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module Algorithms.QuadTree.QuadTree
2014-11-13 22:05:56 +00:00
2014-11-14 20:26:02 +00:00
2014-11-13 22:05:56 +00:00
2014-11-13 22:05:56 +00:00
import Algebra.VectorTypes
import Algebra.Vector
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Data.List (partition)
2014-11-13 22:05:56 +00:00
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Tree
2014-11-13 22:05:56 +00:00
import Diagrams.TwoD.Types
-- |The quad tree structure.
data QuadTree a
-- |An empty node.
= TNil
-- |A leaf containing some value.
| TLeaf a
-- |A node with four children.
| TNode (QuadTree a) (QuadTree a) -- NW NE
(QuadTree a) (QuadTree a) -- SW SE
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- |Represents a Quadrant in the 2D plane.
data Quad = NW | NE
| SW | SE
deriving (Show)
2014-11-13 22:05:56 +00:00
-- |A Crumb used for the QuadTree Zipper.
data QTCrumb a = NWCrumb (QuadTree a) (QuadTree a) (QuadTree a)
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| NECrumb (QuadTree a) (QuadTree a) (QuadTree a)
| SWCrumb (QuadTree a) (QuadTree a) (QuadTree a)
| SECrumb (QuadTree a) (QuadTree a) (QuadTree a)
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- |Zipper for the QuadTree.
type QTZipper a = (QuadTree a, [QTCrumb a])
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-- |Orientation.
data Orient = North | South | East | West
deriving (Show)
2014-11-13 22:05:56 +00:00
-- |Get a sub-square of the current square, e.g. nw, ne, sw or se.
nwSq, neSq, swSq, seSq :: Square -> Square
nwSq ((xl, xu), (yl, yu)) = (,) (xl, (xl + xu) / 2) ((yl + yu) / 2, yu)
neSq ((xl, xu), (yl, yu)) = (,) ((xl + xu) / 2, xu) ((yl + yu) / 2, yu)
swSq ((xl, xu), (yl, yu)) = (,) (xl, (xl + xu) / 2) (yl, (yl + yu) / 2)
seSq ((xl, xu), (yl, yu)) = (,) ((xl + xu) / 2, xu) (yl, (yl + yu) / 2)
-- |Check whether the current Node is an nw, ne, sw or se child of it's
-- parent.
isNWchild, isNEchild, isSWchild, isSEchild :: QTZipper a -> Bool
2014-11-13 22:05:56 +00:00
isNWchild (_, NWCrumb {}:_) = True
isNWchild _ = False
isNEchild (_, NECrumb {}:_) = True
isNEchild _ = False
isSWchild (_, SWCrumb {}:_) = True
isSWchild _ = False
isSEchild (_, SECrumb {}:_) = True
isSEchild _ = False
-- |Builds a quadtree of a list of points which recursively divides up 2D
-- space into quadrants, so that every leaf-quadrant stores either zero or one
-- point.
quadTree :: [PT] -- ^ the points to divide
-> Square -- ^ the initial square around the points
-> QuadTree PT -- ^ the quad tree
quadTree [] _ = TNil
quadTree [pt] _ = TLeaf pt
quadTree pts sq = TNode (quadTree nWPT . nwSq $ sq) (quadTree nEPT . neSq $ sq)
(quadTree sWPT . swSq $ sq) (quadTree sEPT . seSq $ sq)
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-- this sets the priority in case a point is between multiple quads
(sWPT, sWO) = flip partition pts . inRange . swSq $ sq
(nWPT, nWO) = flip partition sWO . inRange . nwSq $ sq
(nEPT, nEO) = flip partition nWO . inRange . neSq $ sq
sEPT = flip filter nEO . inRange . seSq $ sq
2014-11-13 22:05:56 +00:00
-- |Get all squares of a quad tree.
quadTreeSquares :: Square -- ^ the initial square around the points
-> QuadTree PT -- ^ the quad tree
-> [Square] -- ^ all squares of the quad tree
quadTreeSquares sq (TNil) = [sq]
quadTreeSquares sq (TLeaf _) = [sq]
quadTreeSquares sq (TNode nw ne sw se) =
quadTreeSquares (nwSq sq) nw ++ quadTreeSquares (neSq sq) ne ++
quadTreeSquares (swSq sq) sw ++ quadTreeSquares (seSq sq) se
-- |Get the current square of the zipper, relative to the given top
2014-11-14 20:26:02 +00:00
-- square.
getSquareByZipper :: Square -> QTZipper a -> Square
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getSquareByZipper sq z = go sq (reverse . snd $ z)
go sq' [] = sq'
go sq' (NWCrumb {}:zs) = go (nwSq sq') zs
go sq' (NECrumb {}:zs) = go (neSq sq') zs
go sq' (SWCrumb {}:zs) = go (swSq sq') zs
go sq' (SECrumb {}:zs) = go (seSq sq') zs
-- |Left fold over the tree.
