Restructure Graphics/Diagram subdir, rename modules

This commit is contained in:
hasufell 2014-12-03 22:02:42 +01:00
parent 3c1a34e4af
commit a7774b69a4
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 220CD1C5BDEED020
7 changed files with 302 additions and 292 deletions

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@ -59,9 +59,10 @@ executable Gtk
Algorithms.PolygonIntersection Algorithms.PolygonIntersection
Algorithms.QuadTree Algorithms.QuadTree
Algorithms.KDTree Algorithms.KDTree
Graphics.Diagram.Gtk Graphics.Diagram.Gtk
Graphics.Diagram.Plotter Graphics.Diagram.Plotter
MyPrelude MyPrelude
Parser.Meshparser Parser.Meshparser
@ -106,9 +107,10 @@ executable Gif
Algorithms.PolygonIntersection Algorithms.PolygonIntersection
Algorithms.QuadTree Algorithms.QuadTree
Algorithms.KDTree Algorithms.KDTree
Graphics.Diagram.Gif Graphics.Diagram.Gif
Graphics.Diagram.Plotter Graphics.Diagram.Plotter
MyPrelude MyPrelude
Parser.Meshparser Parser.Meshparser
Parser.PathParser Parser.PathParser

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@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Diagrams.Prelude import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo.Internal import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo.Internal
import Graphics.Diagram.Core (DiagProp(..))
import Graphics.Diagram.Gtk import Graphics.Diagram.Gtk
import Graphics.Diagram.Types
import Graphics.UI.Gtk import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Glade import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Glade
import MyPrelude import MyPrelude

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@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
module Graphics.Diagram.AlgoDiags where
import Algebra.Vector(PT,Square)
import Algorithms.GrahamScan
import Algorithms.QuadTree
import Algorithms.KDTree
import Algorithms.PolygonIntersection
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Tree
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((<>))
import Diagrams.TwoD.Layout.Tree
import Graphics.Diagram.Core
import Parser.PathParser
-- |Draw the lines of the polygon.
polyLines :: Diag
polyLines = Diag pp
pp _ (Objects []) = mempty
pp _ (Objects (x:y:_)) =
strokePoly x <> strokePoly y
strokePoly x' = (strokeTrail . fromVertices $ x' ++ [head x'])
# moveTo (head x') # lc black
pp _ _ = mempty
-- |Show the intersection points of two polygons as red dots.
polyIntersection :: Diag
polyIntersection = Diag pi'
pi' p (Objects (x:y:_)) = drawP vtpi (dotSize p) # fc red # lc red
vtpi = intersectionPoints . sortLexPolys $ (sortLexPoly x, sortLexPoly y)
pi' _ _ = mempty
-- |Show the coordinate text of the intersection points of two polygons.
polyIntersectionText :: Diag
polyIntersectionText = Diag pit'
pit' p (Objects (x:y:_))
| showCoordText p = position . zip vtpi $ (pointToTextCoord # fc red <$> vtpi)
# translate (r2 (0, 10))
| otherwise = mempty
vtpi = intersectionPoints
. sortLexPolys
$ (sortLexPoly x,
sortLexPoly y)
pit' _ _ = mempty
-- |Create a diagram which shows the points of the convex hull.
convexHP :: Diag
convexHP = Diag chp
chp p (Object vt) = drawP (grahamCH vt) (dotSize p) # fc red # lc red
chp _ _ = mempty
-- |Show coordinates as text above the convex hull points.
convexHPText :: Diag
convexHPText = Diag chpt
chpt p (Object vt)
| showCoordText p =
position $ zip vtchf (pointToTextCoord <$> vtchf) # translate (r2 (0, 10))
| otherwise = mempty
vtchf = grahamCH vt
chpt _ _ = mempty
-- |Create a diagram which shows the lines along the convex hull
-- points.
convexHLs :: Diag
convexHLs = Diag chl
chl _ (Object []) = mempty
chl _ (Object vt) =
(strokeTrail . fromVertices . flip (++) [head $ grahamCH vt] . grahamCH $ vt)
# moveTo (head $ grahamCH vt) # lc red
chl _ _ = mempty
-- |Create list of diagrama which describe the lines along points of a half
-- convex hull, for each iteration of the algorithm. Which half is chosen
-- depends on the input.
