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% set font to sans-serif
\usepackage[left=3.5cm,right=3.0cm,top=2cm,bottom=3cm]{geometry} % Page margins
\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % Better line breaking
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Utf8 recognition
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Translate from latex code to draw font
\usepackage{lmodern} % Bolder font
\usepackage{graphicx} % Display images
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % Header/footer
\usepackage[pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref} % Links without visible lines
\usepackage[table]{xcolor} % Get the color in the table
\usepackage{pdflscape} % Get the table into landscape mode
\usepackage[lastpage]{zref} % Set a lable on the last page
\usepackage{listings} % Display formatted code
\usepackage{makeidx} % Generates the index
\usepackage{acronym} % Generates the list of abbreviations
\usepackage{multicol} % List of abbreviations with two columns
\usepackage{bibgerm} % BibTex German Style DIN 1505
\usepackage{longtable} % Multi page tables
% Tell LaTeX to generate an index
% No indent @ line start
\parindent 10pt
% The bibstyle
% gerplain is for only numbers in alphabetic order
% geralpha is for name+year in alphabetic order
% Header
\fancyhead[RO,RE]{Seite \thepage\ von\reallastpage}
% Set the lastpage counter -1
% So the statutory declaration is not part of the page counter
\the \numexpr \zref@extractdefault{LastPage}{page}{0}-1\relax
% Header for starting section
% Empty footer
% Brake long url in cite
% Suppress clubs (Schusterjungen)
\clubpenalty = 10000
% Suppress widows (Hurenkinder)
\widowpenalty = 10000
% Suppress widows in front of a formular
\displaywidowpenalty = 10000
% Macro for centering extreme wide tables/figures
\parindent \z@
\leftskip \z@ \@plus 1fil \@minus \textwidth
\parfillskip \z@skip}
% Macro for reusing sume text:
% Use to define some text and then re use the very same text
% \ref{sth:bla}
% \textlabel{Something AAA}{sth:bla}
\edef\@currentlabel{#1}% Set target label
\phantomsection% Correct hyper reference link
#1\label{#2}% Print and store label
% Macro for the title:
% The full title
% Only the first line of the title
\newcommand*{\TitleFirstLine}{Betrachtung von Datensicherheit in E-Mail Systemen und Entwicklung eines SMTP-basierten Anonymisierungs-Algorithmus}
% Only the second line of the title
% Macros for the list of abbreviations:
% To wirte the text only once
% use reversed form
\footnote{\AC@placelabel{#1}\hskip\z@\AC@acl{#1}{} }%
\acsfont{% Orig:\acffont
\AC@placelabel{#1}\hskip\z@\AC@acs{#1}%Orig: \AC@acl{#1}
\nolinebreak[3] %
\acfsfont{(\acffont{\AC@acl{#1}})}%Orig: (\acsfont{\AC@acs{#1}})
% Macros for the the Index:
% The thickness of the line between the columns of the index and the list of
% Abbreviations; 0.4 pt is the LaTeX standart
\newcommand*{\LineThickness}{0.4 pt}
% Display twoculums with vertical seperator line
\setlength{\columnseprule}{\LineThickness} % Thikness of the columnseprule
\setlength{\columnsep}{35 pt}
\begin{multicols}{2}[\chapter*{\indexname}] % Amount of Columns
\setlength{\parskip}{0pt plus 0.3pt}
% Macros for table colors and longtables:
% Table gray row
% Table red cell
% Table green cell
% Generates a small empty row in a longtable
\newcommand*{\EmptyRow}{\multicolumn{0}{l}{} \\[-9pt]}
% Needs to be @ the end of the longtable,
% generates a caption with correct spacing
% @par1: the text of the caption
{\multicolumn{0}{l}{} \\[-3pt]\caption{#1}}
% Macros for quotes:
% A direct quote
% @par1: The quoted text
% @par2: The source where the text is from
% @par3: The page where the text is from
\newcommand*{\QuoteDirect}[3]{\QuoteM{\emph{#1}} \cite[#3]{#2}}
% A direct quote without page
% @par1: The quoted text
% @par2: The source where the text is from
\newcommand*{\QuoteDirectNoPage}[2]{\QuoteM{\emph{#1}} \cite{#2}}
% A indirect quote
% @par1: The source where the text is from
% @par2: The page where the text is from
\newcommand*{\QuoteIndirect}[2]{(vgl. \cite[#2]{#1})}
% A indirect quote without page
% @par1: The source where the text is from
\newcommand*{\QuoteIndirectNoPage}[1]{(vgl. \cite{#1})}
% A reference
% @par1: The source where the text is from
% A text with quotation marks
% @par1: The text you want to quote
% »text«
\newcommand*{\QuoteM}[1]{\frqq #1\flqq}
% A text with single quotation marks
% @par1: The text you want to quote
% text
\newcommand*{\QuoteMs}[1]{\frq #1\flq}
% To adjust some words to the flow
% @par1: the adjusted words
% [text]
% Displays a reference to the given object
% @par1: the lable of the thing you want to see
% (Siehe auch Abbildung 1.1 »Ein Bild« auf Seite 4)
{(Siehe auch \autoref{#1} \QuoteM{\nameref{#1}} auf \autopageref{#1})}
% Displays a reference to an equation
% @par1: the lable of the equation you want to see
% (Siehe auch Gleichung 1.1 in »Dummy Section« auf Seite 5)
{(Siehe auch \autoref{#1} in \QuoteM{\nameref{#1}} auf \autopageref{#1})}
% The symbol for a elision
% Is used for more than missings one word or a sentence
% [...]
