{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-} module Algorithms.ConvexHull.GrahamScan where import Algebra.Vector import Algebra.VectorTypes import Diagrams.TwoD.Types import MyPrelude -- |Get all points on a convex hull by using the graham scan -- algorithm. {-- ========== FUNCTIONAL PSEUDO CODE ====================== input: unsorted list us' output: sorted convex hull list variables: (lowerHull, restl) = splitAt3IntoTuple (sort us') (upperHull, restu) = reverse (splitAt3IntoTuple (sort us')) main scope: return (scanHalf upperHull restu) ++ (stripFirstAndLastElem(scanHalf lowerHull restl)) === begin scanHalf function === scanHalf (min 3 elem => lowerHull) (min 1 elem => rest) | isCounterClockWise (last3Elements lowerHull) == True = scanHalf (lowerHull + head rest) (tail rest) | otherwise = scanHalf (deleteSndToLastElem lowerHull + head rest) (rest) scanHalf (min 3 elem => lowerHull ) [] | isCounterClockWise (last3Elements lowerHull) == True = return lowerHull | otherwise = scanHalf (deleteSndToLastElem lowerHull) [] scanHalf lowerHull (min 1 elem => rest) = scanHalf (lowerHull + head rest) (tail rest) scanHalf lowerHull _ = lowerHull === end scanHalf function === ============= SIMULATION =================================== xs = [(100, 100), (200, 450), (250, 250)] ys = [(300, 400), (400, 200)] ccw (100, 100) (200, 450) (250, 250) => false, pop snd2last of xs === move first of ys to end of xs xs = [(100, 100), (250, 250), (300, 400)] ys = [(400, 200)] ccw (100, 100), (250, 250) (300, 400) => true === move first of ys to end of xs xs = [(100, 100), (250, 250), (300, 400), (400, 200)] ys = [] ccw (250, 250) (300, 400) (400, 200) => false, pop snd2last of xs === xs = [(100, 100), (250, 250), (400, 200)] ys = [] ccw (100, 100) (250, 250) (400, 200) => false, pop snd2last of xs === xs = [(100, 100), (400, 200)] ys = [] === return [(100, 100), (400, 200)] ========================================================= --} grahamGetCH :: [PT] -> [PT] grahamGetCH vs = scanH uH uHRest ++ tailInit (scanH lH lHRest) where sortedXY = fmap p2 . sortLex . fmap unp2 $ vs (lH, lHRest) = first reverse . splitAt 3 $ sortedXY (uH, uHRest) = first reverse . splitAt 3 . reverse $ sortedXY -- This scans only a half of the convex hull. If it's the upper -- or lower half depends on the input. -- Also, the first list is reversed since we only care about the last -- 3 elements and want to stay efficient. scanH :: [PT] -- ^ the first 3 starting points in reversed order -> [PT] -- ^ the rest of the points -> [PT] -- ^ all convex hull points for the half scanH hs@(x:y:z:xs) (r':rs') | ccw z y x = scanH (r':hs) rs' | otherwise = scanH (x:z:xs) (r':rs') scanH hs@(x:y:z:xs) [] | ccw z y x = hs | otherwise = scanH (x:z:xs) [] scanH hs (r':rs') = scanH (r':hs) rs' scanH hs _ = hs -- |Compute all steps of the graham scan algorithm to allow -- visualizing it. grahamGetCHSteps :: [PT] -> [[PT]] grahamGetCHSteps vs = (++) (rmdups . reverse . g (length vs) lH $ lHRest) (rmdups . init . reverse . g (length vs) uH $ uHRest) where sortedXY = fmap p2 . sortLex . fmap unp2 $ vs (lH, lHRest) = first reverse . splitAt 3 $ sortedXY (uH, uHRest) = first reverse . splitAt 3 . reverse $ sortedXY g c xs' ys' | c >= 0 = scanH 0 xs' ys' : g (c - 1) xs' ys' | otherwise = [] where scanH c' hs@(x:y:z:xs) (r':rs') | c' >= c = hs | ccw z y x = scanH (c' + 1) (r':hs) rs' | otherwise = scanH (c' + 1) (x:z:xs) (r':rs') scanH _ [x,y] [] = [y,x] scanH c' hs@(x:y:z:xs) [] | c' >= c = hs | ccw z y x = hs | otherwise = scanH (c' + 1) (x:z:xs) [] scanH c' hs (r':rs') | c' >= c = hs | otherwise = scanH (c' + 1) (r':hs) rs' scanH _ xs _ = xs