convexHStepsLs :: Diag
convexHStepsLs = GifDiag chs
chs _ col f vt = fmap mkChDiag (f vt)
mkChDiag vt' = (strokeTrail . fromVertices $ vt') # moveTo (head vt') # lc col
-- |Create a diagram that shows all squares of the RangeSearch algorithm
-- from the quad tree.
squares :: Diag
squares = Diag f
f _ (Object []) = mempty
f p (Object vt) =
$ (uncurry rectByDiagonal # lw ultraThin)
(quadTreeSquares (xDimension p, yDimension p)
. quadTree vt
$ (xDimension p, yDimension p))
f _ _ = mempty
-- |Draw the squares of the kd-tree.
kdSquares :: Diag
kdSquares = Diag f
f _ (Object []) = mempty
f p (Object vt) =
. fmap (uncurry (~~))
$ kdLines (kdTree vt Horizontal) (xDimension p, yDimension p)
-- Gets all lines that make up the kdSquares. Every line is
-- described by two points, start and end respectively.
kdLines :: KDTree PT -> Square -> [(PT, PT)]
kdLines (KTNode ln pt Horizontal rn) ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) =
(\(x, _) -> [(p2 (x, ymin), p2 (x, ymax))])
(unp2 pt)
++ kdLines ln ((xmin, x'), (ymin, ymax))
++ kdLines rn ((x', xmax), (ymin, ymax))
(x', _) = unp2 pt
kdLines (KTNode ln pt Vertical rn) ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) =
(\(_, y) -> [(p2 (xmin, y), p2 (xmax, y))])
(unp2 pt)
++ kdLines ln ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, y'))
++ kdLines rn ((xmin, xmax), (y', ymax))
(_, y') = unp2 pt
kdLines _ _ = []
f _ _ = mempty
-- |Draw the range rectangle and highlight the points inside that range.
kdRange :: Diag
kdRange = Diag f
f _ (Object []) = mempty
f p (Object vt) =
(uncurry rectByDiagonal # lc red) (rangeSquare p)
<> drawP ptsInRange (dotSize p) # fc red # lc red
ptsInRange = fst . rangeSearch (kdTree vt Vertical) $ rangeSquare p
f _ _ = mempty
-- |The kd-tree visualized as binary tree.
kdTreeDiag :: Diag
kdTreeDiag = Diag f
f _ (Object []) = mempty
f p (Object vt) =
-- HACK: in order to give specific nodes a specific color
renderTree (\n -> case n of
'*':'*':_ -> (text n # fontSizeL 5.0)
<> rect 50.0 20.0 # fc green
'*':_ -> (text n # fontSizeL 5.0)
<> rect 50.0 20.0 # fc red
_ -> (text n # fontSizeL 5.0)
<> rect 50.0 20.0 # fc white)
(symmLayout' (with & slHSep .~ 60 & slVSep .~ 40) roseTree)
# scale 2 # alignT # bg white
roseTree = snd
. rangeSearch (kdTree vt Vertical)
$ rangeSquare p
f _ _ = mempty
-- |Get the quad tree corresponding to the given points and diagram properties.
qt :: [PT] -> DiagProp -> QuadTree PT
qt vt p = quadTree vt (xDimension p, yDimension p)
-- |Create a diagram that shows a single square of the RangeSearch algorithm
-- from the quad tree in red, according to the given path in quadPath.
quadPathSquare :: Diag
quadPathSquare = Diag f
f _ (Object []) = mempty
f p (Object vt) =
(uncurry rectByDiagonal # lw thin # lc red)
(getSquare (stringToQuads (quadPath p)) (qt vt p, []))
getSquare :: [Either Quad Orient] -> QTZipper PT -> Square
getSquare [] z = getSquareByZipper (xDimension p, yDimension p) z
getSquare (q:qs) z = case q of
Right x -> getSquare qs (fromMaybe z (findNeighbor x z))
Left x -> getSquare qs (fromMaybe z (goQuad x z))
f _ _ = mempty
-- |Create a list of diagrams that show the walk along the given path
-- through the quad tree.
