# pico output module is based on the generic plugin for Speech # Dispatcher. It means there is no code written explicitly for # this plugin, all the specifics are handled in this configuration # and we call a simple command line client to perform the actual # synthesis. Use this config file with the sd_generic output module. # # IMPORTANT: The audio output method relies on an audio playback # utility (play, aplay, paplay for OSS, ALSA or Pulse) # being installed. If this is not the case, consider installing it # or replace the $PLAY_COMMAND string in the GenericExecuteString below # with play, paplay or similar. # # GenericExecuteSynth is the shell command that should be # executed in order to say some message. This command must # stop saying the message on SIGKILL, otherwise it's useless. # You can use the variables $LANGUAGE, $VOICE, $PITCH and $RATE # which will be substituted for the appropriate value (you # can modify this value, see other parameters). # The command can be split into more lines, if necessary, using '\'. GenericExecuteSynth \ "pico2wave -w $TMPDIR/pico.wav -l $VOICE \'$DATA\' && $PLAY_COMMAND $TMPDIR/pico.wav # The following three items control punctuation levels None, Some, and All. # Each of these values will be substituted into the $PUNCT variable depending # on the value passed to speech dispatcher from applications. # Note that if an empty string is specified, then $PUNCT will be blank # which is a default situation for espeak. GenericPunctNone " " GenericPunctSome "--punct=\"()[]{};:\"" GenericPunctAll "--punct" # GenericStripPunctChars is a list (enclosed in doublequotes) of # all the characters that should be replaced by whitespaces in # order not to be badly handled by the output module or misinterpreted # by shell. # GenericStripPunctChars "" # If the language you need to pass in $LANG is different # from the standard ISO language code, you can specify # which string to use instead. If you wish to use # other than ISO charset for the specified language, # you can add it's name (as accepted by iconv) as a # third parameter in doublequotes. GenericLanguage "en" "en" "utf-8" GenericLanguage "de" "de" "utf-8" GenericLanguage "es" "es" "utf-8" GenericLanguage "fr" "fr" "utf-8" GenericLanguage "it" "it" "utf-8" # AddVoice specifies which $VOICE string should be assigned to # each language and symbolic voice name. All the voices you want # to use must be specified here. This list will likely not be # up-to-date, please check pico documentation and add the voices # you want to use. AddVoice "en" "FEMALE1" "en-US" AddVoice "en" "FEMALE2" "en-GB" AddVoice "de" "FEMALE1" "de-DE" AddVoice "es" "FEMALE1" "es-ES" AddVoice "fr" "FEMALE1" "fr-FR" AddVoice "it" "FEMALE1" "it-IT" # Yes, it's wrong, but this way you at least get something even when configured # (by default) to use a male voice AddVoice "en" "MALE1" "en-US" AddVoice "en" "MALE2" "en-GB" AddVoice "de" "MALE1" "de-DE" AddVoice "es" "MALE1" "es-ES" AddVoice "fr" "MALE1" "fr-FR" AddVoice "it" "MALE1" "it-IT" # Debug turns debugging on or off # See speechd.conf for information where debugging information is stored Debug 0