{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-} module Algorithms.ConvexHull where import Data.List import Diagrams.TwoD.Types import Diagrams.TwoD.Vector import Util import LinearAlgebra.Vector -- |Find the point with the lowest Y coordinate. -- If the lowest y-coordinate exists in more than one point in the set, -- the point with the lowest x-coordinate out of the candidates is -- chosen. lowestYC :: [PT] -> PT lowestYC [] = error "lowestYC: empty list" lowestYC [a] = a lowestYC (a:b:vs) | ay > by = lowestYC (b:vs) | ay == by && ax > bx = lowestYC (b:vs) | otherwise = lowestYC (a:vs) where (ax, ay) = unp2 a (bx, by) = unp2 b -- |Sort the points in increasing order of their degree between -- P0 and the x-axis. grahamSort :: [PT] -- ^ the points to sort -> [PT] -- ^ sorted points grahamSort xs = p0 : sortBy (\a b -> noEqual a b . compare (getAngle (pt2Vec a - pt2Vec p0) xv) $ (getAngle (pt2Vec b - pt2Vec p0) xv)) (removeItem p0 xs) where xv = unitX p0 = lowestYC xs -- Have to account for corner cases when points are in -- a straight line or have the same y coordinates. Eq is -- not an option anyhow. noEqual :: PT -> PT -> Ordering -> Ordering noEqual a b EQ | ay == by && ax < bx = LT | otherwise = GT where (ax, ay) = unp2 a (bx, by) = unp2 b noEqual _ _ LT = LT noEqual _ _ GT = GT -- |Get all points on a convex hull by using the graham scan -- algorithm. grahamGetCH :: [PT] -> [PT] grahamGetCH vs = f . grahamSort $ vs where f [] = [] f (x:y:z:xs) | ccw x y z = x : f (y:z:xs) | otherwise = f (x:z:xs) f xs = xs