saving uncommitted changes in /etc prior to emerge run

This commit is contained in:
hasufell 2015-09-24 00:11:29 +02:00 committed by Hans Wurst
parent c02c212c44
commit 2304bed71c
10 changed files with 292 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# tor/torbrowser
net-misc/tor tor-hardening
www-client/torbrowser system-icu system-cairo system-jpeg

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
xfce-base/* ~amd64
xfce-extra/* ~amd64

paludis/sets/desktop.conf Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
* app-admin/cpu-g
* app-admin/hardinfo
* app-arch/file-roller
* app-cdr/cdemu
* app-editors/focuswriter
* app-office/abiword
* kde-apps/gwenview
* kde-apps/marble
* kde-apps/oxygen-icons
* lxde-base/lxde-icon-theme
* mail-client/thunderbird
* media-gfx/blender
* media-gfx/gimp
* media-gfx/inkscape
* media-gfx/pinta
* media-sound/audacious
* media-sound/audacity
* media-sound/gmusicbrowser
* media-sound/mumble
* media-sound/pnmixer
* media-video/guvcview
* media-video/mediainfo
* media-video/mpv
* net-ftp/filezilla
* net-im/pidgin
* net-misc/tightvnc
* net-p2p/pybitmessage
* net-p2p/transmission
* sci-calculators/galculator
* sci-mathematics/wxmaxima
* www-client/firefox
* x11-misc/dmenu
* x11-misc/i3status
* x11-misc/idesk
* x11-misc/idesk-extras
* x11-misc/redshift
* x11-misc/spacefm
* x11-misc/unclutter
* x11-misc/x11vnc
* x11-misc/xbindkeys
* x11-plugins/pidgin-birthday-reminder
* x11-plugins/pidgin-extprefs
* x11-plugins/pidgin-latex
* x11-plugins/pidgin-otr
* x11-terms/terminator
* x11-terms/xterm
* x11-wm/i3
* www-client/inox
* x11-misc/gpaste
* net-voip/blink
* net-misc/teamviewer
* app-misc/workrave
* net-misc/youtube-dl
* sys-apps/udevil
* app-text/evince
* app-text/keepnote
* app-text/wgetpaste
* www-client/links
* www-client/pybugz
# themes
* x11-themes/fluxbox-styles-fluxmod
* x11-themes/gnome-icon-theme-extras
* x11-themes/gnome-themes
* x11-themes/gnome-themes-standard
* x11-themes/human-icon-theme
* x11-themes/pidgin-smileys
* x11-themes/tango-icon-theme
* x11-themes/vanilla-dmz-xcursors
* x11-themes/xcursor-neutral
* x11-themes/xcursor-themes
* x11-themes/xfce-gant-icon-theme
* x11-themes/yasis-icon-theme
* x11-themes/clearlooks-phenix
# printing
* net-print/cups
* net-print/samsungs-unified-linux-driver
* net-misc/livestreamer

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@ -111,4 +111,26 @@
* dev-util/valgrind
* dev-util/strace
* dev-util/checkbashisms
* dev-util/meld
# languages
* dev-lang/go
* dev-lang/ghc
* dev-lang/gprolog
# liquidhaskell
* sci-mathematics/z3
* app-i18n/poedit
# vcs
* dev-vcs/tig
* dev-vcs/bzr
* dev-vcs/git-cola
* dev-vcs/hg-git
* dev-vcs/mercurial
* dev-vcs/tortoisehg
* dev-vcs/git

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* app-emulation/docker
* app-emulation/docker-compose
* app-emulation/aqemu
* app-emulation/qemu
* app-emulation/virtualbox
* app-emulation/virtualbox-additions
* app-emulation/virtualbox-extpack-oracle
* games-emulation/dosbox
* app-emulation/wine
* app-emulation/winetricks

