2014-10-12 03:00:25 +02:00

74 lines
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{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
module Algorithms.ConvexHull.GrahamScan where
import Algebra.Vector
import Algebra.VectorTypes
import Diagrams.TwoD.Types
import MyPrelude
-- |Get all points on a convex hull by using the graham scan
-- algorithm.
grahamGetCH :: [PT] -> [PT]
grahamGetCH vs =
-- merge upper hull with lower hull while discarding
-- the duplicated points from the lower hull
scan uH uHRest ++ tailInit (scan lH lHRest)
-- sort lexicographically by x values (ties are resolved by y values)
sortedXY = fmap p2 . sortLex . fmap unp2 $ vs
-- lists for lower hull
(lH, lHRest) = first reverse . splitAt 2 $ sortedXY
-- lists for upper hull
(uH, uHRest) = first reverse . splitAt 2 . reverse $ sortedXY
-- This is the actual algorithm.
-- If we have a list say:
-- [(100, 100), (200, 450), (250, 250), (300, 400), (400, 200)]
-- then this will start with:
-- [(200, 450), (100, 100)] and [(250, 250), (300, 400), (400, 200)]
-- The first list is reversed since we only care about the last
-- 3 elements and want to stay efficient.
scan :: [PT] -- ^ the starting convex hull points
-> [PT] -- ^ the rest of the points
-> [PT] -- ^ all convex hull points
scan (y:z:xs) (x:ys)
-- last 3 elements are ccw, but there are elements left to check
| ccw z y x = scan (x:y:z:xs) ys
-- not ccw, pop one out
| otherwise = scan (x:z:xs) ys
scan (x:y:z:xs) []
-- nothing left and last 3 elements are ccw, so return
| ccw z y x = x:y:z:xs
-- not ccw, pop one out
| otherwise = scan (x:z:xs) []
scan xs _ = xs
-- |Compute all steps of the graham scan algorithm to allow
-- visualizing it.
grahamGetCHSteps :: [PT] -> [[PT]]
grahamGetCHSteps vs =
(++) (rmdups . reverse . g (length vs) lH $ lHRest)
(rmdups . init . reverse . g (length vs) uH $ uHRest)
sortedXY = fmap p2 . sortLex . fmap unp2 $ vs
(lH, lHRest) = first reverse . splitAt 2 $ sortedXY
(uH, uHRest) = first reverse . splitAt 2 . reverse $ sortedXY
g c xs' ys'
| c >= 0 = scan 0 xs' ys' : g (c - 1) xs' ys'
| otherwise = []
scan c' (y:z:xs) (x:ys)
| c' >= c = y:z:xs
| ccw z y x = scan (c' + 1) (x:y:z:xs) ys
| otherwise = scan (c' + 1) (x:z:xs) ys
scan _ [x,y] [] = [y,x]
scan c' (x:y:z:xs) []
| c' >= c = x:y:z:xs
| ccw z y x = x:y:z:xs
| otherwise = scan (c' + 1) (x:z:xs) []
scan _ xs _ = xs