{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-} module Algorithms.PolygonTriangulation where import Algebra.Polygon import Algebra.Vector import qualified Control.Arrow as A import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Safe data VCategory = VStart | VEnd | VRegular | VSplit | VMerge deriving (Show, Eq) -- |Classify all vertices on a polygon into five categories (see VCategory). classifyList :: [PT] -> [(PT, VCategory)] classifyList p@(x:y:_:_) = -- need to handle the first and last element separately [classify (last p) x y] ++ go p ++ [classify (last . init $ p) (last p) x] where go :: [PT] -> [(PT, VCategory)] go (x':y':z':xs) = classify x' y' z' : go (y':z':xs) go _ = [] classifyList _ = [] -- |Classify a vertex on a polygon given it's next and previous vertex -- into five categories (see VCategory). classify :: PT -- ^ prev vertex -> PT -- ^ classify this one -> PT -- ^ next vertex -> (PT, VCategory) classify prev v next | isVStart prev v next = (v, VStart) | isVSplit prev v next = (v, VSplit) | isVEnd prev v next = (v, VEnd) | isVMerge prev v next = (v, VMerge) | otherwise = (v, VRegular) -- |Whether the vertex, given it's next and previous vertex, -- is a start vertex. isVStart :: PT -- ^ previous vertex -> PT -- ^ vertice to check -> PT -- ^ next vertex -> Bool isVStart prev v next = (ptCmpY next v == LT) && (ptCmpY prev v == LT) && (cw next v prev) -- |Whether the vertex, given it's next and previous vertex, -- is a split vertex. isVSplit :: PT -- ^ previous vertex -> PT -- ^ vertice to check -> PT -- ^ next vertex -> Bool isVSplit prev v next = (ptCmpY prev v == LT) && (ptCmpY next v == LT) && (cw prev v next) -- |Whether the vertex, given it's next and previous vertex, -- is an end vertex. isVEnd :: PT -- ^ previous vertex -> PT -- ^ vertice to check -> PT -- ^ next vertex -> Bool isVEnd prev v next = (ptCmpY prev v == GT) && (ptCmpY next v == GT) && (cw next v prev) -- |Whether the vertex, given it's next and previous vertex, -- is a merge vertex. isVMerge :: PT -- ^ previous vertex -> PT -- ^ vertice to check -> PT -- ^ next vertex -> Bool isVMerge prev v next = (ptCmpY next v == GT) && (ptCmpY prev v == GT) && (cw prev v next) -- |Whether the vertex, given it's next and previous vertex, -- is a regular vertex. isVRegular :: PT -- ^ previous vertex -> PT -- ^ vertice to check -> PT -- ^ next vertex -> Bool isVRegular prev v next = (not . isVStart prev v $ next) && (not . isVSplit prev v $ next) && (not . isVEnd prev v $ next) && (not . isVMerge prev v $ next) -- |Check if polygon is y-monotone. isYmonotone :: [PT] -> Bool isYmonotone poly = not . any (\x -> x == VSplit || x == VMerge) . fmap snd $ classifyList poly monotonize :: [PT] -> [[PT]] monotonize pts | isYmonotone pts = partitionPoly pts | and . fmap isYmonotone $ maybeMonotone = concat . fmap partitionPoly $ maybeMonotone | otherwise = (\(x, y) -> x ++ (concat . fmap monotonize $ y)) (partition isYmonotone maybeMonotone) where go (x:xs) = splitPoly pts x ++ go xs go _ = [] maybeMonotone = go (monotoneDiagonals pts) monotoneDiagonals :: [PT] -> [(PT, PT)] monotoneDiagonals pts = catMaybes . go $ classifyList pts where go (x:xs) = case snd x of VMerge -> getSeg (belowS (fst x) pts) (fst x) pts : go xs VSplit -> getSeg (aboveS (fst x) pts) (fst x) pts : go xs _ -> [] ++ go xs go [] = [] getSeg [] _ _ = Nothing getSeg (z:zs) pt pts' | isInsidePoly pts (z, pt) = Just (z, pt) | otherwise = getSeg zs pt pts' aboveS pt pts' = tail . dropWhile (/= pt) $ sortedYX pts' belowS pt pts' = reverse . takeWhile (/= pt) $ sortedYX pts' partitionPoly :: [PT] -> [[PT]] partitionPoly pts = go pts . A.first reverse . splitAt 3 . reverse . sortedYX $ pts where go xs (p@[_, _], r:rs) = go xs (r:p, rs) go xs (p@(u:vi:vi1:ys), rs) -- case 1 and 3 | adjacent u (last p) xs = splitPoly xs (u, (last . init) p) ++ go (fromMaybe [] . headMay . nonTriangleOnly . splitPoly xs $ (u, (last . init) p)) (init p, rs) -- case 2 | adjacent u vi xs && (not . null) rs = if getAngle (vp2 vi u) (vp2 vi vi1) < pi / 2 then splitPoly xs (u, vi1) ++ go (fromMaybe [] . headMay . nonTriangleOnly . splitPoly xs $ (u, vi1)) (u:vi1:ys, rs) else go xs (head rs:p, tail rs) | otherwise = [[]] go _ _ = [[]]