
251 lines
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{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
module Diagram (t,
whiteRect) where
import Algorithms.ConvexHull
import Codec.Picture.Gif
import Class.Defaults
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo
import Diagrams.Prelude
import LinearAlgebra.Vector
import Parser.Meshparser
-- |Represents a Cairo Diagram. This allows us to create multiple
-- diagrams with different algorithms but based on the same
-- coordinates and common properties.
data Diag = Diag {
mkDiag :: DiagProp
-> [PT]
-> Diagram Cairo R2
-- |Holds the properties for a Diagram, like thickness of 2d points etc.
data DiagProp = MkProp {
-- |The thickness of the dots.
t :: Double,
-- |The dimensions of the x-axis.
dX :: Coord,
-- |The dimensions of the y-axis.
dY :: Coord,
-- |Algorithm to use.
alg :: Int,
-- |If we want to show the grid.
gd :: Bool
instance Def DiagProp where
def = defaultProp
instance Monoid Diag where
mempty = Diag (\_ _ -> mempty)
mappend d1 d2 = Diag g
g p vt = mkDiag d1 p vt <> mkDiag d2 p vt
mconcat = foldr mappend mempty
-- |The default properties of the Diagram.
defaultProp :: DiagProp
defaultProp = MkProp 2 (0,500) (0,500) 0 False
-- |Extract the lower bound of the x-axis dimension.
xlD :: DiagProp -> Double
xlD = fst . dX
-- |Extract the upper bound of the x-axis dimension.
xuD :: DiagProp -> Double
xuD = snd . dX
-- |Extract the lower bound of the y-axis dimension.
ylD :: DiagProp -> Double
ylD = fst . dY
-- |Extract the upper bound of the y-axis dimension.
yuD :: DiagProp -> Double
yuD = snd . dY
-- |Creates a Diagram that shows the coordinates from the points
-- as dots. The points and thickness of the dots can be controlled
-- via DiagProp.
coordPoints :: Diag
coordPoints = Diag f
f p vt
= position (zip (filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) $ vt)
(repeat dot))
-- a dot itself is a diagram
dot = (circle $ t p :: Diagram Cairo R2) # fc black
-- |Create a diagram which shows the points of the convex hull.
convexHullPoints :: Diag
convexHullPoints = Diag f
f p vt
= position (zip (filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) $ vtch)
(repeat dot))
-- a dot itself is a diagram
dot = (circle $ t p :: Diagram Cairo R2) # fc red # lc red
vtch = grahamGetCH vt
-- |Create a diagram which shows the lines along the convex hull
-- points.
convexHullLines :: Diag
convexHullLines = Diag f
f _ [] = mempty
f p vt
= (strokeTrail .
fromVertices .
flip (++) [head $ grahamGetCH vtf] .
grahamGetCH $
) # moveTo (head $ grahamGetCH vtf) # lc red
vtf = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) vt
-- |Same as showConvexHullLines, except that it returns an array
-- of diagrams with each step of the algorithm.
-- Unfortunately this is very difficult to implement as a Diag (TODO).
convexHullLinesInterval :: DiagProp -> [PT] -> [Diagram Cairo R2]
convexHullLinesInterval p xs =
fmap g (grahamGetCHSteps xs)
g vt
= (strokeTrail .
fromVertices $
) # moveTo (head vtf) # lc red
vtf = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) vt
-- |Creates a Diagram that shows an XAxis which is bound
-- by the dimensions given in xD from DiagProp.
xAxis :: Diag
xAxis = (Diag f) `mappend` (Diag g)
f p _ = (strokeTrail .
fromVertices $
[p2 (xlD p,0), p2 (xuD p, 0)]) # moveTo (p2 (xlD p,0))
g p _ = hcat' (with & sep .~ 50)
(take (floor . (/) (xuD p - xlD p) $ 50) .
repeat $ (vrule 10)) # moveTo (p2 (xlD p,0))
-- |Creates a Diagram that shows an YAxis which is bound
-- by the dimensions given in yD from DiagProp.
yAxis :: Diag
yAxis = (Diag f) `mappend` (Diag g)
f p _ = (strokeTrail .
fromVertices $
[p2 (0, ylD p), p2 (0, yuD p)]) # moveTo (p2 (0, ylD p))
g p _ = vcat' (with & sep .~ 50)
(take (floor . (/) (yuD p - ylD p) $ 50) .
repeat $ (hrule 10)) # alignB # moveTo (p2 (0, (ylD p)))
-- |Creates a Diagram that shows a white rectangle which is a little
-- bit bigger as both X and Y axis dimensions from DiagProp.
whiteRectB :: Diag
whiteRectB = Diag f
f p _ = whiteRect (w' + 50) (h' + 50) # moveTo (p2 (w' / 2, h' / 2))
w' = xuD p - xlD p
h' = yuD p - ylD p
-- |Create the Diagram from the points.
diag :: DiagProp -> [PT] -> Diagram Cairo R2
diag p = case alg p of
0 -> mkDiag
(mconcat [coordPoints, xAxis, yAxis,
(if gd p then grid else mempty), whiteRectB])
1 -> mkDiag
(mconcat $
[convexHullPoints, convexHullLines, coordPoints,
xAxis, yAxis, (if gd p then grid else mempty), whiteRectB])
_ -> mempty
-- |Create the Diagram from a String which is supposed to be the contents
-- of an obj file.
diagS :: DiagProp -> String -> Diagram Cairo R2
diagS p mesh
= (diag p .
meshToArr $
mesh) # bg white
-- |Return a list of tuples used by 'gifMain' to generate an animated gif.
gifDiag :: DiagProp -> [PT] -> [(Diagram Cairo R2, GifDelay)]
gifDiag p xs = fmap (\x -> (x, 100)) .
fmap (\x -> x <> g) .
flip (++)
[mkDiag (convexHullLines `mappend`
convexHullPoints) p xs] $
(convexHullLinesInterval p xs)
g = mconcat .
fmap (\x -> mkDiag x p xs) $
-- |Same as gifDiag, except that it takes a string containing the
-- mesh file content instead of the the points.
gifDiagS :: DiagProp -> String -> [(Diagram Cairo R2, GifDelay)]
gifDiagS p = gifDiag p .
-- |Create a white rectangle with the given width and height.
whiteRect :: Double -> Double -> Diagram Cairo R2
whiteRect x y = rect x y # lwG 0.00 # bg white
-- |Create a grid across the whole diagram with 50*50 squares.
grid :: Diag
grid = Diag f `mappend` Diag g
f p _ = hcat' (with & sep .~ 50)
(take (floor . (/) (xuD p - xlD p) $ 50) .
repeat $ (vrule $ xuD p - xlD p)) #
moveTo (p2 (xlD p, (yuD p - ylD p) / 2)) #
lw ultraThin
g p _ = vcat' (with & sep .~ 50)
(take (floor . (/) (yuD p - ylD p) $ 50) .
repeat $ (hrule $ yuD p - ylD p)) #
alignB #
moveTo (p2 ((xuD p - xlD p) / 2, ylD p)) #
lw ultraThin