This window creation still sucks a bit, we should realize it without actually showing it.
289 lines
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289 lines
8.6 KiB
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
module GUI.Gtk (makeGUI) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo.Internal
import Graphics.Diagram.Gtk
import Graphics.Diagram.Types
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Glade
import MyPrelude
import System.Directory
import System.FileSystem.FileExt
import Text.Read
-- |Monolithic object passed to various GUI functions in order
-- to keep the API stable and not alter the parameters too much.
-- This only holds GUI widgets that are needed to be read during
-- runtime.
data MyGUI = MkMyGUI {
-- |main Window
win :: Window,
-- |Tree Window
winT :: Window,
-- |delete Button
dB :: Button,
-- |save Button
sB :: Button,
-- |quit Button
qB :: Button,
-- |file chooser button
fB :: FileChooserButton,
-- |drawing area
da :: DrawingArea,
-- |drawing area for the tree
daT :: DrawingArea,
-- |scaler for point thickness
hs :: HScale,
-- |entry widget for lower x bound
xl :: Entry,
-- |entry widget for upper x bound
xu :: Entry,
-- |entry widget for lower y bound
yl :: Entry,
-- |entry widget for upper y bound
yu :: Entry,
-- |about dialog
aD :: AboutDialog,
-- |combo box for choosing the algorithm
cB :: ComboBox,
-- |grid check button
gC :: CheckButton,
-- |coord check button
cC :: CheckButton,
-- |Path entry widget for the quad tree.
pE :: Entry,
-- |Horizontal box containing the path entry widget.
vbox7 :: Box
-- |The glade file to load the UI from.
gladeFile :: FilePath
gladeFile = "GUI/"
-- |Loads the glade file and creates the MyGUI object.
makeMyGladeGUI :: IO MyGUI
makeMyGladeGUI = do
-- load glade file
Just xml <- xmlNew gladeFile
<$> xmlGetWidget xml castToWindow "window1"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToWindow "window2"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "drawButton"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "saveButton"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToButton "quitButton"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToFileChooserButton
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToDrawingArea "drawingarea"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToDrawingArea "treedrawingarea"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToHScale "hscale"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToEntry "xlD"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToEntry "xuD"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToEntry "ylD"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToEntry "yuD"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToAboutDialog "aboutdialog"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToComboBox "comboalgo"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToCheckButton "gridcheckbutton"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToCheckButton "coordcheckbutton"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToEntry "path"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToBox "vbox7"
-- |Main entry point for the GTK GUI routines.
makeGUI :: FilePath -> IO ()
makeGUI startFile = do
homedir <- getHomeDirectory
-- init gui
_ <- initGUI
-- get GUI object
mygui <- makeMyGladeGUI
-- adjust properties
if startFile == ""
then do
_ <- fileChooserSetCurrentFolder (fB mygui) homedir
return ()
else do
_ <- fileChooserSetFilename (fB mygui) startFile
return ()
comboBoxSetActive (cB mygui) 0
-- callbacks
_ <- onDestroy (win mygui) mainQuit
_ <- onClicked (dB mygui) $ drawDiag mygui
_ <- onClicked (sB mygui) $ saveDiag mygui
_ <- onClicked (qB mygui) mainQuit
_ <- onResponse (aD mygui) (\x -> case x of
ResponseCancel -> widgetHideAll (aD mygui)
_ -> return ())
-- have to redraw for window overlapping and resizing on expose
_ <- onExpose (da mygui) (\_ -> drawDiag mygui >>=
(\_ -> return True))
_ <- onExpose (daT mygui) (\_ -> drawDiag mygui >>=
(\_ -> return True))
_ <- on (cB mygui) changed (drawDiag mygui)
_ <- on (cB mygui) changed (onPathWidgetChange mygui)
_ <- on (gC mygui) toggled (drawDiag mygui)
_ <- on (cC mygui) toggled (drawDiag mygui)
-- hotkeys
_ <- win mygui `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"q" <- eventKeyName
liftIO mainQuit
_ <- winT mygui `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"q" <- eventKeyName
liftIO (widgetHide $ winT mygui)
_ <- win mygui `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"s" <- eventKeyName
liftIO $ saveDiag mygui
_ <- win mygui `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"d" <- eventKeyName
liftIO $ drawDiag mygui
_ <- win mygui `on` keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
[Control] <- eventModifier
"a" <- eventKeyName
liftIO $ widgetShowAll (aD mygui)
-- draw widgets and start main loop
widgetShowAll (win mygui)
widgetShowAll (winT mygui)
widgetHide (vbox7 mygui)
widgetHide (winT mygui)
-- |Pops up an error Dialog with the given String.
