HALFEDGE: make 'indirectToDirect' a safe function
We had to add NoFace/NoEdge/NoVert constructors to our half-edge data structures, because using "Maybe HeEdge a" as the result value of 'indirectToDirect' causes an infinite recursion, since the whole data structure (which is cyclic and infinite) has to be evaluated in order to know which constructor to use. Unfortunately this makes the code quite hard to read. TODO: add pseudo-code
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,9 +24,11 @@ module Graphics.HalfEdge (
) where
import Algebra.Vector
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Functor
import qualified Data.IntMap.Lazy as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Parser.Meshparser
import Safe
@ -35,21 +37,21 @@ import Safe
data HeVert a = HeVert {
vcoord :: a -- the coordinates of the vertex
, emedge :: HeEdge a -- one of the half-edges emanating from the vertex
} | NoVert
-- |The face data structure for the half-edge.
data HeFace a = HeFace {
bordedge :: HeEdge a -- one of the half-edges bordering the face
} | NoFace
-- |The actual half-edge data structure.
data HeEdge a = HeEdge {
startvert :: HeVert a -- start-vertex of the half-edge
, oppedge :: Maybe (HeEdge a) -- oppositely oriented adjacent half-edge
, oppedge :: HeEdge a -- oppositely oriented adjacent half-edge
, edgeface :: HeFace a -- face the half-edge borders
, nextedge :: HeEdge a -- next half-edge around the face
} | NoEdge
-- This is a helper data structure of half-edge edges
-- for tying the knots in 'indirectToDirect'.
@ -132,7 +134,6 @@ indirectHeVerts hes' = go hes' Map.empty 0
-- |Tie the knots!
-- It is assumed that the list of points is indexed in order of their
-- appearance in the obj mesh file.
-- TODO: make this function safe.
indirectToDirect :: [a] -- ^ list of points
-> [IndirectHeEdge]
-> [IndirectHeFace]
@ -142,22 +143,32 @@ indirectToDirect pts pe@(e:_) fs vertarr
= thisEdge e
thisEdge (IndirectHeEdge ei sv _ fi off)
= HeEdge (thisVert (vertarr Map.! sv) sv)
= case (fs `atMay` fi, pe `atMay` (ei + off), Map.lookup sv vertarr) of
(Just x, Just y, Just z) -> HeEdge (thisVert z sv)
(getOppEdge sv fi)
(thisFace (fs !! fi))
(thisEdge . (!!) pe $ (ei + off))
(thisFace x)
(thisEdge y)
_ -> NoEdge
thisFace (IndirectHeFace (_, vi:_))
= HeFace (thisEdge (pe !! vi))
= case pe `atMay` vi of
Just x -> HeFace (thisEdge x)
Nothing -> NoFace
thisFace (IndirectHeFace _) = NoFace
thisVert (IndirectHeVert eedg _) coordi
= HeVert (pts !! (coordi - 1))
(thisEdge (pe !! (eedg - 1)))
= case (pts `atMay` (coordi - 1), pe `atMay` (eedg - 1)) of
(Just x, Just y) -> HeVert x (thisEdge y)
_ -> NoVert
getOppEdge sv fi
= (\x -> thisEdge (pe !! x))
. filter (\x -> (/=) fi . indexf $ (pe !! x))
= case join
$ headMay
. filter ((/=) fi . indexf)
. catMaybes
. fmap (pe `atMay`)
. edgelist
$ (vertarr Map.! sv))
<$> Map.lookup sv vertarr of
Just x -> thisEdge x
Nothing -> NoEdge
indirectToDirect _ _ _ _ = NoEdge
-- |Build the half-edge data structure from a list of points
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