ALGO: initial implementation of KDTree

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Algorithms/KDTree/KDTree.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
module Algorithms.KDTree.KDTree where
import Algebra.VectorTypes
import Algebra.Vector
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, catMaybes)
import Diagrams.TwoD.Types
import MyPrelude (pivot)
import Safe
-- |The KDTree data structure.
data KDTree a
-- |An empty node.
= KTNil
-- |A node with a value and a left and right child
| KTNode (KDTree a) a (KDTree a)
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Crumb a = Left (KDTree a)
| Right (KDTree a)
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- |A list of Crumbs.
type Breadcrumbs a = [Crumb a]
-- |Zipper for the KDTree.
type Zipper a = (KDTree a, Breadcrumbs a)
data Direction = Vertical
| Horizontal
-- |Construct a kd-tree from a list of points in O(n log n).
kdTree :: [PT]
-> KDTree PT
kdTree xs' = go (sortedX xs') (sortedY xs') Horizontal
go [] _ _ = KTNil
go _ [] _ = KTNil
go xs ys Vertical =
KTNode (go x1 y1 Horizontal)
(fromJust . pivot $ ys)
(go x2 y2 Horizontal)
((x1, x2), (y1, y2)) = partition' (fromJust . pivot $ ys) (xs, ys)
go xs ys Horizontal =
KTNode (go x1 y1 Vertical)
(fromJust . pivot $ xs)
(go x2 y2 Vertical)
((y1, y2), (x1, x2)) = partition' (fromJust . pivot $ xs) (ys, xs)
-- |Partitions two sorted list of points X and Y against a pivot.
-- If you want to partition against the pivot of Y, then you pass
-- partition' (pivot ys) (xs, ys)
-- and get ((x1, x2), (y1, y2)).
-- If you want to partition against the pivot of X, then you pass
-- partition' (pivot xs) (ys, xs)
-- and get ((y1, y2), (x1, x2)).
partition' :: PT -- ^ the pivot to partition against
-> ([PT], [PT]) -- ^ both lists (X, Y) or (Y, X)
-> (([PT], [PT]), ([PT], [PT])) -- ^ ((x1, x2), (y1, y2)) or
-- ((y1, y2), (x1, x2))
partition' piv (xs, ys) = ((x1, x2), (y1, y2))
y1 = takeWhile (/= piv) ys
y2 = tailDef [] . dropWhile (/= piv) $ ys
x1 = foldr (\x y -> [x | x `elem` y1] ++ y) [] xs
x2 = foldr (\x y -> [x | x `elem` y2] ++ y) [] xs
-- |Execute a range search in O(log n).
rangeSearch :: KDTree PT -> Square -> [PT]
rangeSearch = go Horizontal
go _ KTNil _ = []
go Vertical (KTNode ln pt rn) sq@(_, (y1, y2)) =
[pt | inRange sq pt]
++ (if y1 < (snd . unp2 $ pt) then go Horizontal ln sq else [])
++ (if (snd . unp2 $ pt) < y2 then go Horizontal rn sq else [])
go Horizontal (KTNode ln pt rn) sq@((x1, x2), _) =
[pt | inRange sq pt]
++ (if x1 < (fst . unp2 $ pt) then go Vertical ln sq else [])
++ (if (fst . unp2 $ pt) < x2 then go Vertical rn sq else [])
-- |Left fold over ALL tree nodes.
kdFoldl :: (a -> KDTree b -> a) -> a -> KDTree b -> a
kdFoldl f sv kd@(KTNode ln _ rn) = foldl (kdFoldl f) (f sv kd) [ln, rn]
kdFoldl f sv kd = f sv kd
-- |Right fold over ALL tree nodes.
kdFoldr :: (KDTree b -> a -> a) -> a -> KDTree b -> a
kdFoldr f sv kd = kdFoldl (\g b x -> g (f b x)) id kd sv
-- |Get all values of a tree.
getValS :: KDTree a -> [a]
getValS = catMaybes . kdFoldl (\x y -> x ++ [getVal y]) []
-- |Whether the tree is a leaf.
isLeaf :: KDTree a -> Bool
isLeaf (KTNode KTNil _ KTNil) = True
isLeaf _ = False
-- |Get the value of the root node of the tree. Returns Nothing if it's a
-- leaf.
getVal :: KDTree a -> Maybe a
getVal (KTNode _ val _) = Just val
getVal _ = Nothing

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