# Conflicts: # Algebra/Vector.hs # CG2.cabal # Graphics/Diagram/Core.hs # Graphics/Diagram/Gif.hs # Graphics/Diagram/Gtk.hs # Test/Vector.hs
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63 lines
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{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
module Algebra.Polygon where
import Algebra.Vector
import Data.Maybe
import Diagrams.TwoD.Types
import MyPrelude
-- |Split a polygon by a given segment which must be vertices of the
-- polygon (returns empty array otherwise).
splitPoly :: [P2 Double]
-> (P2 Double, P2 Double)
-> [[P2 Double]]
splitPoly pts (a, b)
| elem a pts && elem b pts =
[b : takeWhile (/= b) shiftedPoly, a : dropWhile (/= b) shiftedPoly]
| otherwise = [[]]
shiftedPoly = shiftM' a pts
-- |Get all edges of a polygon.
polySegments :: [P2 Double] -> [(P2 Double, P2 Double)]
polySegments p@(x':_:_:_) = go p ++ [(last p, x')]
go (x:y:xs) = (x, y) : go (y:xs)
go _ = []
polySegments _ = []
-- |Check whether the given segment is inside the polygon.
-- This doesn't check for segments that are completely outside
-- of the polygon yet.
isInsidePoly :: [P2 Double] -> (P2 Double, P2 Double) -> Bool
isInsidePoly pts seg =
. catMaybes
. fmap (intersectSeg'' seg)
$ polySegments pts
-- |Check whether two points are adjacent vertices of a polygon.
adjacent :: P2 Double -> P2 Double -> [P2 Double] -> Bool
adjacent u v = any (\x -> x == (u, v) || x == (v, u)) . polySegments
-- |Check whether the polygon is a triangle polygon.
isTrianglePoly :: [P2 Double] -> Bool
isTrianglePoly [_, _, _] = True
isTrianglePoly _ = False
-- |Get all triangle polygons.
triangleOnly :: [[P2 Double]] -> [[P2 Double]]
triangleOnly = filter isTrianglePoly
-- |Get all non-triangle polygons.
nonTriangleOnly :: [[P2 Double]] -> [[P2 Double]]
nonTriangleOnly = filter (not . isTrianglePoly)