saving uncommitted changes in /etc prior to emerge run
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# use.conf
# use.conf
*/* cups qt3support -libav -qt5 qt4 -gnutls a52 aac acpi alsa apng bash-completion cairo cdr consolekit cscope css dbus dri dv dvd dvdr exif fat ffmpeg flac fontconfig gif gpm gstreamer hddtemp icq icu ipv6 jabber jpeg jpeg2k lame libressl libnotify lm_sensors matroska mmx mp3 mp4 mpeg musepack nsplugin ntfs ogg opengl oscar pdf png profile policykit python raw sdl sound sse sse2 ssse3 svg tcpd tiff timidity truetype threads udev unicode usb v4l vcd vdpau vim-syntax vnc vorbis wavpack wayland win32codecs wmf x264 xv xvmc xvid X
*/* cups qt3support -libav -qt5 qt4 -gnutls a52 aac acpi alsa apng bash-completion cairo cdr consolekit cscope css dbus dri dv dvd dvdr exif fat ffmpeg flac fontconfig gif gpm gstreamer hddtemp icq icu ipv6 jabber jpeg jpeg2k lame libressl libnotify lm_sensors matroska mmx mp3 mp4 mpeg musepack nsplugin ntfs ogg opengl oscar pdf png profile policykit python raw sdl sound sse sse2 ssse3 svg tcpd tiff timidity truetype threads udev unicode usb v4l vcd vdpau vim-syntax vnc vorbis wavpack wayland win32codecs wmf x264 xv xvmc xvid X
*/* ABI_X86: -* 64
*/* ABI_X86: 32 64
*/* CURL_SSL: -* -polarssl openssl
*/* CURL_SSL: -* -polarssl openssl
*/* INPUT_DEVICES: -* evdev keyboard mouse joystick
*/* INPUT_DEVICES: -* evdev keyboard mouse joystick
*/* LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS: -* pdfimport presenter-console presenter-minimizer
*/* LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS: -* pdfimport presenter-console presenter-minimizer
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
gnome-extra/zenity -webkit
# required by sys-devel/prelink-20110511
# required by app-emulation/wine-1.7.0[prelink]
# required by @games
# required by @selected
# required by @world (argument)
>=dev-libs/elfutils-0.156 static-libs
net-misc/spice-gtk gtk3
app-emulation/winetricks gtk
dev-java/icedtea -webstart -nsplugin
dev-db/firebird doc
net-fs/cifs-utils ads
net-fs/samba winbind
www-client/netsurf gtk
# required by media-libs/libsvgtiny-0.1.0
# required by www-client/netsurf-3.0-r1[svg,svgtiny]
# required by netsurf (argument)
net-libs/libdom xml
dev-util/codeblocks contrib
# required by net-p2p/retroshare-0.5.4e::hasufell-overlay[cli]
net-libs/libssh server
# required by virtual/python-imaging-2
# required by games-board/pysolfc-2.0-r2
dev-python/pillow tk
net-voip/linphone gtk
media-libs/mediastreamer video
dev-libs/openssl vanilla
dev-vcs/git-annex feed
net-p2p/retroshare qt4 feedreader links-cloud voip
dev-qt/qt-mobility multimedia
sci-libs/hdf5 -threads -mpi
# move kde-base/marble kde-apps/marble
kde-apps/marble -kde -python -handbook
sys-boot/grub:2 -libzfs device-mapper
dev-games/openscenegraph qt4 curl
sci-geosciences/osgearth qt4
media-gfx/pngcrush -system-libs
games-strategy/wesnoth server
games-misc/fortune-mod offensive
games-strategy/openra tools
virtual/python-imaging tk
sys-apps/portage python3
dev-python/pypy sqlite
mail-client/mutt gpg imap mbox pop smime smtp
mail-filter/procmail mbox
net-mail/fetchmail tk
games-emulation/higan profile_accuracy -profile_balanced
mail-client/claws-mail pdf perl pgp smime spamassassin spell webkit
# required by mail-client/claws-mail-3.9.1-r1[notification,libindicate]
# required by claws-mail (argument)
>=dev-libs/libindicate-12.10.1 gtk