gifQuadPath :: Diag
gifQuadPath = GifDiag f
f p col _ vt =
(uncurry rectByDiagonal # lw thick # lc col)
<$> getSquares (stringToQuads (quadPath p)) (qt vt p, [])
getSquares :: [Either Quad Orient] -> QTZipper PT -> [Square]
getSquares [] z = [getSquareByZipper (xDimension p, yDimension p) z]
getSquares (q:qs) z = case q of
Right x -> getSquareByZipper (xDimension p, yDimension p) z :
getSquares qs (fromMaybe z (findNeighbor x z))
Left x -> getSquareByZipper (xDimension p, yDimension p) z :
getSquares qs (fromMaybe z (goQuad x z))
-- |A diagram that shows the full Quad Tree with nodes.
treePretty :: Diag
treePretty = Diag f
f _ (Object []) = mempty
f p (Object vt) =
prettyRoseTree (quadTreeToRoseTree
. flip getCurQT (qt vt p, [])
. stringToQuads
. quadPath
$ p)
getCurQT :: [Either Quad Orient] -> QTZipper PT -> QTZipper PT
getCurQT [] z = z
getCurQT (q:qs) z = case q of
Right x -> getCurQT qs (fromMaybe z (findNeighbor x z))
Left x -> getCurQT qs (fromMaybe z (goQuad x z))
prettyRoseTree :: Tree String -> Diagram Cairo R2
prettyRoseTree tree =
-- HACK: in order to give specific nodes a specific color
renderTree (\n -> case head n of
'*' -> (text n # fontSizeL 5.0)
<> rect 50.0 20.0 # fc red
_ -> (text n # fontSizeL 5.0)
<> rect 50.0 20.0 # fc white)
(symmLayout' (with & slHSep .~ 60 & slVSep .~ 40) tree)
# scale 2 # alignT # bg white
f _ _ = mempty

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-} {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
module Graphics.Diagram.Types where module Graphics.Diagram.Core where
import Algebra.Vector import Algebra.Vector
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo
@ -8,9 +8,6 @@ import Diagrams.Prelude
import MyPrelude import MyPrelude
type MeshString = String
-- |Represents a Cairo Diagram. This allows us to create multiple -- |Represents a Cairo Diagram. This allows us to create multiple
-- diagrams with different algorithms but based on the same -- diagrams with different algorithms but based on the same
-- coordinates and common properties. -- coordinates and common properties.
@ -143,3 +140,36 @@ maybeDiag b d
filterValidPT :: DiagProp -> [PT] -> [PT] filterValidPT :: DiagProp -> [PT] -> [PT]
filterValidPT p = filter (inRange (xDimension p, yDimension p)) filterValidPT p = filter (inRange (xDimension p, yDimension p))
-- |Draw a list of points.
drawP :: [PT] -- ^ the points to draw
-> Double -- ^ dot size
-> Diagram Cairo R2 -- ^ the resulting diagram
drawP [] _ = mempty
drawP vt ds =
position (zip vt (repeat dot))
dot = circle ds :: Diagram Cairo R2
-- |Create a rectangle around a diagonal line, which has sw
-- as startpoint and nw as endpoint.
rectByDiagonal :: (Double, Double) -- ^ sw point
-> (Double, Double) -- ^ nw point
-> Diagram Cairo R2
rectByDiagonal (xmin, xmax) (ymin, ymax) =
rect (xmax - xmin) (ymax - ymin)
# moveTo (p2 ((xmax + xmin) / 2, (ymax + ymin) / 2))
-- |Creates a Diagram from a point that shows the coordinates
-- in text format, such as "(1.0, 2.0)".