qtFoldl :: (a -> QuadTree b -> a) -> a -> QuadTree b -> a
qtFoldl f sv qt@(TNode nw ne sw se) = foldl (qtFoldl f)
(f sv qt)
[nw, ne, sw, se]
qtFoldl f sv qt = f sv qt
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-- |Right fold over the tree.
qtFoldr :: (QuadTree b -> a -> a) -> a -> QuadTree b -> a
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qtFoldr f sv qt = qtFoldl (\g b x -> g (f b x)) id qt sv
-- |Go to nw, ne, sw or se from the current node, one level deeper.
goNW, goNE, goSW, goSE :: QTZipper a -> Maybe (QTZipper a)
2014-11-13 22:05:56 +00:00
goNW (TNode nw ne sw se, bs) = Just (nw, NWCrumb ne sw se:bs)
goNW _ = Nothing
goNE (TNode nw ne sw se, bs) = Just (ne, NECrumb nw sw se:bs)
goNE _ = Nothing
goSW (TNode nw ne sw se, bs) = Just (sw, SWCrumb nw ne se:bs)
goSW _ = Nothing
goSE (TNode nw ne sw se, bs) = Just (se, SECrumb nw ne sw:bs)
goSE _ = Nothing
-- |Go to the given Quad from the current Node, one level deeper.
goQuad :: Quad -> QTZipper a -> Maybe (QTZipper a)
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goQuad q = case q of
NW -> goNW
NE -> goNE
SW -> goSW
SE -> goSE
-- |Go up to the parent node, if any.
goUp :: QTZipper a -> Maybe (QTZipper a)
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goUp (qt, NWCrumb ne sw se:bs) = Just (TNode qt ne sw se, bs)
goUp (qt, NECrumb nw sw se:bs) = Just (TNode nw qt sw se, bs)
goUp (qt, SWCrumb nw ne se:bs) = Just (TNode nw ne qt se, bs)
goUp (qt, SECrumb nw ne sw:bs) = Just (TNode nw ne sw qt, bs)
goUp _ = Nothing
-- |Get the root node.
rootNode :: QTZipper a -> QTZipper a
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rootNode (qt, []) = (qt, [])
rootNode z = rootNode . fromJust . goUp $ z
-- |Look up a node by a given path of Quads.
lookupByPath' :: [Quad] -> QuadTree a -> Maybe (QTZipper a)
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lookupByPath' qs qt = foldlM (flip goQuad) (qt, []) qs
-- |Find the north, south, east or west neighbor of a given node.
findNeighbor :: Orient -> QTZipper a -> Maybe (QTZipper a)
2014-11-13 22:05:56 +00:00
findNeighbor ot zr = case ot of
North -> go isSWchild isSEchild isNWchild goNW goNE goSW goSE zr
South -> go isNWchild isNEchild isSWchild goSW goSE goNW goNE zr
East -> go isNWchild isSWchild isNEchild goNE goSE goNW goSW zr
West -> go isNEchild isSEchild isNWchild goNW goSW goNE goSE zr
go _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (_, []) = Nothing
go is1 is2 is3 go1 go2 go3 go4 z@(_, _:_)
| is1 z = goUp z >>= go1
| is2 z = goUp z >>= go2
| otherwise = checkParent
2014-11-16 15:45:51 +00:00
. go is1 is2 is3 go1 go2 go3 go4
. fromJust
. goUp
$ z
2014-11-13 22:05:56 +00:00
checkParent (Just (z'@(TNode {}, _)))
| is3 z = go3 z'
| otherwise = go4 z'
checkParent (Just z') = Just z'
checkParent _ = Nothing
lookupByNeighbors :: [Orient] -> QTZipper a -> Maybe (QTZipper a)
lookupByNeighbors = flip (foldlM (flip findNeighbor))
2014-11-13 22:05:56 +00:00
quadTreeToRoseTree :: QTZipper PT -> Tree String
quadTreeToRoseTree z' = go (rootNode z')
go z = case z of
(TNil, _) -> Node markAndPrintOrigin []
(TLeaf a, _) -> Node (markAndPrintOrigin ++ "\n" ++ (show . unp2 $ a)) []
_ -> Node markAndPrintOrigin
[go (fromJust . goNW $ z)
, go (fromJust . goNE $ z)
, go (fromJust . goSW $ z)
, go (fromJust . goSE $ z)]
2014-12-03 20:20:34 +00:00
-- HACK: in order to give specific nodes a specific color
| z' == z = "* " ++ printOrigin
| otherwise = printOrigin
| isNWchild z = "NW"
| isNEchild z = "NE"
| isSWchild z = "SW"
| isSEchild z = "SE"
| otherwise = "root"