Allow drawing the polygon stuff via GUI
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ executable Gtk
main-is: GtkMain.hs
-- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.
other-modules: MyPrelude GUI.Gtk Graphics.Diagram.Gtk Graphics.Diagram.Types Graphics.Diagram.Plotter Parser.Meshparser Parser.Core System.FileSystem.FileExt Algebra.Vector Algorithms.ConvexHull.GrahamScan QueueEx
other-modules: MyPrelude GUI.Gtk Graphics.Diagram.Gtk Graphics.Diagram.Types Graphics.Diagram.Plotter Parser.Meshparser Parser.Core System.FileSystem.FileExt Algebra.Vector Algorithms.ConvexHull.GrahamScan QueueEx Algorithms.PolygonIntersection.Core
-- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
-- other-extensions:
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ executable Gif
main-is: GifMain.hs
-- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.
other-modules: MyPrelude Graphics.Diagram.Gif Graphics.Diagram.Types Graphics.Diagram.Plotter Parser.Meshparser Parser.Core System.FileSystem.FileExt Algebra.Vector Algorithms.ConvexHull.GrahamScan QueueEx
other-modules: MyPrelude Graphics.Diagram.Gif Graphics.Diagram.Types Graphics.Diagram.Plotter Parser.Meshparser Parser.Core System.FileSystem.FileExt Algebra.Vector Algorithms.ConvexHull.GrahamScan QueueEx Algorithms.PolygonIntersection.Core
-- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
-- other-extensions:
@ -765,7 +765,9 @@ Public License instead of this License.
<property name="visible">True</property>
<property name="can_focus">False</property>
<property name="items" translatable="yes">Show points
Show convex hull</property>
Show convex hull
Show polygons
Show polygons intersection</property>
<property name="expand">False</property>
@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ import Parser.Meshparser
-- |Create the Diagram from the points.
diag :: DiagProp -> [PT] -> Diagram Cairo R2
diag p = case alg p of
diag :: DiagProp -> [[PT]] -> Diagram Cairo R2
diag p pts = case alg p of
0 ->
(mconcat [maybeDiag (ct p) coordPointsText,
coordPoints, xAxis, yAxis,
maybeDiag (gd p) grid, whiteRectB])
p (head pts)
1 ->
@ -26,15 +26,48 @@ diag p = case alg p of
convexHP, convexHLs,
coordPoints, xAxis, yAxis,
maybeDiag (gd p) grid, whiteRectB])
p (head pts)
2 -> polys
3 ->
polyIntersection (head pts) (pts !! 1) p
_ -> mempty
polys =
(mconcat [maybeDiag (ct p) coordPointsText, polyLines])
p (head pts)
[maybeDiag (ct p) coordPointsText,
polyLines, coordPoints, xAxis, yAxis,
maybeDiag (gd p) grid, whiteRectB])
p (pts !! 1)
polyIntText = if ct p
then polyIntersectionText (head pts) (pts !! 1) p
else mempty
-- |Create the Diagram from a String which is supposed to be the contents
-- of an obj file.
diagS :: DiagProp -> MeshString -> Diagram Cairo R2
diagS p mesh =
diagS p mesh = case alg p of
2 ->
diag p.
facesToArr $
3 ->
diag p.
facesToArr $
_ ->
(diag p .
(:[]) .
meshToArr $
mesh) #
bg white
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ module Graphics.Diagram.Plotter where
import Algebra.Vector
import Algebra.VectorTypes
import Algorithms.ConvexHull.GrahamScan
import Algorithms.PolygonIntersection.Core
import Data.Monoid
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((<>))
@ -44,6 +45,54 @@ coordPointsText = Diag cpt
vtf = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) vt
-- |Draw the lines of the polygon.
polyLines :: Diag
polyLines = Diag pp
pp _ [] = mempty
pp p vt =
(strokeTrail .
fromVertices $
vtf ++ [head vtf]) #
moveTo (head vt) #
lc black
vtf = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) vt
-- |Show the intersection points of two polygons as red dots.
polyIntersection :: [PT]
-> [PT]
-> DiagProp
-> Diagram Cairo R2
polyIntersection pA pB p =
position (zip vtpi (repeat dot))
paF = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) pA
pbF = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) pB
dot = (circle $ t p :: Diagram Cairo R2) # fc red # lc red
vtpi = intersectionPoints
. sortLexPolys
$ (sortLexPoly paF, sortLexPoly pbF)
-- |Show the intersection points of two polygons as red dots.
polyIntersectionText :: [PT]
-> [PT]
-> DiagProp
-> Diagram Cairo R2
polyIntersectionText pA pB p =
position $
zip vtpi
(pointToTextCoord # fc red <$> vtpi) # translate (r2 (0, 10))
paF = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) pA
pbF = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) pB
vtpi = intersectionPoints
. sortLexPolys
$ (sortLexPoly paF, sortLexPoly pbF)
-- |Create a diagram which shows the points of the convex hull.
convexHP :: Diag
convexHP = Diag chp
@ -1,28 +1,42 @@
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
module Parser.Meshparser (meshToArr) where
module Parser.Meshparser (meshToArr, facesToArr) where
import Algebra.VectorTypes
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe
import Diagrams.TwoD.Types
import Parser.Core
-- |Convert a text String with multiple vertices and faces into
-- a list of vertices, ordered by the faces specification.
facesToArr :: String -> [[PT]]
facesToArr str = fmap (fmap (\y -> meshs str !! (fromIntegral y - 1)))
(faces str)
meshs = meshToArr
faces = fmap fst . catMaybes . fmap (runParser parseFace) . lines
-- |Convert a text String with multiple vertices into
-- an array of float tuples.
meshToArr :: String -- ^ the string to convert
-> [PT] -- ^ the resulting vertice table
meshToArr =
fmap p2 .
fmap (\(Just (x, _)) -> x) .
filter (/= Nothing) .
fmap (runParser parseVertice) .
fmap (p2 . fst)
. catMaybes
. fmap (runParser parseVertice)
. lines
-- |Creates a Parser that accepts a single vertice, such as 'v 1.0 2.0'.
parseVertice :: Parser (Double, Double)
parseVertice =
(,) <$>
(char 'v' *> spaces *> allDouble) <*>
(spaces *> allDouble)
<$> (char 'v' *> spaces *> allDouble)
<*> (spaces *> allDouble)
parseFace :: Parser [Integer]
parseFace = char 'f' *> oneOrMore (spaces *> posInt)
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