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module Algorithms.PolygonIntersection.Core where
import Algebra.Vector
import Algebra.VectorTypes
import Data.Dequeue (BankersDequeue)
import qualified Data.Dequeue as Q
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Diagrams.TwoD.Types
import MyPrelude
import QueueEx
import Safe
-- |Describes a point on the convex hull of the polygon.
-- In addition to the point itself, both it's predecessor and
-- successor are saved for convenience.
data PolyPT =
PolyA {
id' :: PT
, pre :: PT
, suc :: PT
| PolyB {
id' :: PT
, pre :: PT
, suc :: PT
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- |Shift a list of sorted convex hull points of a polygon so that
-- the first element in the list is the one with the highest y-coordinate.
-- This is done in O(n).
sortLexPoly :: [PT] -> [PT]
sortLexPoly ps = maybe [] (`shiftM` ps) (elemIndex (yMax ps) ps)
yMax = foldl1 (\x y -> if ptCmpY x y == GT then x else y)
-- | Sort the points of two polygons according to their y-coordinates,
-- while saving the origin of that point. This is done in O(n).
sortLexPolys :: ([PT], [PT]) -> [PolyPT]
sortLexPolys (pA'@(_:_), pB'@(_:_)) =
queueToList . go (Q.fromList . sortLexPoly $ pA') $
(Q.fromList . sortLexPoly $ pB')
-- Start recursive algorithm, each polygon is represented by a Queue.
-- Traverse predecessor and successor and insert them in the right
-- order into the resulting queue.
-- We start at the max y-coordinates of both polygons.
go :: BankersDequeue PT -> BankersDequeue PT -> BankersDequeue PolyPT
go pA pB
-- Nothing to sort.
| Q.null pA && Q.null pB
= Q.empty
-- Current point of polygon A is higher on the y-axis than the
-- current point of polygon B, so insert it into the resulting
-- queue and traverse the rest.
-- remark: we don't handle y1 = y2
| ptCmpY (fromMaybe negInfPT . Q.first $ pA)
(fromMaybe posInfPT . Q.first $ pB) == GT
= Q.pushFront
(go (maybeShift . snd . Q.popFront $ pA) pB)
(PolyA (fromJust . Q.first $ pA)
(pre' pA' pA)
(suc' pA' pA))
-- Same as above, except that the current point of polygon B
-- is higher.
| otherwise
= Q.pushFront
(go pA (maybeShift . snd . Q.popFront $ pB))
(PolyB (fromJust . Q.first $ pB)
(pre' pB' pB)
(suc' pB' pB))
pre' xs = fromJust . polySuccessor xs . uQfirst
suc' xs = fromJust . polyPredecessor xs . uQfirst
-- Compare the first and the last element of the queue according
-- to their y-coordinate and shift the queue (if necessary) so that
-- the element with the highest value is at the front.
maybeShift :: BankersDequeue PT -> BankersDequeue PT
-- remark: we don't handle y1 = y2
maybeShift q = if ptCmpY (fromMaybe posInfPT . Q.first $ q)
(fromMaybe negInfPT . Q.last $ q) == GT
then q
else shiftQueueRight q
sortLexPolys _ = []
-- |Get the successor of a point on a convex hull of a polygon.
-- Returns Nothing if the point is not on the convex hull. This
-- is done in O(n).
polySuccessor :: [PT] -> PT -> Maybe PT
polySuccessor pts pt = case index of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just index' -> if index' == (length pts - 1)
then pts `atMay` 0
else pts `atMay` (index' + 1)
index = elemIndex pt pts
-- |Get the predecessor of a point on a convex hull of a polygon.
-- Returns Nothing if the point is not on the convex hull. This
-- is done in O(n).
polyPredecessor :: [PT] -> PT -> Maybe PT
polyPredecessor pts pt = case index of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just index' -> if index' == 0
then pts `atMay` (length pts - 1)
else pts `atMay` (index' - 1)
index = elemIndex pt pts
-- |Get all points that intersect between both polygons. This is done
-- in O(n).
intersectionPoints :: [PolyPT] -> [PT]
intersectionPoints [] = []
intersectionPoints xs' =
. (++) (segIntersections . scanLine $ xs')
$ intersectionPoints (tail xs')
-- Get the scan line or in other words the
-- Segment pairs we are going to check for intersection.
scanLine :: [PolyPT] -> ([Segment], [Segment])
scanLine xs = (segmentsA xs, sgementsB xs)
-- Gets the actual intersections between the segments of
-- both polygons we currently examine. This is done in O(1)
-- since we have max 4 segments.
segIntersections :: ([Segment], [Segment]) -> [PT]
segIntersections (a@(_:_), b@(_:_))
= catMaybes
. fmap (\[x, y] -> intersectSeg' x y)
$ combinations a b
segIntersections _ = []
-- Gets all unique(!) combinations of two arrays. Both arrays
-- are max 2, so this is actually O(1) for this algorithm.
combinations :: [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]
combinations xs ys = concat . fmap (\y -> fmap (\x -> [y, x]) xs) $ ys
segmentsA :: [PolyPT] -> [Segment]
segmentsA sp@(_:_) = case a of
Nothing -> []
Just x -> [(id' x, suc x), (id' x, pre x)]
a = listToMaybe . filter (\x -> case x of
PolyA {} -> True
_ -> False) $ sp
segmentsA _ = []
sgementsB :: [PolyPT] -> [Segment]
sgementsB sp@(_:_) = case b of
Nothing -> []
Just x -> [(id' x, suc x), (id' x, pre x)]
b = listToMaybe . filter (\x -> case x of
PolyB {} -> True
_ -> False) $ sp
sgementsB _ = []
testArr :: ([PT], [PT])
testArr = ([p2 (200.0, 500.0),
p2 (0.0, 200.0),
p2 (200.0, 100.0),
p2 (400.0, 300.0)],
[p2 (350.0, 450.0),
p2 (275.0, 225.0),
p2 (350.0, 50.0),
p2 (500.0, 0.0),
p2 (450.0, 400.0)])