{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-} module Parser.PathParser where import Algorithms.QuadTree.QuadTree (Quad(NW, NE, SW, SE), Orient(North, South, West, East)) import Control.Applicative import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B -- |Parse a string such as "ne, n, sw, e" into -- [Quad NE, Orient North, Quad SW, Orient East]. stringToQuads :: String -> [Either Quad Orient] stringToQuads str = case parseOnly parsePath (B.pack str) of Left _ -> [] Right xs -> xs where parsePath = many' ((parseQuad <|> parseOrient) <* many' (char ',') <* many' space) -- |Parses a string that represents a single quad. parseQuad :: Parser (Either Quad Orient) parseQuad = const (Left NW) <$> (string (B.pack "nw") <|> string (B.pack "NW")) <|> const (Left NE) <$> (string (B.pack "ne") <|> string (B.pack "NE")) <|> const (Left SW) <$> (string (B.pack "sw") <|> string (B.pack "SW")) <|> const (Left SE) <$> (string (B.pack "se") <|> string (B.pack "SE")) -- |Parses a string that represents a single Orientation. parseOrient :: Parser (Either Quad Orient) parseOrient = const (Right North) <$> (string (B.pack "n") <|> string (B.pack "N")) <|> const (Right South) <$> (string (B.pack "s") <|> string (B.pack "S")) <|> const (Right West) <$> (string (B.pack "w") <|> string (B.pack "W")) <|> const (Right East) <$> (string (B.pack "e") <|> string (B.pack "E"))