hasufell 55e2ddd500
DIAGRAM: small refactor
Update Diag type to play more nicely with GifDiags.
2014-10-25 23:54:07 +02:00

266 lines
7.4 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
module Graphics.Diagram.Plotter where
import Algebra.VectorTypes
import Algorithms.ConvexHull.GrahamScan
import Algorithms.PolygonIntersection.Core
import Data.Monoid
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((<>))
import Graphics.Diagram.Types
-- |Creates a Diagram that shows the coordinates from the points
-- as dots. The points and thickness of the dots can be controlled
-- via DiagProp.
coordPoints :: Diag
coordPoints = Diag cp
cp p (Object vt) = drawP vt p
cp p (Objects vts) = drawP (concat vts) p
drawP [] _ = mempty
drawP vt p =
position (zip (filterValidPT p vt)
(repeat dot))
dot = (circle $ t p :: Diagram Cairo R2) # fc black
-- |Creates a Diagram from a point that shows the coordinates
-- in text format, such as "(1.0, 2.0)".
pointToTextCoord :: PT -> Diagram Cairo R2
pointToTextCoord pt =
text ("(" ++ show x ++ ", " ++ show y ++ ")") # scale 10
(x, y) = unp2 pt
-- |Show coordinates as text above all points.
coordPointsText :: Diag
coordPointsText = Diag cpt
cpt p (Object vt) = drawT vt p
cpt p (Objects vts) = drawT (concat vts) p
drawT [] _ = mempty
drawT vt p
| ct p =
position $
zip vtf (pointToTextCoord <$> vtf) # translate (r2 (0, 10))
| otherwise = mempty
vtf = filterValidPT p vt
-- |Draw the lines of the polygon.
polyLines :: Diag
polyLines = Diag pp
pp _ (Objects []) = mempty
pp p (Objects (x:y:_)) =
strokePoly x <> strokePoly y
strokePoly x' =
(strokeTrail .
fromVertices $
vtf x' ++ [head . vtf $ x']) #
moveTo (head x') #
lc black
vtf = filterValidPT p
pp _ _ = mempty
-- |Show the intersection points of two polygons as red dots.
polyIntersection :: Diag
polyIntersection = Diag pi'
pi' p (Objects (x:y:_)) = position (zip vtpi (repeat dot))
paF = filterValidPT p x
pbF = filterValidPT p y
dot = (circle $ t p :: Diagram Cairo R2) # fc red # lc red
vtpi = intersectionPoints
. sortLexPolys
$ (sortLexPoly paF, sortLexPoly pbF)
pi' _ _ = mempty
-- |Show the intersection points of two polygons as red dots.
polyIntersectionText :: Diag
polyIntersectionText = Diag pit'
pit' p (Objects (x:y:_))
| ct p =
position $
zip vtpi
(pointToTextCoord # fc red <$> vtpi) # translate (r2 (0, 10))
| otherwise = mempty
paF = filterValidPT p x
pbF = filterValidPT p y
vtpi = intersectionPoints
. sortLexPolys
$ (sortLexPoly paF, sortLexPoly pbF)
pit' _ _ = mempty
-- |Create a diagram which shows the points of the convex hull.
convexHP :: Diag
convexHP = Diag chp
chp p (Object vt) =
position (zip vtch
(repeat dot))
dot = (circle $ t p :: Diagram Cairo R2) # fc red # lc red
vtch = grahamCH $ filterValidPT p vt
chp _ _ = mempty
-- |Show coordinates as text above the convex hull points.
convexHPText :: Diag
convexHPText = Diag chpt
chpt p (Object vt)
| ct p =
position $
zip vtchf
(pointToTextCoord <$> vtchf) # translate (r2 (0, 10))
| otherwise = mempty
vtchf = grahamCH . filterValidPT p $ vt
chpt _ _ = mempty
-- |Create a diagram which shows the lines along the convex hull
-- points.
convexHLs :: Diag
convexHLs = Diag chl
chl _ (Object []) = mempty
chl p (Object vt) =
(strokeTrail .