sys-process/lsof rpc
# required by media-sound/teamspeak-client-bin-3.0.10
# required by media-sound/teamspeak-client-bin (argument)
dev-qt/qtgui xinerama
games-util/desurium-meta -games-deps
# threads? ( !adns )
net-misc/curl adns -threads
games-emulation/gambatte qt4 sdl
dev-cpp/glog gflags
games-action/trine2 system-libs bundled-libs
#required by games-action/d2x-rebirth-0.57.3, required by d2x-rebirth (argument)
dev-games/physfs hog
games-fps/eduke32 cdinstall gtk offensive textures sc55-musicpack
games-fps/duke3d-data gog
media-libs/alsa-lib alisp
# fixme
games-emulation/vbam -ffmpeg
games-engines/stratagus doc
games-strategy/ja2-stracciatella linguas_de -linguas_en cdinstall
dev-python/imaging tk
dev-util/eclipse-sdk doc gnome
dev-games/gigi ogre ois sdl
net-im/pidgin -dbus spell -sasl -gstreamer # leak
x11-libs/cairo xcb ## for awesomewm
sys-block/gparted jfs
#x11-misc/spacefm gtk3
app-admin/conky nvidia audacious curl rss
app-arch/p7zip wxwidgets rar -pch
app-crypt/pinentry gtk ## thunderbird/enigmail
app-editors/editra spell
app-editors/gvim cscope gtk ruby perl
app-editors/vim cscope ruby perl
app-emulation/qemu gtk
app-emulation/virtualbox python qt4 vnc
app-misc/bashstyle-ng -acpi ## installs sys-power/acpi otherwise
app-office/abiword plugins
app-office/libreoffice gtk mysql -nsplugin cups
app-office/libreoffice-bin cups java
app-office/openoffice-bin java
app-office/writerscafe gtk2
app-text/evince djvu dvi
app-text/texlive dvi2tty dvipdfm extra graphics png pstricks science truetype xml X
app-text/poppler qt4
#dev-db/mysql embedded ## für amarok
dev-games/cegui ogre devil tinyxml irrlicht lua zip ## for games-arcade/smc
dev-games/guichan sdl ## for mana world
dev-games/ode double-precision
dev-games/ogre cg ois -boost freeimage opengl zip -threads tools doc -gles2
dev-lang/python sqlite tk ## sqlite for firefox7
dev-lang/fpc source ## for lazarus
dev-libs/beecrypt threads ## required_use of cxx
dev-libs/libdbusmenu gtk
dev-libs/libgcrypt static-libs ## for suspend/hibernate-script
dev-libs/libgpg-error static-libs ## for suspend/hibernate-script
dev-libs/lzo static-libs ## for suspend/hibernate-script
dev-python/numpy lapack
dev-python/PyQt4 declarative webkit
dev-util/anjuta devhelp doc
dev-util/geany-plugins debugger enchant gpg gtkspell lua nls soup webkit scope
dev-util/netbeans debug doc
dev-vcs/git gtk tk
dev-vcs/mercurial tk gpg
games-board/awale tk
games-board/cockatrice server
games-board/pysolfc extra-cardsets
app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs development
app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-gtklibs development
app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-opengl development
app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-sdl development
app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-soundlibs development -pulseaudio
app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-xlibs development
games-emulation/vbam gtk link
games-emulation/visualboyadvance gtk
games-emulation/zsnes -opengl ## crash with opengl
games-engines/openmw ffmpeg devtools
games-engines/stratagus theora
games-fps/urbanterror server
games-fps/warsow openal irc server
games-roguelike/stone-soup tiles
games-rpg/arx-libertatis c++0x tools
games-rpg/arx-fatalis-data cdinstall