pointToTextCoord :: PT -> Diagram Cairo R2
pointToTextCoord pt =
text ("(" ++ (show . trim') x ++ ", " ++ (show . trim') y ++ ")") # scale 10
trim' :: Double -> Double
trim' x' = fromInteger . round $ x' * (10^(2 :: Int)) /
(10.0^^(2 :: Int))
(x, y) = unp2 pt

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@ -2,14 +2,16 @@
module Graphics.Diagram.Gif where module Graphics.Diagram.Gif where
import Algebra.Vector(PT)
import Algorithms.GrahamScan import Algorithms.GrahamScan
import Codec.Picture.Gif import Codec.Picture.Gif
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Monoid import Data.Monoid
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((<>)) import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((<>))
import Graphics.Diagram.AlgoDiags
import Graphics.Diagram.Core
import Graphics.Diagram.Plotter import Graphics.Diagram.Plotter
import Graphics.Diagram.Types
import Parser.Meshparser import Parser.Meshparser

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@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.List(find) import Data.List(find)
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo
import Diagrams.Prelude import Diagrams.Prelude
import Graphics.Diagram.AlgoDiags
import Graphics.Diagram.Core
import Graphics.Diagram.Plotter import Graphics.Diagram.Plotter
import Graphics.Diagram.Types
import Parser.Meshparser import Parser.Meshparser

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@ -2,40 +2,10 @@
module Graphics.Diagram.Plotter where module Graphics.Diagram.Plotter where
import Algebra.Vector(PT,Square)
import Algorithms.GrahamScan
import Algorithms.QuadTree
import Algorithms.KDTree
import Algorithms.PolygonIntersection
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid import Data.Monoid
import Data.Tree
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo
import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((<>)) import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((<>))
import Diagrams.TwoD.Layout.Tree import Graphics.Diagram.Core
import Graphics.Diagram.Types
import Parser.PathParser
-- |Draw a list of points.
drawP :: [PT] -- ^ the points to draw
-> Double -- ^ dot size
-> Diagram Cairo R2 -- ^ the resulting diagram
drawP [] _ = mempty
drawP vt ds =
position (zip vt (repeat dot))
dot = circle ds :: Diagram Cairo R2
-- |Create a rectangle around a diagonal line, which has sw
-- as startpoint and nw as endpoint.
rectByDiagonal :: (Double, Double) -- ^ sw point
-> (Double, Double) -- ^ nw point
-> Diagram Cairo R2
rectByDiagonal (xmin, xmax) (ymin, ymax) =
rect (xmax - xmin) (ymax - ymin)
# moveTo (p2 ((xmax + xmin) / 2, (ymax + ymin) / 2))
-- |Creates a Diagram that shows the coordinates from the points -- |Creates a Diagram that shows the coordinates from the points
@ -48,18 +18,6 @@ coordPoints = Diag cp
cp p (Objects vts) = drawP (concat vts) (dotSize p) # fc black # lc black cp p (Objects vts) = drawP (concat vts) (dotSize p) # fc black # lc black
-- |Creates a Diagram from a point that shows the coordinates
-- in text format, such as "(1.0, 2.0)".
pointToTextCoord :: PT -> Diagram Cairo R2
pointToTextCoord pt =
text ("(" ++ (show . trim') x ++ ", " ++ (show . trim') y ++ ")") # scale 10
trim' :: Double -> Double
trim' x' = fromInteger . round $ x' * (10^(2 :: Int)) /
(10.0^^(2 :: Int))
(x, y) = unp2 pt
-- |Show coordinates as text above all points. -- |Show coordinates as text above all points.
coordPointsText :: Diag coordPointsText :: Diag
coordPointsText = Diag cpt coordPointsText = Diag cpt
@ -73,246 +31,6 @@ coordPointsText = Diag cpt
| otherwise = mempty | otherwise = mempty
-- |Draw the lines of the polygon.
polyLines :: Diag
polyLines = Diag pp
pp _ (Objects []) = mempty
pp _ (Objects (x:y:_)) =
strokePoly x <> strokePoly y
strokePoly x' = (strokeTrail . fromVertices $ x' ++ [head x'])
# moveTo (head x') # lc black
pp _ _ = mempty
-- |Show the intersection points of two polygons as red dots.
