hasufell f8fb61e80a
DIAG: consistently use [[PT]] for all Diags
Also simplify a few things like needless strokeTrail usage.
2014-12-07 18:55:49 +01:00

75 lines
2.2 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
module Graphics.Diagram.Gtk where
import Algebra.Vector(PT)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.List(find)
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Graphics.Diagram.AlgoDiags
import Graphics.Diagram.Core
import Graphics.Diagram.Plotter
import Parser.Meshparser
-- |Data structure that holds an algorithm identifier and it's
-- corresponding list of diagrams.
data DiagAlgo = DiagAlgo {
algoNum :: Int, -- the identifier for the algorithm
getDiags :: [Diag] -- the diagrams making up this algorithm
-- |Introspective data structure holding all algorithms for the
-- coordinate system.
diagAlgos :: [DiagAlgo]
diagAlgos =
[DiagAlgo 0 [coordPointsText, coordPoints, plotterBG]
,DiagAlgo 1 [convexHPText, convexHP, convexHLs, coordPoints, plotterBG]
,DiagAlgo 2 [polyLines, coordPointsText, coordPoints, plotterBG]
,DiagAlgo 3 [polyIntersectionText, polyIntersection,
coordPoints, polyLines, plotterBG]
,DiagAlgo 4 [quadPathSquare, squares, coordPointsText,
coordPoints, polyLines, plotterBG]
,DiagAlgo 5 [kdRange, kdSquares, coordPointsText, coordPoints, plotterBG]]
-- |Introspective data structure holding all algorithms for the
-- tree view.
diagTreAlgos :: [DiagAlgo]
diagTreAlgos =
[DiagAlgo 4 [treePretty]
,DiagAlgo 5 [kdTreeDiag]]
-- |Create the Diagram from the points.
diag :: DiagProp -> [DiagAlgo] -> [[PT]] -> Diagram Cairo R2
diag p das vts = maybe mempty (\x -> mkDiag x p vts)
$ mconcat
<$> getDiags
<$> find (\(DiagAlgo x _) -> x == algo p) das
-- |Create the Diagram from a String which is supposed to be the contents
-- of an obj file.
diagS :: DiagProp -> B.ByteString -> Diagram Cairo R2
diagS p mesh =
diag p diagAlgos
. fmap (filterValidPT p)
. (\x -> if null x then [meshToArr mesh] else x)
. facesToArr
$ mesh
-- |Create the tree diagram from a String which is supposed to be the contents
-- of an obj file.
diagTreeS :: DiagProp -> B.ByteString -> Diagram Cairo R2
diagTreeS p mesh =
diag p diagTreAlgos
. fmap (filterValidPT p)
. (\x -> if null x then [meshToArr mesh] else x)
. facesToArr
$ mesh