190 lines
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190 lines
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{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Algebra.Vector where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Diagrams.Coordinates
import Diagrams.TwoD.Types
import Graphics.Gloss.Geometry.Line
import GHC.Float
import MyPrelude
data Alignment = CW
| CL
deriving (Eq)
-- |Convert two dimensions such as (xmin, xmax) and (ymin, ymax)
-- to proper square coordinates, as in:
-- ((xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax))
dimToSquare :: (Double, Double) -- ^ x dimension
-> (Double, Double) -- ^ y dimension
-> ((Double, Double), (Double, Double)) -- ^ square describing those dimensions
dimToSquare (x1, x2) (y1, y2) = ((x1, y1), (x2, y2))
-- |Checks whether the Point is in a given Square.
inRange :: ((Double, Double), (Double, Double)) -- ^ the square: ((xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax))
-> P2 -- ^ Coordinate
-> Bool -- ^ result
inRange ((xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax)) (coords -> x :& y)
= x >= min xmin xmax
&& x <= max xmin xmax
&& y >= min ymin ymax
&& y <= max ymin ymax
-- |Get the angle between two vectors.
getAngle :: R2 -> R2 -> Double
getAngle a b =
. flip (/) (vecLength a * vecLength b)
. scalarProd a
$ b
-- |Get the length of a vector.
vecLength :: R2 -> Double
vecLength v = sqrt (x^(2 :: Int) + y^(2 :: Int))
(x, y) = unr2 v
-- |Compute the scalar product of two vectors.
scalarProd :: R2 -> R2 -> Double
scalarProd (R2 a1 a2) (R2 b1 b2) = a1 * b1 + a2 * b2
-- |Multiply a scalar with a vector.
scalarMul :: Double -> R2 -> R2
scalarMul d (R2 a b) = R2 (a * d) (b * d)
-- |Construct a vector that points to a point from the origin.
pt2Vec :: P2 -> R2
pt2Vec = r2 . unp2
-- |Give the point which is at the coordinates the vector
-- points to from the origin.
vec2Pt :: R2 -> P2
vec2Pt = p2 . unr2
-- |Construct a vector between two points.
vp2 :: P2 -- ^ vector origin
-> P2 -- ^ vector points here
-> R2
vp2 a b = pt2Vec b - pt2Vec a
-- |Computes the determinant of 3 points.
det :: P2 -> P2 -> P2 -> Double
det (coords -> ax :& ay) (coords -> bx :& by) (coords -> cx :& cy) =
(bx - ax) * (cy - ay) - (by - ay) * (cx - ax)
-- |Get the point where two lines intesect, if any.
intersectSeg' :: (P2, P2) -- ^ first segment
-> (P2, P2) -- ^ second segment
-> Maybe P2
intersectSeg' (a, b) (c, d) =
glossToPt <$> intersectSegSeg (ptToGloss a)
(ptToGloss b)
(ptToGloss c)
(ptToGloss d)
ptToGloss = (double2Float *** double2Float) <$> unp2
glossToPt = p2 . (float2Double *** float2Double)
-- |Get the point where two lines intesect, if any. Excludes the
-- case of end-points intersecting.
intersectSeg'' :: (P2, P2) -> (P2, P2) -> Maybe P2
intersectSeg'' (a, b) (c, d) = case intersectSeg' (a, b) (c, d) of
Just x -> if x `notElem` [a,b,c,d] then Just a else Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
-- |Get the orientation of 3 points which can either be
-- * clock-wise
-- * counter-clock-wise
-- * collinear
getOrient :: P2 -> P2 -> P2 -> Alignment
getOrient a b c = case compare (det a b c) 0 of
LT -> CW
EQ -> CL
--- |Checks if 3 points a,b,c do not build a clockwise triangle by
--- connecting a-b-c. This is done by computing the determinant and
--- checking the algebraic sign.
notcw :: P2 -> P2 -> P2 -> Bool
notcw a b c = case getOrient a b c of
CW -> False
_ -> True
--- |Checks if 3 points a,b,c do build a clockwise triangle by
--- connecting a-b-c. This is done by computing the determinant and
--- checking the algebraic sign.
cw :: P2 -> P2 -> P2 -> Bool
cw a b c = not . notcw a b $ c
-- |Sort X and Y coordinates lexicographically.
sortedXY :: [P2] -> [P2]
sortedXY = fmap p2 . sortLex . fmap unp2
-- |Sort Y and X coordinates lexicographically.
sortedYX :: [P2] -> [P2]
sortedYX = fmap p2 . sortLexSwapped . fmap unp2
-- |Sort all points according to their X-coordinates only.
sortedX :: [P2] -> [P2]
sortedX xs =
fmap p2
. sortBy (\(a1, _) (a2, _) -> compare a1 a2)
$ fmap unp2 xs
-- |Sort all points according to their Y-coordinates only.
sortedY :: [P2] -> [P2]
sortedY xs =
fmap p2
. sortBy (\(_, b1) (_, b2) -> compare b1 b2)
$ fmap unp2 xs
-- |Apply a function on the coordinates of a point.
onPT :: ((Double, Double) -> (Double, Double)) -> P2 -> P2
onPT f = p2 . f . unp2
-- |Compare the y-coordinate of two points.
ptCmpY :: P2 -> P2 -> Ordering
ptCmpY (coords -> _ :& y1) (coords -> _ :& y2) =
compare y1 y2
-- |Compare the x-coordinate of two points.
ptCmpX :: P2 -> P2 -> Ordering
ptCmpX (coords -> x1 :& _) (coords -> x2 :& _) =
compare x1 x2
posInfPT :: P2
posInfPT = p2 (read "Infinity", read "Infinity")
negInfPT :: P2
negInfPT = p2 (negate . read $ "Infinity", negate . read $ "Infinity")