb.WebServer "" com.acme.Stone --env prod localhost'
# Example to run a non-TLS server in same JVM with a TLS server.  In this
# case, TARGET_CLASS is Server which will run in TLS mode by virtue of 
# setting TLS_KEYSTORE and TLS_PASSWORD above.  The "additional" Server
# here overrides the 'tls' and 'port' settings:
#INVOC_ADDL_ARGS="'' org.hsqldb.Server -port 9002 -tls false"
# Note that you use nested quotes to group arguments and to specify the
# empty-string delimiter.

# For TLS encryption for your Server, set these two variables.
# N.b.:  If you set these, then make this file unreadable to non-root users!!!!
# See the TLS chapter of the HSQLDB User Guide, paying attention to the 
# security warning(s).
# If you are running with a private server cert, then you will also need to 
# set "truststore" in the your SqlTool config file (location is set by the
# AUTH_FILE variable in this file, or it must be at the default location for 

# Any JVM args for the invocation of the JDBC client used to verify DB
# instances and to shut them down (SqlToolSprayer).
# This example specifies the location of a private trust store for TLS 
# encryption.
# For multiple args, put quotes around entire value.

# Any JVM args for the server.
# For multiple args, put quotes around entire value.