{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-} -- |This module provides methods to build a cyclic half-edge data structure -- from an already parsed obj mesh file. As such, it depends on details -- of the parsed data structures. -- -- In particular, 'indirectHeFaces', 'indirectHeVerts' and 'indirectToDirect' -- assume specific structure of some input lists. Check their respective -- documentation. -- -- As the data structure has a lot of cross-references and the knots are -- not really known at compile-time, we have to use helper data structures -- such as arrays, lists or vectors under the hood and tie the knots through -- index lookups. -- -- For an explanation of the abstract concept of the half-edge data structure, -- check module Graphics.HalfEdge ( HeVert(..) , HeFace(..) , HeEdge(..) , buildHeEdge , buildHeEdgeFromStr ) where import Algebra.Vector import Control.Monad.ST import Data.Array.Unboxed import Data.Array.ST import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import Data.Functor import Parser.Meshparser import Safe -- |The vertex data structure for the half-edge. data HeVert a = HeVert { vcoord :: a -- the coordinates of the vertex , emedge :: HeEdge a -- one of the half-edges emanating from the vertex } -- |The face data structure for the half-edge. data HeFace a = HeFace { bordedge :: HeEdge a -- one of the half-edges bordering the face } -- |The actual half-edge data structure. data HeEdge a = HeEdge { startvert :: HeVert a -- start-vertex of the half-edge , oppedge :: Maybe (HeEdge a) -- oppositely oriented adjacent half-edge , edgeface :: HeFace a -- face the half-edge borders , nextedge :: HeEdge a -- next half-edge around the face } -- This is a helper data structure of half-edge edges -- for tying the knots in 'indirectToDirect'. data IndirectHeEdge = IndirectHeEdge { edgeindex :: Int -- edge index , svindex :: Int -- index of start-vertice , nvindex :: Int -- index of next-vertice , indexf :: Int -- index of face , offsetedge :: Int -- offset to get the next edge } -- This is a helper data structure of half-edge vertices -- for tying the knots in 'indirectToDirect'. data IndirectHeVert = IndirectHeVert { emedgeindex :: Int -- emanating edge index (starts at 1) , edgelist :: [Int] -- index of edge that points to this vertice } -- This is a helper data structure of half-edge faces -- for tying the knots in 'indirectToDirect'. data IndirectHeFace = IndirectHeFace (Int, [Int]) -- (faceIndex, [verticeindex]) -- |Construct the indirect data structure for half-edge faces. -- This function assumes that the input faces are parsed exactly like so: -- -- @ -- f 1 3 4 5 -- f 4 6 1 3 -- @ -- -- becomes -- -- > [[1,3,4,5],[4,6,1,3]] indirectHeFaces :: [[Int]] -- ^ list of faces with their respective -- list of vertice-indices -> [IndirectHeFace] indirectHeFaces = fmap IndirectHeFace . zip [0..] -- |Construct the indirect data structure for half-edge edges. indirectHeEdges :: [IndirectHeFace] -> [IndirectHeEdge] indirectHeEdges = concat . fmap indirectHeEdge where indirectHeEdge :: IndirectHeFace -> [IndirectHeEdge] indirectHeEdge (IndirectHeFace (_, [])) = [] indirectHeEdge p@(IndirectHeFace (_, pv@(v:_))) = go p 0 where go (IndirectHeFace (_, [])) _ = [] -- connect last to first element go (IndirectHeFace (fi, [vlast])) ei = [IndirectHeEdge ei vlast v fi (negate $ length pv - 1)] -- regular non-last element go (IndirectHeFace (fi, vfirst:vnext:vrest)) ei = (:) (IndirectHeEdge ei vfirst vnext fi 1) (go (IndirectHeFace (fi, vnext:vrest)) (ei + 1)) -- |Construct the indirect data structure for half-edge vertices. -- It is assumed that the list of points is indexed in order of their -- appearance in the obj mesh file. indirectHeVerts :: [a] -- ^ list of points -> [IndirectHeEdge] -- ^ list of indirect edges -> Array Int IndirectHeVert -- ^ output list, starts at index 1 indirectHeVerts pts hes' = runSTArray $ do arr <- newArray (1, length pts) (IndirectHeVert 0 []) :: ST s (STArray s Int IndirectHeVert) -- build the array let go [] _ = return () go (IndirectHeEdge _ _ nv _ offset:hes) i = do (IndirectHeVert _ xs) <- readArray arr nv writeArray arr nv (IndirectHeVert (i + offset) (i:xs)) go hes (i + 1) go hes' 0 return arr -- |Tie the knots! -- It is assumed that the list of points is indexed in order of their -- appearance in the obj mesh file. -- TODO: make this function safe. indirectToDirect :: [a] -- ^ list of points -> [IndirectHeEdge] -> [IndirectHeFace] -> Array Int IndirectHeVert -- ^ assumed to start at index 1 -> HeEdge a indirectToDirect pts pe@(e:_) fs vertarr = thisEdge e where thisEdge (IndirectHeEdge ei sv _ fi off) = HeEdge (thisVert (vertarr ! sv) sv) (getOppEdge sv fi) (thisFace (fs !! fi)) (thisEdge . (!!) pe $ (ei + off)) thisFace (IndirectHeFace (_, vi:_)) = HeFace (thisEdge (pe !! vi)) thisVert (IndirectHeVert eedg _) coordi = HeVert (pts !! (coordi - 1)) (thisEdge (pe !! (eedg - 1))) getOppEdge sv fi = (\x -> thisEdge (pe !! x)) <$> (headMay . filter (\x -> (/=) fi . indexf $ (pe !! x)) . edgelist $ (vertarr ! sv)) -- |Build the half-edge data structure from a list of points -- and from a list of faces. -- The points are assumed to have been parsed in order of their appearance -- in the .obj mesh file, so that the indices match. -- The faces are assumed to have been parsed in order of their appearance -- in the .obj mesh file as follows: -- -- @ -- f 1 3 4 5 -- f 4 6 1 3 -- @ -- -- becomes -- -- > [[1,3,4,5],[4,6,1,3]] buildHeEdge :: [a] -> [[Int]] -> Maybe (HeEdge a) buildHeEdge [] _ = Nothing buildHeEdge _ [] = Nothing buildHeEdge pts fs = let faces' = indirectHeFaces fs edges' = indirectHeEdges faces' verts' = indirectHeVerts pts edges' in Just $ indirectToDirect pts edges' faces' verts' -- |Build the HeEdge data structure from the .obj mesh file contents. buildHeEdgeFromStr :: B.ByteString -- ^ contents of an .obj mesh file -> Maybe (HeEdge PT) buildHeEdgeFromStr bmesh = let pts = meshVertices bmesh fs = meshFaces bmesh in buildHeEdge pts fs