fromVertices .
flip (++) [head $ grahamCH vtf] .
grahamCH $
vtf) #
moveTo (head $ grahamCH vtf) #
lc red
vtf = filterValidPT p vt
chl _ _ = mempty
-- |Create list of diagrama which describe the lines along points of a half
-- convex hull, for each iteration of the algorithm. Which half is chosen
-- depends on the input.
convexHStepsLs :: Diag
convexHStepsLs = GifDiag chs
chs p col f vt =
fmap mkChDiag (f . filterValidPT p $ vt)
mkChDiag vt' =
(strokeTrail . fromVertices $ vt') # moveTo (head vt') # lc col
-- |Creates a Diagram that shows an XAxis which is bound
-- by the dimensions given in xD from DiagProp.
xAxis :: Diag
xAxis =
Diag hRule <>
Diag segments <>
Diag labels
hRule p _ =
arrowAt (p2 (xmin p, if ymin p <= 0 then 0 else ymin p))
(r2 (w' p, 0))
segments p _ =
hcat' (with & sep .~ sqS p)
(replicate (floor . (/) (w' p) $ sqS p)
(vrule 10)) #
moveTo (p2 (xmin p, if ymin p <= 0 then 0 else ymin p))
labels p _ =
position $
zip (mkPoint <$> xs)
((\x -> (text . show $ x) # scale 10) <$> xs)
xs :: [Int]
xs = take (floor . (/) (w' p) $ sqS p)
(iterate (+(floor . sqS $ p)) (floor . xmin $ p))
mkPoint x = p2 (fromIntegral x,
-15 + (if ymin p <= 0 then 0 else ymin p))
-- |Creates a Diagram that shows an YAxis which is bound
-- by the dimensions given in yD from DiagProp.
yAxis :: Diag
yAxis =
Diag vRule <>
Diag segments <>
Diag labels
vRule p _ =
arrowAt (p2 (if xmin p <= 0 then 0 else xmin p, ymin p))
(r2 (0, h' p))
segments p _ =
vcat' (with & sep .~ sqS p)
(replicate (floor . (/) (h' p) $ sqS p)
(hrule 10)) #
alignB #
moveTo (p2 (if xmin p <= 0 then 0 else xmin p, ymin p))
labels p _ =
position $
zip (mkPoint <$> ys)
((\x -> (text . show $ x) # scale 10) <$> ys)
ys :: [Int]
ys = take (floor . (/) (h' p) $ sqS p)
(iterate (+(floor . sqS $ p)) (floor . ymin $ p))
mkPoint y = p2 (-15 + (if xmin p <= 0 then 0 else xmin p),
fromIntegral y)
-- |Creates a Diagram that shows a white rectangle which is a little
-- bit bigger than both X and Y axis dimensions from DiagProp.
whiteRectB :: Diag
whiteRectB = Diag rect'
rect' p _ =
whiteRect (w' p + (w' p / 10)) (h' p + (h' p / 10)) #
moveTo (p2 (wOff p, hOff p))
-- |Create a white rectangle with the given width and height.
whiteRect :: Double -> Double -> Diagram Cairo R2
whiteRect x y = rect x y # lwG 0.00 # bg white
-- |Create a grid across the whole diagram with squares of the
-- given size in DiagProp.
grid :: Diag
grid = Diag xGrid <> Diag yGrid
yGrid p _
| gd p =
hcat' (with & sep .~ sqS p)
(replicate (floor . (/) (w' p) $ sqS p)
(vrule $ h' p)) #
moveTo (p2 (xmin p, hOff p)) #
lw ultraThin
| otherwise = mempty
xGrid p _
| gd p =
vcat' (with & sep .~ sqS p)
(replicate (floor . (/) (h' p) $ sqS p)
(hrule $ w' p)) #
alignB #
moveTo (p2 (wOff p, ymin p)) #
lw ultraThin
| otherwise = mempty
plotterBG :: Diag
plotterBG = mconcat [xAxis, yAxis, grid, whiteRectB]