games-strategy/0ad editor
games-strategy/freeorion cg
games-strategy/s25rttr debug glfw
games-strategy/uqm remix music voice
gnome-base/gvfs cdda fuse http udisks ## for thunarr
mail-client/thunderbird -custom-cflags -custom-optimization -crypt system-icu system-cairo system-jpeg
media-gfx/blender game-engine bullet player openal python_single_target_python3_3
media-gfx/gthumb -cdr slideshow
media-gfx/imagemagick corefonts truetype
media-gfx/nvidia-texture-tools cg glew glut openexr
media-libs/devil nvtt mng glut
media-libs/mesa gles1 gles2 -llvm gbm
media-libs/sdl-mixer mikmod mod timidity midi mp3 smpeg ## for frozenbubble
media-libs/sdl2-mixer mikmod mod timidity midi mp3 smpeg
media-sound/audacity id3tag -ffmpeg
media-sound/gmusicbrowser doc
media-sound/mumble speech
## ffmpeg and mplayer shit
media-video/ffmpeg avx theora vaapi mmxext -bindist
virtual/ffmpeg theora vaapi
media-video/mplayer mmxext
media-video/mplayer2 mmxext
media-video/gnome-mplayer libnotify
media-video/mediainfo wxwidgets
media-video/vlc X a52 alsa dts dvd flac fbcon ffmpeg lua matroska mp3 mpeg musepack ncurses ogg opengl png sdl skins speex sse svg theora truetype vorbis win32codecs wxwindows xinerama xv x264
net-analyzer/nmap gtk
net-im/skype qt-static
net-irc/hexchat libcanberra libnotify perl plugins plugin-checksum plugin-doat plugin-fishlim plugin-sysinfo theme-manager spell -python_single_target_python2_7 python_single_target_python3_3
net-irc/xchat libnotify otr osd perl
net-irc/xchat-xsys audacious
net-misc/dropbox librsync-bundled
net-misc/rsync xattr
net-misc/youtube-viewer gtk
net-irc/irssi perl ssl
net-p2p/transmission gtk
sci-astronomy/celestia gtk
sci-geosciences/googleearth qt-bundled -mdns-bundled
sci-misc/boinc cuda
sci-visualization/gnuplot wxwidgets ## for wxmaxima
sys-apps/man-pages -linguas_de
sys-apps/pkgcore doc
sys-apps/smartmontools minimal
sys-devel/distcc gtk
sys-devel/gcc:4.5 gcj
sys-devel/llvm gold clang multitarget
sys-fs/ntfs3g ntfsprogs
sys-fs/eudev gudev hwdb kmod keymap
virtual/udev gudev
sys-libs/zlib minizip -abi_x86_32
www-client/midori -unique
www-client/opera gtk
www-client/firefox libnotify -custom-cflags -custom-optimization system-icu system-cairo system-jpeg
www-client/w3m gtk imlib fbcon nntp
www-plugins/adobe-flash 32bit
xfce-base/xfdesktop thunar
x11-base/xorg-server xvfb ## for FF
x11-misc/redshift gtk
x11-misc/wbar gtk
x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers acpi
x11-wm/openbox imlib xdg ##icon support
#### for splashutils
#media-libs/lcms static-libs
#media-libs/freetype static-libs
#app-arch/bzip2 static-libs
#media-libs/libpng static-libs
#media-libs/jpeg static-libs
#virtual/jpeg static-libs
#media-libs/libmng static-libs
#sys-apps/fbset static
sys-apps/busybox static -pam
# netbeans
dev-java/swing-layout source
#required by dev-java/commons-beanutils-1.8.0[test], required by dev-java/commons-digester-1.8.1-r1, required by dev-java/netbeans-enterprise-7.1.2, required by dev-java/netbeans-mobility-7.1.2, required by dev-java/netbeans-javadoc-7.1.2, required by dev-util/netbeans-7.1.2[doc], required by dev-util/netbeans (argument)
>=dev-java/commons-collections-3.2.1 test-framework
#media-libs/libsdl custom-cflags
media-libs/libsdl2 xscreensaver xinerama gles
media-gfx/nvidia-cg-toolkit -multilib
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