module Diagram where import Defaults import Diagrams.Prelude import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo import Meshparser import Util instance Def DiagProp where def = defaultProp -- |Holds the properties for a Diagram, like thickness of 2d points etc. data DiagProp = MkProp { -- |The thickness of the dots. t :: Double, -- |The dimensions of the x-axis. dX :: (Double, Double), -- |The dimensions of the y-axis. dY :: (Double, Double) } -- |The default properties of the Diagram. defaultProp :: DiagProp defaultProp = MkProp 2 (0,500) (0,500) -- |Create the Diagram from the VTable. diagFromVTable :: DiagProp -> VTable -> Diagram Cairo R2 diagFromVTable prop vt = position (zip (map mkPoint . filter (inRange (dX prop) (dY prop)) $ vt) (repeat dot)) # moveTo (p2(xOffset, yOffset)) `atop` hrule (xuD - xlD) # moveTo (p2(0, yOffset)) `atop` vrule (yuD - ylD) # moveTo (p2(xOffset, 0)) `atop` emptyRect (xuD - xlD + 50) (yuD - ylD + 50) where dot = (circle $ t prop :: Diagram Cairo R2) # fc black mkPoint (x,y) = p2 (x,y) xlD = fst $ dX prop xuD = snd $ dX prop ylD = fst $ dY prop yuD = snd $ dY prop -- 'Diagrams' sets (0,0) to be in the middle of the -- drawing area, so we need to shift it depending -- on the given dimensions. xOffset = (negate xlD / 2) - (xuD / 2) yOffset = (negate ylD / 2) - (yuD / 2) -- |Create the Diagram from a String which is supposed to be the contents -- of an obj file. diagFromString :: DiagProp -> String -> Diagram Cairo R2 diagFromString prop mesh = diagFromVTable prop . meshToArr $ mesh -- |Create a white rectangle with the given width and height. emptyRect :: Double -> Double -> Diagram Cairo R2 emptyRect x y = rect x y # lwG 0.00 # bg white