DIAGRAM: small refactor

Enhanced the Diag type and used it for poly functions as well.
This commit is contained in:
hasufell 2014-10-25 15:40:10 +02:00
parent 70b4fa6e01
commit b85afda7e7
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 220CD1C5BDEED020
3 changed files with 123 additions and 112 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
module Graphics.Diagram.Gtk where
import Algebra.VectorTypes
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Graphics.Diagram.Plotter
@ -11,63 +10,47 @@ import Parser.Meshparser
-- |Create the Diagram from the points.
diag :: DiagProp -> [[PT]] -> Diagram Cairo R2
diag p pts = case alg p of
0 ->
(mconcat [maybeDiag (ct p) coordPointsText,
coordPoints, xAxis, yAxis,
maybeDiag (gd p) grid, whiteRectB])
p (head pts)
1 ->
[maybeDiag (ct p) convexHPText,
convexHP, convexHLs,
coordPoints, xAxis, yAxis,
maybeDiag (gd p) grid, whiteRectB])
p (head pts)
2 -> polys
3 ->
polyIntersection (head pts) (pts !! 1) p
_ -> mempty
polys =
diag :: DiagProp -> Object -> Diagram Cairo R2
diag p obj@(Object _)
| alg p == 0 =
(mconcat [maybeDiag (ct p) coordPointsText, coordPoints, polyLines])
p (head pts)
(mconcat [maybeDiag (ct p) coordPointsText,
coordPoints, plotterBG])
p obj
| alg p == 1 =
[maybeDiag (ct p) coordPointsText,
polyLines, coordPoints, xAxis, yAxis,
maybeDiag (gd p) grid, whiteRectB])
p (pts !! 1)
polyIntText = if ct p
then polyIntersectionText (head pts) (pts !! 1) p
else mempty
[maybeDiag (ct p) convexHPText,
convexHP, convexHLs,
coordPoints, plotterBG])
p obj
| otherwise = mempty
diag p objs@(Objects _)
| alg p == 2 =
mkDiag (mconcat [polyLines, maybeDiag (ct p) coordPointsText, coordPoints,
p objs
| alg p == 3 =
mkDiag (mconcat [maybeDiag (ct p) polyIntersectionText,
polyIntersection, maybeDiag (ct p) coordPointsText,
coordPoints, polyLines,
p objs
| otherwise = mempty
-- |Create the Diagram from a String which is supposed to be the contents
-- of an obj file.
diagS :: DiagProp -> MeshString -> Diagram Cairo R2
diagS p mesh = case alg p of
2 ->
diag p.
facesToArr $
3 ->
diag p.
facesToArr $
_ ->
(diag p .
(:[]) .
meshToArr $
mesh) #
bg white
diagS p mesh
| alg p == 2 || alg p == 3 =
diag p.
Objects .
facesToArr $
| otherwise =
(diag p .
Object .
meshToArr $
mesh) #
bg white