% The symbol for a small elision
% Is used for only one missing word
% [..]
% This is used if a book is cited at whole
% passim means something like continuous
% text (vgl. [Aut99, passim]).
% To show the audience that there is something
% To display a wrong/importen part but not corrected in the quote
% text error [sic!] text
% The text for a note from the author
% text, Anm. d. Autors
\newcommand*{\NoteFromAuthor}{{\normalfont\unskip , Anm. d. Autors}}
% Space btween \item in itemize
\newcommand*{\Itemizespace}{0 pt}
% Listings:
% Change the text from a listings caption
% Change the text from the \autoref
% Change the text from the list of listings
\definecolor{purple}{rgb}{0.65, 0.12, 0.82}
keywords={typeof, new, true, false, catch, function, return, null, catch, switch, var, if, in, while, do, else, case, break},
ndkeywords={class, export, boolean, throw, implements, import, this},
% C++ code environment
% @par1: The caption
% @par2: The label
% Used as:
% \begin{c++}{caption}{label}
% c++ code
% \end{c++}
% Use empty brackets for code without caption and/or lable like:
% \begin{c++}{}{}
% c++ code
% \end{c++}
\lstset{ % General command to set parameter(s)
% The language of the code
basicstyle=\small \ttfamily,
% The size of the fonts that are used for the code
% Sets automatic line breaking
% Sets the caption-position to bottom
% Underline spaces within strings only
% Show spaces everywhere adding particular underscores;
% it overrides 'showstringspaces'
% Keeps spaces in text, useful for keeping indentation
% of code (possibly needs columns=flexible)
% Where to put the line-numbers;
% possible values are (none, left, right)
% Show tabs within strings adding particular underscores
keywordstyle=\bfseries \color{blue},
% Keyword style
% The color of the shadow of the box
% The style for non-keywords
commentstyle=\bfseries \color{gray},
% Comment style
stringstyle=\ttfamily \color{red!50!brown},
% String literal style
% The style that is used for the line-numbers
% Sets default tabsize to 2 spaces
% Adds a frame around the code use single for no shadow
% If not set, the frame-color may be changed
% on line-breaks within not-black text
% To create a underlind text to highlight something: __text__
% The caption of the code example will be
% shown in the lstlistoflistings
% The lable used to make a ref to the code
\lstset{ % General command to set parameter(s)
basicstyle=\small \ttfamily,
% The size of the fonts that are used for the code
% Sets automatic line breaking
% Sets the caption-position to bottom
% Underline spaces within strings only
% Show spaces everywhere adding particular underscores;
% it overrides 'showstringspaces'
% Keeps spaces in text, useful for keeping indentation
% of code (possibly needs columns=flexible)
% Where to put the line-numbers;
% possible values are (none, left, right)
% Show tabs within strings adding particular underscores
keywordstyle=\bfseries \color{blue},
% Keyword style
% The color of the shadow of the box
% The style for non-keywords
commentstyle=\bfseries \color{gray},
% Comment style
stringstyle=\ttfamily \color{red!50!brown},
% String literal style
% The style that is used for the line-numbers
% Sets default tabsize to 2 spaces
% Adds a frame around the code use single for no shadow
% If not set, the frame-color may be changed
% on line-breaks within not-black text
% To create a underlind text to highlight something: __text__
% The caption of the code example will be
% shown in the lstlistoflistings
% The lable used to make a ref to the code