It now takes a PROPER square, as in ((xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax)) instead of ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) and also works with negative values. Because the meaning of the arguments has changed, we also had to fix all uses of it.
183 lines
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183 lines
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{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
module Graphics.Diagram.Core where
import Algebra.Vector
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo
import Diagrams.Prelude
import MyPrelude
-- |Represents a Cairo Diagram. This allows us to create multiple
-- diagrams with different algorithms but based on the same
-- coordinates and common properties.
data Diag =
mkDiag :: DiagProp
-> [[PT]]
-> Diagram Cairo R2
| GifDiag
mkGifDiag :: DiagProp
-> Colour Double
-> ([PT] -> [[PT]])
-> [PT]
-> [Diagram Cairo R2]
| EmptyDiag (Diagram Cairo R2)
-- |Holds the properties for a Diagram, like thickness of 2d points etc.
-- This can also be seen as a context when merging multiple diagrams.
data DiagProp = MkProp {
-- |The thickness of the dots.
dotSize :: Double,
-- |The dimensions of the x-axis.
xDimension :: (Double, Double),
-- |The dimensions of the y-axis.
yDimension :: (Double, Double),
-- |Algorithm to use.
algo :: Int,
-- |If we want to show the grid.
haveGrid :: Bool,
-- |If we want to show the coordinates as text.
showCoordText :: Bool,
-- |Square size used to show the grid and x/y-axis.
squareSize :: Double,
-- |The path to a quad in the quad tree.
quadPath :: String,
-- |The square for the kd-tree range search.
rangeSquare :: Square
instance Def DiagProp where
def = diagDefaultProp
instance Monoid Diag where
mempty = EmptyDiag mempty
mappend d1@(Diag {}) d2@(Diag {}) = Diag g
g p obj = mkDiag d1 p obj <> mkDiag d2 p obj
mappend d1@(GifDiag {}) d2@(Diag {}) = GifDiag g
g p col f vt = mkGifDiag d1 p col f vt ++ [mkDiag d2 p [vt]]
mappend d1@(Diag {}) d2@(GifDiag {}) = GifDiag g
g p col f vt = mkDiag d2 p [vt] : mkGifDiag d1 p col f vt
mappend d1@(GifDiag {}) d2@(GifDiag {}) = GifDiag g
g p col f vt = mkGifDiag d1 p col f vt ++ mkGifDiag d2 p col f vt
mappend (EmptyDiag _) g = g
mappend g (EmptyDiag _) = g
mconcat = foldr mappend mempty
-- |The default properties of the Diagram.
diagDefaultProp :: DiagProp
diagDefaultProp = MkProp 2 (0,500) (0,500)
0 False False 50 "" ((0,500),(0,500))
-- |Extract the lower bound of the x-axis dimension.
diagXmin :: DiagProp -> Double
diagXmin = fst . xDimension
-- |Extract the upper bound of the x-axis dimension.
diagXmax :: DiagProp -> Double
diagXmax = snd . xDimension
-- |Extract the lower bound of the y-axis dimension.
diagYmin :: DiagProp -> Double
diagYmin = fst . yDimension
-- |Extract the upper bound of the y-axis dimension.
diagYmax :: DiagProp -> Double
diagYmax = snd . yDimension
-- |The full width of the x dimension.
diagWidth :: DiagProp -> Double
diagWidth p = diagXmax p - diagXmin p
-- |The full height of the y dimension.
diagHeight :: DiagProp -> Double
diagHeight p = diagYmax p - diagYmin p
-- |The offset on the x-axis to move the grid and the white rectangle
-- to the right place.
diagWidthOffset :: DiagProp -> Double
diagWidthOffset p = diagXmin p + (diagWidth p / 2)
-- |The offset on the y-axis to move the grid and the white rectangle
-- to the right place.
diagHeightOffset :: DiagProp -> Double
diagHeightOffset p = diagYmin p + (diagHeight p / 2)
-- |Returns the specified diagram if True is passed,
-- otherwise returns the empty diagram. This is just for convenience
-- to avoid if else constructs.
maybeDiag :: Bool -> Diag -> Diag
maybeDiag b d
| b = d
| otherwise = mempty
filterValidPT :: DiagProp -> [PT] -> [PT]
filterValidPT =
. inRange
. diagDimSquare
diagDimSquare :: DiagProp -> Square
diagDimSquare p = dimToSquare (xDimension p) $ yDimension p
-- |Draw a list of points.
drawP :: [PT] -- ^ the points to draw
-> Double -- ^ dot size
-> Diagram Cairo R2 -- ^ the resulting diagram
drawP [] _ = mempty
drawP vt ds =
position (zip vt (repeat dot))
dot = circle ds :: Diagram Cairo R2
-- |Create a rectangle around a diagonal line, which has sw
-- as startpoint and nw as endpoint.
rectByDiagonal :: (Double, Double) -- ^ sw point
-> (Double, Double) -- ^ nw point
-> Diagram Cairo R2
rectByDiagonal (xmin, ymin) (xmax, ymax) =
fromVertices [p2 (xmin, ymin)
, p2 (xmax, ymin)
, p2 (xmax, ymax)
, p2 (xmin, ymax)
, p2 (xmin, ymin)
-- |Creates a Diagram from a point that shows the coordinates
-- in text format, such as "(1.0, 2.0)".
pointToTextCoord :: PT -> Diagram Cairo R2
pointToTextCoord pt =
text ("(" ++ (show . trim') x ++ ", " ++ (show . trim') y ++ ")") # scale 10
trim' :: Double -> Double
trim' x' = fromInteger . round $ x' * (10^(2 :: Int)) /
(10.0^^(2 :: Int))
(x, y) = unp2 pt