showErrorDialog :: String -> IO ()
showErrorDialog str = do
errorDialog <- messageDialogNew Nothing
_ <- dialogRun errorDialog
widgetDestroy errorDialog
-- |May hide or show the widget that holds the quad tree path entry,
-- depending on the context and may also pop up the tree window.
onPathWidgetChange :: MyGUI
-> IO ()
onPathWidgetChange mygui = do
item <- comboBoxGetActive (cB mygui)
if item == 4
then do
widgetShow (vbox7 mygui)
widgetShow (winT mygui)
else widgetHide (vbox7 mygui)
return ()
-- |Draws a Diagram which is built from a given file to
-- the gtk DrawingArea.
drawDiag :: MyGUI
-> IO ()
drawDiag mygui = do
fp <- fileChooserGetFilename (fB mygui)
case fp of
Just x -> do
ret <- saveAndDrawDiag x "" mygui
case ret of
1 -> showErrorDialog "No valid x/y dimensions!"
2 -> showErrorDialog "No valid Mesh file!"
_ -> return ()
Nothing -> return ()
-- |Saves a Diagram which is built from a given file as an SVG.
saveDiag :: MyGUI
-> IO ()
saveDiag mygui = do
fp <- fileChooserGetFilename (fB mygui)
case fp of
Just x -> do
ret <- saveAndDrawDiag x "out.svg" mygui
case ret of
1 -> showErrorDialog "No valid x/y dimensions!"
2 -> showErrorDialog "No valid Mesh file!"
_ -> return ()
Nothing -> return ()
-- |Draws and saves a Diagram which is built from a given file.
-- If the file to save is left empty, then nothing is saved.
saveAndDrawDiag :: FilePath -- ^ obj file to parse
-> FilePath -- ^ if/where to save the result
-> MyGUI
-> IO Int
saveAndDrawDiag fp fps mygui =
if cmpExt "obj" fp
then do
mesh <- readFile fp
dw <- widgetGetDrawWindow (da mygui)
dwT <- widgetGetDrawWindow (daT mygui)
adjustment <- rangeGetAdjustment (hs mygui)
scaleVal <- adjustmentGetValue adjustment
xlD' <- entryGetText (xl mygui)
xuD' <- entryGetText (xu mygui)
ylD' <- entryGetText (yl mygui)
yuD' <- entryGetText (yu mygui)
alg' <- comboBoxGetActive (cB mygui)
(daW, daH) <- widgetGetSize (da mygui)
(daTW, daTH) <- widgetGetSize (daT mygui)
gd' <- toggleButtonGetActive (gC mygui)
ct' <- toggleButtonGetActive (cC mygui)
pE' <- entryGetText (pE mygui)
xD = (,) <$>
readMaybe xlD' <*>
readMaybe xuD' :: Maybe (Double, Double)
yD = (,) <$>
readMaybe ylD' <*>
readMaybe yuD' :: Maybe (Double, Double)
renderDiag winWidth winHeight buildDiag xD' yD' =
renderDia Cairo
(CairoOptions fps
(Dims (fromIntegral winWidth) (fromIntegral winHeight))
SVG False)
(buildDiag (def{
t = scaleVal,
dX = xD',
dY = yD',
alg = alg',
gd = gd',
ct = ct',
pQt = pE'})
case (xD, yD) of
(Just xD', Just yD') -> do
let (s, r) = renderDiag daW daH diagS xD' yD'
let (_, r') = renderDiag daTW daTH diagTreeS xD' yD'
renderWithDrawable dw r
renderWithDrawable dwT r'
if null fps
then return ()
else s
return 0
_ -> return 1
else return 2