# /etc/csh.cshrc # # This file is sourced by all shells, login and non-login shells. # Some shells such as scp and rcp don't like any output, so make sure # this file doesn't display anything, or bad things will happen! # # Note that this is the first file the shell reads, hence for login # shells, the PATH is not yet set! # Set some variables for interactive shells if ( $?prompt ) then # Find out if we should do colours if ( -r "/etc/DIR_COLORS" ) then if ( $?TERM ) then set colour = `"/bin/egrep" "^TERM ${TERM}"'$' "/etc/DIR_COLORS"` endif endif # Set a Gentoo-ish prompt and setup colourful stuff if we have colour set promptchars = "%#" if ( $?colour ) then if ( "$uid" == "0" ) then set prompt = "%{\033[0;1;34m%}(%{\033[0;1;31m%}%m%{\033[0m%}:%{\033[0;1;34m%}%c3%{\033[0;1;34m%}) %{\033[0;1;31m%}%#%{\033[0m%} " else set prompt = "%{\033[0;1;34m%}(%{\033[0;1;32m%}%m%{\033[0m%}:%{\033[0;1;34m%}%c3%{\033[0;1;34m%}) %{\033[0;1;32m%}%n%{\033[0;1;32m%}%#%{\033[0m%} " endif # Enable colours for ls, etc. Prefer ~/.dir_colors if ( -f "${HOME}"/.dir_colors ) then eval `"/usr/bin/dircolors" -c "${HOME}"/.dir_colors` else if ( -f "/etc/DIR_COLORS" ) then eval `"/usr/bin/dircolors" -c "/etc/DIR_COLORS"` endif alias ls 'ls --color=auto' alias grep 'grep --color=auto' else if ( "$uid" == "0" ) then set prompt = "(%m:%c3) %# " else set prompt = "(%m:%c3) %n%# " endif endif unset colour # Change the window title if appropriate if ( $?TERM ) then switch ( $TERM ) case xterm*: case rxvt: case eterm: case Eterm: case screen: case vt100: if ( "$uid" == "0" ) then set prompt = "%{\033]2;# %m:%~\007%}$prompt" else set prompt = "%{\033]2;%m:%~\007%}$prompt" endif breaksw endsw endif # Handle history set history = 200 set histdup = erase # Enable editing in EUC encoding for the languages where this make sense if ( $?LANG ) then switch ( ${LANG:r} ) case ja*: set dspmbyte=euc breaksw case ko*: set dspmbyte=euc breaksw case zh_TW*: set dspmbyte=big5 breaksw default: breaksw endsw endif # One can use the "bindkey" facility to redefine the meaning of keys # on the keyboard. While you should set these preferences in your # ~/.tcshrc, we include these bindings because many people expect # them to be this way. # INSERT : toggles overwrite or insert mode. bindkey ^[[2~ overwrite-mode # DELETE : delete char at cursor position. bindkey ^[[3~ delete-char # HOME : go to the beginning of the line. bindkey ^[[1~ beginning-of-line # END : go to the end of the line. bindkey ^[[4~ end-of-line # PAGE UP : search in history backwards for line beginning as current. bindkey ^[[5~ history-search-backward # PAGE DOWN : search in history forwards for line beginning as current. bindkey ^[[6~ history-search-forward endif # Setup a default MAIL variable. Note: on Interix, $USER can contain spaces if ( -f /var/mail/"$USER" ) then setenv MAIL /var/mail/"$USER" set mail = "$MAIL" endif