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2014-10-10 15:40:08 +00:00
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK ignore-exports #-}
module Graphics.Diagram.Core where
2014-10-10 15:40:08 +00:00
import Algebra.Vector
2014-10-10 15:40:08 +00:00
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo
import Diagrams.Prelude
import MyPrelude
-- |Represents a Cairo Diagram. This allows us to create multiple
-- diagrams with different algorithms but based on the same
-- coordinates and common properties.
data Diag =
mkDiag :: DiagProp
-> [[PT]]
2015-05-20 23:39:34 +00:00
-> Diagram Cairo
| GifDiag
mkGifDiag :: DiagProp
-> Colour Double
-> ([PT] -> [[PT]])
-> [PT]
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-> [Diagram Cairo]
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| EmptyDiag (Diagram Cairo)
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-- |Holds the properties for a Diagram, like thickness of 2d points etc.
-- This can also be seen as a context when merging multiple diagrams.
data DiagProp = MkProp {
-- |The thickness of the dots.
dotSize :: Double,
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-- |The dimensions of the x-axis.
xDimension :: (Double, Double),
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-- |The dimensions of the y-axis.
yDimension :: (Double, Double),
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-- |Algorithm to use.
algo :: Int,
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-- |If we want to show the grid.
haveGrid :: Bool,
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-- |If we want to show the coordinates as text.
showCoordText :: Bool,
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-- |Square size used to show the grid and x/y-axis.
squareSize :: Double,
-- |The path to a quad in the quad tree.
quadPath :: String,
-- |The square for the kd-tree range search.
rangeSquare :: Square
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instance Def DiagProp where
def = diagDefaultProp
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instance Monoid Diag where
mempty = EmptyDiag mempty
mappend d1@(Diag {}) d2@(Diag {}) = Diag g
g p obj = mkDiag d1 p obj <> mkDiag d2 p obj
mappend d1@(GifDiag {}) d2@(Diag {}) = GifDiag g
g p col f vt = mkGifDiag d1 p col f vt ++ [mkDiag d2 p [vt]]
mappend d1@(Diag {}) d2@(GifDiag {}) = GifDiag g
g p col f vt = mkDiag d2 p [vt] : mkGifDiag d1 p col f vt
mappend d1@(GifDiag {}) d2@(GifDiag {}) = GifDiag g
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g p col f vt = mkGifDiag d1 p col f vt ++ mkGifDiag d2 p col f vt
mappend (EmptyDiag _) g = g
mappend g (EmptyDiag _) = g
2014-10-10 15:40:08 +00:00
mconcat = foldr mappend mempty
-- |The default properties of the Diagram.
diagDefaultProp :: DiagProp
diagDefaultProp = MkProp 2 (0,500) (0,500)
0 False False 50 "" ((0,500),(0,500))
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-- |Extract the lower bound of the x-axis dimension.
diagXmin :: DiagProp -> Double
diagXmin = fst . xDimension
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-- |Extract the upper bound of the x-axis dimension.
diagXmax :: DiagProp -> Double
diagXmax = snd . xDimension
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-- |Extract the lower bound of the y-axis dimension.
diagYmin :: DiagProp -> Double
diagYmin = fst . yDimension
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-- |Extract the upper bound of the y-axis dimension.
diagYmax :: DiagProp -> Double
diagYmax = snd . yDimension
2014-10-11 01:59:21 +00:00
-- |The full width of the x dimension.
diagWidth :: DiagProp -> Double
diagWidth p = diagXmax p - diagXmin p
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-- |The full height of the y dimension.
diagHeight :: DiagProp -> Double
diagHeight p = diagYmax p - diagYmin p
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-- |The offset on the x-axis to move the grid and the white rectangle
-- to the right place.
diagWidthOffset :: DiagProp -> Double
diagWidthOffset p = diagXmin p + (diagWidth p / 2)
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-- |The offset on the y-axis to move the grid and the white rectangle
-- to the right place.
diagHeightOffset :: DiagProp -> Double
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diagHeightOffset p = diagYmin p + (diagHeight p / 2)
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-- |Returns the specified diagram if True is passed,
-- otherwise returns the empty diagram. This is just for convenience
-- to avoid if else constructs.
maybeDiag :: Bool -> Diag -> Diag
maybeDiag b d
| b = d
| otherwise = mempty
filterValidPT :: DiagProp -> [PT] -> [PT]
filterValidPT =
. inRange
. diagDimSquare
diagDimSquare :: DiagProp -> Square
diagDimSquare p = dimToSquare (xDimension p) $ yDimension p
-- |Draw a list of points.
drawP :: [PT] -- ^ the points to draw
-> Double -- ^ dot size
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-> Diagram Cairo -- ^ the resulting diagram
drawP [] _ = mempty
drawP vt ds =
position (zip vt (repeat dot))
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dot = circle ds :: Diagram Cairo
-- |Create a rectangle around a diagonal line, which has sw
-- as startpoint and nw as endpoint.
rectByDiagonal :: (Double, Double) -- ^ sw point
-> (Double, Double) -- ^ nw point
2015-05-20 23:39:34 +00:00
-> Diagram Cairo
rectByDiagonal (xmin, ymin) (xmax, ymax) =
fromVertices [p2 (xmin, ymin)
, p2 (xmax, ymin)
, p2 (xmax, ymax)
, p2 (xmin, ymax)
, p2 (xmin, ymin)
-- |Creates a Diagram from a point that shows the coordinates
-- in text format, such as "(1.0, 2.0)".
2015-05-20 23:39:34 +00:00
pointToTextCoord :: PT -> Diagram Cairo
pointToTextCoord pt =
text ("(" ++ (show . trim') x ++ ", " ++ (show . trim') y ++ ")") # scale 10
trim' :: Double -> Double
trim' x' = fromInteger . round $ x' * (10^(2 :: Int)) /
(10.0^^(2 :: Int))
(x, y) = unp2 pt