{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-} module Graphics.Diagram.Gtk where import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo import Diagrams.Prelude import Graphics.Diagram.Plotter import Graphics.Diagram.Types import Parser.Meshparser -- |Create the Diagram from the points. diag :: DiagProp -> Object -> Diagram Cairo R2 diag p obj@(Object _) | alg p == 0 = mkDiag (mconcat [coordPointsText, coordPoints, plotterBG]) p obj | alg p == 1 = mkDiag (mconcat [convexHPText, convexHP, convexHLs, coordPoints, plotterBG]) p obj | alg p == 4 = mkDiag (mconcat [quadPathSquare, squares, coordPointsText, coordPoints, polyLines, plotterBG]) p obj | otherwise = mempty diag p objs@(Objects _) | alg p == 2 = mkDiag (mconcat [polyLines, coordPointsText, coordPoints, plotterBG]) p objs | alg p == 3 = mkDiag (mconcat [polyIntersectionText, polyIntersection, coordPoints, polyLines, plotterBG]) p objs | otherwise = mempty -- |Create the Diagram from a String which is supposed to be the contents -- of an obj file. diagS :: DiagProp -> MeshString -> Diagram Cairo R2 diagS p mesh | alg p == 2 || alg p == 3 = diag p. Objects . facesToArr $ mesh | otherwise = (diag p . Object . meshToArr $ mesh) # bg white -- |Create the tree diagram from a String which is supposed to be the contents -- of an obj file. diagTreeS :: DiagProp -> MeshString -> Diagram Cairo R2 diagTreeS p mesh | alg p == 4 = mkDiag treePretty p (Object . meshToArr $mesh) | otherwise = mempty