polyIntersection :: Diag
polyIntersection = Diag pi'
pi' p (Objects (x:y:_)) = drawP vtpi (dotSize p) # fc red # lc red
vtpi = intersectionPoints . sortLexPolys $ (sortLexPoly x, sortLexPoly y)
pi' _ _ = mempty
-- |Show the coordinate text of the intersection points of two polygons.
polyIntersectionText :: Diag
polyIntersectionText = Diag pit'
pit' p (Objects (x:y:_))
| showCoordText p = position . zip vtpi $ (pointToTextCoord # fc red <$> vtpi)
# translate (r2 (0, 10))
| otherwise = mempty
vtpi = intersectionPoints
. sortLexPolys
$ (sortLexPoly x,
sortLexPoly y)
pit' _ _ = mempty
-- |Create a diagram which shows the points of the convex hull.
convexHP :: Diag
convexHP = Diag chp
chp p (Object vt) = drawP (grahamCH vt) (dotSize p) # fc red # lc red
chp _ _ = mempty
-- |Show coordinates as text above the convex hull points.
convexHPText :: Diag
convexHPText = Diag chpt
chpt p (Object vt)
| showCoordText p =
position $ zip vtchf (pointToTextCoord <$> vtchf) # translate (r2 (0, 10))
| otherwise = mempty
vtchf = grahamCH vt
chpt _ _ = mempty
-- |Create a diagram which shows the lines along the convex hull
-- points.
convexHLs :: Diag
convexHLs = Diag chl
chl _ (Object []) = mempty
chl _ (Object vt) =
(strokeTrail . fromVertices . flip (++) [head $ grahamCH vt] . grahamCH $ vt)
# moveTo (head $ grahamCH vt) # lc red
chl _ _ = mempty
-- |Create list of diagrama which describe the lines along points of a half
-- convex hull, for each iteration of the algorithm. Which half is chosen
-- depends on the input.
convexHStepsLs :: Diag
convexHStepsLs = GifDiag chs
chs _ col f vt = fmap mkChDiag (f vt)
mkChDiag vt' = (strokeTrail . fromVertices $ vt') # moveTo (head vt') # lc col
-- |Create a diagram that shows all squares of the RangeSearch algorithm
-- from the quad tree.
squares :: Diag
squares = Diag f
f _ (Object []) = mempty
f p (Object vt) =
$ (uncurry rectByDiagonal # lw ultraThin)
(quadTreeSquares (xDimension p, yDimension p)
. quadTree vt
$ (xDimension p, yDimension p))
f _ _ = mempty
-- |Draw the squares of the kd-tree.
kdSquares :: Diag
kdSquares = Diag f
f _ (Object []) = mempty
f p (Object vt) =
. fmap (uncurry (~~))
$ kdLines (kdTree vt Horizontal) (xDimension p, yDimension p)
-- Gets all lines that make up the kdSquares. Every line is
-- described by two points, start and end respectively.
kdLines :: KDTree PT -> Square -> [(PT, PT)]
kdLines (KTNode ln pt Horizontal rn) ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) =
(\(x, _) -> [(p2 (x, ymin), p2 (x, ymax))])
(unp2 pt)
++ kdLines ln ((xmin, x'), (ymin, ymax))
++ kdLines rn ((x', xmax), (ymin, ymax))
(x', _) = unp2 pt
kdLines (KTNode ln pt Vertical rn) ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax)) =
(\(_, y) -> [(p2 (xmin, y), p2 (xmax, y))])
(unp2 pt)
++ kdLines ln ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, y'))
++ kdLines rn ((xmin, xmax), (y', ymax))
(_, y') = unp2 pt
kdLines _ _ = []
f _ _ = mempty
-- |Draw the range rectangle and highlight the points inside that range.
kdRange :: Diag
kdRange = Diag f
f _ (Object []) = mempty
f p (Object vt) =
(uncurry rectByDiagonal # lc red) (rangeSquare p)
<> drawP ptsInRange (dotSize p) # fc red # lc red
ptsInRange = fst . rangeSearch (kdTree vt Vertical) $ rangeSquare p
f _ _ = mempty
-- |The kd-tree visualized as binary tree.