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
* app-emulation/wine
* app-emulation/winetricks
@ -38,7 +36,6 @@
* games-board/pychess
* games-board/pysolfc
* games-board/xmahjongg
* games-emulation/dosbox
#* games-emulation/epsxe
* games-emulation/gambatte

paludis/sets/mysystem.conf Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
# PM stuff
* sys-apps/pkgcore
* dev-util/pkgcheck
* app-portage/eix
* app-portage/esearch
* app-portage/euscan
* app-portage/genlop
* app-portage/gentoolkit
* app-portage/gentoolkit-dev
* app-portage/layman
* app-portage/mirrorselect
* app-portage/overlint
* app-portage/pfl
* app-portage/smart-live-rebuild
* media-video/nvidia-settings
* app-admin/sudo
* sys-fs/eudev
* sys-apps/usbutils
* sys-block/gparted
* sys-boot/grub:2
* sys-boot/os-prober
* sys-devel/bmake
* sys-devel/clang
* sys-devel/crossdev
* sys-devel/distcc
* sys-devel/gcc:4.7
* sys-devel/gcc:4.8
* sys-devel/gdb
* sys-devel/llvm
* sys-devel/pmake
* sys-fs/hfsutils
* sys-fs/jfsutils
* sys-fs/lvm2
* sys-fs/multipath-tools
* sys-fs/ntfs3g
* sys-fs/quota
* sys-fs/squashfs-tools
* sys-fs/sshfs-fuse
* sys-power/cpupower
* sys-power/hibernate-script
* sys-power/suspend
* sys-process/htop
* sys-process/lsof
* sys-apps/dmidecode
* sys-apps/etckeeper
* sys-apps/ethtool
* sys-apps/hdparm
* sys-apps/hprofile
* sys-apps/hwinfo
* sys-apps/lm_sensors
* sys-apps/lshw
* sys-apps/memtest86+
* sys-apps/mlocate
* sys-apps/most
* sys-apps/paludis
* sys-apps/portage
* sys-apps/smartmontools
* virtual/cron
* virtual/editor
* virtual/logger
* app-misc/pax-utils
* app-misc/tmux
* app-shells/bash-completion
* app-shells/dash
* app-shells/ksh
* app-shells/mksh
* app-shells/rssh
* app-shells/sash
* app-shells/tcsh
* app-shells/zsh
* app-text/dos2unix
* app-text/aspell
* app-admin/logrotate
* app-admin/pwgen
* app-admin/syslog-ng
* app-admin/verynice
* app-admin/xtail
* app-arch/lrzip
* app-arch/lz4
* app-arch/p7zip
* app-arch/rpm
* app-arch/unrar
* app-benchmarks/bonnie++
* app-crypt/gnupg
* app-crypt/signify
* app-editors/nano
* app-eselect/eselect-sh
* app-forensics/chkrootkit
* app-forensics/rkhunter
* dev-lang/python:2.7
* dev-lang/python:3.4
* dev-util/debugedit
* dev-util/regexxer
# mesa/X11/graphics-driver
* x11-apps/mesa-progs
* x11-apps/setxkbmap
* x11-apps/xdpyinfo
* x11-apps/xev
* x11-apps/xhost
* x11-apps/xkill
* x11-apps/xmodmap
* x11-apps/xrandr
* x11-apps/xsetroot
* x11-base/xorg-server
* x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers
* x11-misc/wmctrl
* x11-misc/xclip
* x11-misc/xdotool
* x11-misc/xvkbd
* net-analyzer/wireshark
* net-analyzer/netcat
* net-analyzer/nmap
* net-analyzer/tcpdump
* net-analyzer/traceroute
* net-dns/bind-tools
* net-firewall/iptables
* net-fs/nfs-utils
* net-fs/samba
* net-misc/htpdate
* net-misc/netkit-telnetd
* net-misc/openconnect
* net-misc/putty
* net-misc/whois
* media-fonts/font-bitstream-100dpi
* media-fonts/font-bitstream-75dpi
* media-gfx/pngcrush
* media-plugins/gst-plugins-meta

paludis/sets/tor.conf Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
* net-misc/tor
* net-proxy/torsocks
* www-client/torbrowser
* net-proxy/privoxy

View File

@ -71,8 +71,6 @@ media-video/mplayer2 mmxext
x11-misc/redshift gtk
x11-misc/wbar gtk
xfce-base/xfdesktop thunar
www-client/midori -unique
www-client/opera gtk
www-client/firefox libnotify -custom-cflags -custom-optimization system-icu system-cairo system-jpeg
@ -88,10 +86,6 @@ net-misc/youtube-viewer gtk
net-p2p/transmission gtk
# tor/torbrowser
net-misc/tor tor-hardening
www-client/torbrowser system-icu system-cairo system-jpeg
x11-wm/i3 icons

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
xfce-base/xfdesktop thunar