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@ -18,7 +18,10 @@ import Graphics.Diagram.Types
coordPoints :: Diag
coordPoints = Diag cp
cp p vt =
cp p (Object vt) = drawP vt p
cp p (Objects vts) = drawP (concat vts) p
drawP [] _ = mempty
drawP vt p =
position (zip (filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) vt)
(repeat dot))
@ -38,9 +41,14 @@ pointToTextCoord pt =
coordPointsText :: Diag
coordPointsText = Diag cpt
cpt p vt =
position $
zip vtf (pointToTextCoord <$> vtf) # translate (r2 (0, 10))
cpt p (Object vt) = drawT vt p
cpt p (Objects vts) = drawT (concat vts) p
drawT [] _ = mempty
drawT vt p
| ct p =
position $
zip vtf (pointToTextCoord <$> vtf) # translate (r2 (0, 10))
| otherwise = mempty
vtf = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) vt
@ -49,72 +57,80 @@ coordPointsText = Diag cpt
polyLines :: Diag
polyLines = Diag pp
pp _ [] = mempty
pp p vt =
(strokeTrail .
fromVertices $
vtf ++ [head vtf]) #
moveTo (head vt) #
lc black
pp _ (Objects []) = mempty
pp p (Objects (x:y:_)) =
strokePoly x <> strokePoly y
vtf = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) vt
strokePoly x' =
(strokeTrail .
fromVertices $
vtf x' ++ [head . vtf $ x']) #
moveTo (head x') #
lc black
vtf = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p))
pp _ _ = mempty
-- |Show the intersection points of two polygons as red dots.
polyIntersection :: [PT]
-> [PT]
-> DiagProp
-> Diagram Cairo R2
polyIntersection pA pB p =
position (zip vtpi (repeat dot))
polyIntersection :: Diag
polyIntersection = Diag pi'
paF = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) pA
pbF = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) pB
dot = (circle $ t p :: Diagram Cairo R2) # fc red # lc red
vtpi = intersectionPoints
. sortLexPolys
$ (sortLexPoly paF, sortLexPoly pbF)
pi' p (Objects (x:y:_)) = position (zip vtpi (repeat dot))
paF = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) x
pbF = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) y
dot = (circle $ t p :: Diagram Cairo R2) # fc red # lc red
vtpi = intersectionPoints
. sortLexPolys
$ (sortLexPoly paF, sortLexPoly pbF)
pi' _ _ = mempty
-- |Show the intersection points of two polygons as red dots.
polyIntersectionText :: [PT]
-> [PT]
-> DiagProp
-> Diagram Cairo R2
polyIntersectionText pA pB p =
position $
zip vtpi
(pointToTextCoord # fc red <$> vtpi) # translate (r2 (0, 10))
polyIntersectionText :: Diag
polyIntersectionText = Diag pit'
paF = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) pA
pbF = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) pB
vtpi = intersectionPoints
. sortLexPolys
$ (sortLexPoly paF, sortLexPoly pbF)
pit' p (Objects (x:y:_))
| ct p =
position $
zip vtpi
(pointToTextCoord # fc red <$> vtpi) # translate (r2 (0, 10))
| otherwise = mempty
paF = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) x
pbF = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) y
vtpi = intersectionPoints
. sortLexPolys
$ (sortLexPoly paF, sortLexPoly pbF)
pit' _ _ = mempty
-- |Create a diagram which shows the points of the convex hull.
convexHP :: Diag
convexHP = Diag chp
chp p vt =
chp p (Object vt) =
position (zip vtch
(repeat dot))
dot = (circle $ t p :: Diagram Cairo R2) # fc red # lc red
vtch = grahamCH $ filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) vt
chp _ _ = mempty
-- |Show coordinates as text above the convex hull points.
convexHPText :: Diag
convexHPText = Diag chpt
chpt p vt =
position $
zip vtchf
(pointToTextCoord <$> vtchf) # translate (r2 (0, 10))
chpt p (Object vt)
| ct p =
position $
zip vtchf
(pointToTextCoord <$> vtchf) # translate (r2 (0, 10))
| otherwise = mempty
vtchf = grahamCH . filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) $ vt
chpt _ _ = mempty
-- |Create a diagram which shows the lines along the convex hull
@ -122,8 +138,8 @@ convexHPText = Diag chpt
convexHLs :: Diag
convexHLs = Diag chl
chl _ [] = mempty
chl p vt =
chl _ (Object []) = mempty
chl p (Object vt) =
(strokeTrail .
fromVertices .
flip (++) [head $ grahamCH vtf] .
@ -133,6 +149,7 @@ convexHLs = Diag chl
lc red
vtf = filter (inRange (dX p) (dY p)) vt
chl _ _ = mempty
-- |Create list of diagrama which describe the lines along points of a half
@ -245,17 +262,24 @@ whiteRect x y = rect x y # lwG 0.00 # bg white
grid :: Diag
grid = Diag xGrid <> Diag yGrid
yGrid p _ =
hcat' (with & sep .~ sqS p)
(replicate (floor . (/) (w' p) $ sqS p)
(vrule $ h' p)) #
moveTo (p2 (xmin p, hOff p)) #
lw ultraThin
xGrid p _ =
vcat' (with & sep .~ sqS p)
(replicate (floor . (/) (h' p) $ sqS p)
(hrule $ w' p)) #
alignB #
moveTo (p2 (wOff p, ymin p)) #
lw ultraThin
yGrid p _
| gd p =
hcat' (with & sep .~ sqS p)
(replicate (floor . (/) (w' p) $ sqS p)
(vrule $ h' p)) #
moveTo (p2 (xmin p, hOff p)) #
lw ultraThin
| otherwise = mempty
xGrid p _
| gd p =
vcat' (with & sep .~ sqS p)
(replicate (floor . (/) (h' p) $ sqS p)
(hrule $ w' p)) #
alignB #
moveTo (p2 (wOff p, ymin p)) #
lw ultraThin
| otherwise = mempty
plotterBG :: Diag
plotterBG = mconcat [xAxis, yAxis, grid, whiteRectB]

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@ -16,11 +16,15 @@ type MeshString = String
-- coordinates and common properties.
data Diag = Diag {
mkDiag :: DiagProp
-> [PT]
-> Object
-> Diagram Cairo R2
data Object = Object [PT]
| Objects [[PT]]
-- |Holds the properties for a Diagram, like thickness of 2d points etc.
-- This can also be seen as a context when merging multiple diagrams.
data DiagProp = MkProp {