kdTreeDiag :: Diag
kdTreeDiag = Diag f
f _ (Object []) = mempty
f p (Object vt) =
-- HACK: in order to give specific nodes a specific color
renderTree (\n -> case n of
'*':'*':_ -> (text n # fontSizeL 5.0)
<> rect 50.0 20.0 # fc green
'*':_ -> (text n # fontSizeL 5.0)
<> rect 50.0 20.0 # fc red
_ -> (text n # fontSizeL 5.0)
<> rect 50.0 20.0 # fc white)
(symmLayout' (with & slHSep .~ 60 & slVSep .~ 40) roseTree)
# scale 2 # alignT # bg white
roseTree = snd
. rangeSearch (kdTree vt Vertical)
$ rangeSquare p
f _ _ = mempty
-- |Get the quad tree corresponding to the given points and diagram properties.
qt :: [PT] -> DiagProp -> QuadTree PT
qt vt p = quadTree vt (xDimension p, yDimension p)
-- |Create a diagram that shows a single square of the RangeSearch algorithm
-- from the quad tree in red, according to the given path in quadPath.
quadPathSquare :: Diag
quadPathSquare = Diag f
f _ (Object []) = mempty
f p (Object vt) =
(uncurry rectByDiagonal # lw thin # lc red)
(getSquare (stringToQuads (quadPath p)) (qt vt p, []))
getSquare :: [Either Quad Orient] -> QTZipper PT -> Square
getSquare [] z = getSquareByZipper (xDimension p, yDimension p) z
getSquare (q:qs) z = case q of
Right x -> getSquare qs (fromMaybe z (findNeighbor x z))
Left x -> getSquare qs (fromMaybe z (goQuad x z))
f _ _ = mempty
-- |Create a list of diagrams that show the walk along the given path
-- through the quad tree.
gifQuadPath :: Diag
gifQuadPath = GifDiag f
f p col _ vt =
(uncurry rectByDiagonal # lw thick # lc col)
<$> getSquares (stringToQuads (quadPath p)) (qt vt p, [])
getSquares :: [Either Quad Orient] -> QTZipper PT -> [Square]
getSquares [] z = [getSquareByZipper (xDimension p, yDimension p) z]
getSquares (q:qs) z = case q of
Right x -> getSquareByZipper (xDimension p, yDimension p) z :
getSquares qs (fromMaybe z (findNeighbor x z))
Left x -> getSquareByZipper (xDimension p, yDimension p) z :
getSquares qs (fromMaybe z (goQuad x z))
-- |A diagram that shows the full Quad Tree with nodes.
treePretty :: Diag
treePretty = Diag f
f _ (Object []) = mempty
f p (Object vt) =
prettyRoseTree (quadTreeToRoseTree
. flip getCurQT (qt vt p, [])
. stringToQuads
. quadPath
$ p)
getCurQT :: [Either Quad Orient] -> QTZipper PT -> QTZipper PT
getCurQT [] z = z
getCurQT (q:qs) z = case q of
Right x -> getCurQT qs (fromMaybe z (findNeighbor x z))
Left x -> getCurQT qs (fromMaybe z (goQuad x z))
prettyRoseTree :: Tree String -> Diagram Cairo R2
prettyRoseTree tree =
-- HACK: in order to give specific nodes a specific color
renderTree (\n -> case head n of
'*' -> (text n # fontSizeL 5.0)
<> rect 50.0 20.0 # fc red
_ -> (text n # fontSizeL 5.0)
<> rect 50.0 20.0 # fc white)
(symmLayout' (with & slHSep .~ 60 & slVSep .~ 40) tree)
# scale 2 # alignT # bg white
f _ _ = mempty
-- |Creates a Diagram that shows an XAxis which is bound -- |Creates a Diagram that shows an XAxis which is bound
-- by the dimensions given in xDimension from DiagProp. -- by the dimensions given in xDimension from DiagProp.
xAxis :: Diag xAxis :: Diag