DIAG: fix plotter, rm moveTo if possible

Scaling the dimensions should now work better, including
scaled coordinate text and point thickness depending
on the diagram dimensions.
This commit is contained in:
hasufell 2014-12-07 20:09:48 +01:00
parent 899e71ab03
commit 34ba3bbfa2
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 220CD1C5BDEED020

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@ -7,13 +7,26 @@ import Diagrams.Prelude hiding ((<>))
import Graphics.Diagram.Core
xAxisPoints :: DiagProp -> [Double]
xAxisPoints p = takeWhile (< diagXmax p)
. iterate (+ squareSize p)
$ diagXmin p
yAxisPoints :: DiagProp -> [Double]
yAxisPoints p = takeWhile (< diagYmax p)
. iterate (+ squareSize p)
$ diagYmin p
-- |Creates a Diagram that shows the coordinates from the points
-- as dots. The points and thickness of the dots can be controlled
-- via DiagProp.
coordPoints :: Diag
coordPoints = Diag f
f p vts = drawP (concat vts) (dotSize p) # fc black # lc black
f p vts = drawP (concat vts) (relDotSize p) # fc black # lc black
relDotSize p = dotSize p / 500 * ((diagWidth p + diagHeight p) / 2)
-- |Show coordinates as text above all points.
@ -36,20 +49,27 @@ xAxis =
<> Diag segments
<> Diag labels
hRule p _ = arrowAt (p2 (diagXmin p, if diagYmin p <= 0 then 0 else diagYmin p))
(r2 (diagWidth p, 0))
segments p _ = hcat' (with & sep .~ squareSize p)
(replicate (floor . (/) (diagWidth p) $ squareSize p)
(vrule 10))
# moveTo (p2 (diagXmin p, if diagYmin p <= 0 then 0 else diagYmin p))
labels p _ = position . zip (mkPoint <$> xs)
$ ((\x -> (text . show $ x) # scale 10) <$> xs)
hRule p _ =
arrowAt (p2 (diagXmin p, diagYminPos p))
(r2 (diagWidth p, 0))
segments p _ =
. fmap (\x -> p2 (x, diagYminPos p - segY)
~~ p2 (x, diagYminPos p + segY))
$ xAxisPoints p
xs :: [Int]
xs = take (floor . (/) (diagWidth p) $ squareSize p)
(iterate (+(floor . squareSize $ p)) (floor . diagXmin $ p))
mkPoint x = p2 (fromIntegral x,
-15 + (if diagYmin p <= 0 then 0 else diagYmin p))
segY = diagWidth p / 100
labels p _ =
. zip (mkPoint <$> xAxisPoints p)
$ ((\x -> (text . show . floor $ x) # scale labelScale)
<$> xAxisPoints p)
mkPoint x =
p2 (x, labelOffset + diagYminPos p)
labelScale = diagWidth p / 50
labelOffset = negate (diagWidth p / 50 * 2)
diagYminPos p = if diagYmin p <= 0 then 0 else diagYmin p
-- |Creates a Diagram that shows an YAxis which is bound
@ -60,22 +80,27 @@ yAxis =
<> Diag segments
<> Diag labels
vRule p _ = arrowAt (p2 (if diagXmin p <= 0 then 0 else diagXmin p, diagYmin p))
(r2 (0, diagHeight p))
segments p _ = vcat' (with & sep .~ squareSize p)
(replicate (floor . (/) (diagHeight p) $ squareSize p)
(hrule 10))
# alignB
# moveTo (p2 (if diagXmin p <= 0 then 0 else diagXmin p, diagYmin p))
labels p _ = position . zip (mkPoint <$> ys)
$ ((\x -> (text . show $ x) # scale 10) <$> ys)
vRule p _ =
arrowAt (p2 (diagXminPos p, diagYmin p))
(r2 (0, diagHeight p))
segments p _ =
. fmap (\y -> p2 (diagXminPos p - segX, y)
~~ p2 (diagXminPos p + segX, y))
$ yAxisPoints p
segX = diagHeight p / 100
labels p _ =
. zip (mkPoint <$> yAxisPoints p)
$ ((\x -> (text . show . floor $ x) # scale labelScale)
<$> yAxisPoints p)
ys :: [Int]
ys = take (floor . (/) (diagHeight p) $ squareSize p)
(iterate (+(floor . squareSize $ p)) (floor . diagYmin $ p))
mkPoint y = p2 (-15 + (if diagXmin p <= 0 then 0 else diagXmin p),
fromIntegral y)
mkPoint y =
p2 (labelOffset + diagXminPos p, y)
labelScale = diagHeight p / 50
labelOffset = negate (diagHeight p / 50 * 2)
diagXminPos p = if diagXmin p <= 0 then 0 else diagXmin p
-- |Creates a Diagram that shows a white rectangle which is a little
-- bit bigger than both X and Y axis dimensions from DiagProp.
@ -87,7 +112,6 @@ whiteRectB = Diag rect'
# lwG 0.00
# bg white
# moveTo (p2 (diagWidthOffset p, diagHeightOffset p))
-- |Create a grid across the whole diagram with squares of the
@ -96,16 +120,18 @@ grid :: Diag
grid = Diag xGrid <> Diag yGrid
yGrid p _
| haveGrid p = hcat' (with & sep .~ squareSize p)
(replicate (floor . (/) (diagWidth p) $ squareSize p)
(vrule $ diagHeight p))
# moveTo (p2 (diagXmin p, diagHeightOffset p)) # lw ultraThin
| haveGrid p =
. fmap (\x -> p2 (x, diagYmin p)
~~ p2 (x, diagYmax p) # lw ultraThin)
$ xAxisPoints p
| otherwise = mempty
xGrid p _
| haveGrid p = vcat' (with & sep .~ squareSize p)
(replicate (floor . (/) (diagHeight p) $ squareSize p)
(hrule $ diagWidth p))
# alignB # moveTo (p2 (diagWidthOffset p, diagYmin p)) # lw ultraThin
| haveGrid p =
. fmap (\y -> p2 (diagXmin p, y)
~~ p2 (diagXmax p, y) # lw ultraThin)
$ yAxisPoints p
| otherwise = mempty