# /etc/eixrc # # In this file system-wide defaults for variables related to eix binaries # are stored, i.e. the variables set in this file override the built-in # defaults. Both can be overridden by ~/.eixrc and by environment variables. # # It is strongly recommended to set here only those variables which you # want to *differ* from the built-in defaults (or for which you have a # particular reason why the default should never change with an eix update). # # *Otherwise you might miss changes in the defaults in newer eix versions* # which may result in confusing behavior of the eix binaries. # # ebuilds of <=eix-0.10.3 (and >=eix-0.7.4) used to set *all* variables in # /etc/eixrc which is not recommended anymore. If you want to get such a file # (i.e. a file where all variables are described and set to the current # values resp. to the built-in default values) you can redirect the output # of the options --dump or --dump-defaults, respectively. # # However once more: To avoid unexpected problems # # *IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO SET _ALL_ VARIABLES* in /etc/eixrc # # Only set those for which you have a reason to do so! # # For the available variables and their defaults, see the output of the # options --dump or --dump-defaults. # For more detailed explanations see the manpage of eix. #OVERLAY_CACHE_METHOD="assign"