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33 lines
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\begin{acronym}[WWWWWWWWWiii] % The length of the longes abbreviation
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\setlength{\itemsep}{1 pt} % set space between lines
\acro{DDoS}{distributed denial-of-service}
\acro{d.h.}{das heißt}
\acro{E-Mail}{electronic mail}
\acro{FTP}{File Transfer Protocol}
\acro{FQDN}{Fully qualified domain name}
\acro{etc.}{et cetera}
\acro{IMAP4}{Internet Message Access Protocol Version 4}
\acro{IMF}{Internet Message Format}
\acro{POP3}{Post Office Protocol Version 3}
\acro{RFC}{Request for Comments}
\acro{SMTP}{Simple Mail Transfer Protocol}
\acro{TCP}{Transmission Control Protocol}
\acro{u.a.}{unter anderem}
\acro{UUID}{Universally Unique Identifier}
\acro{u.U.}{unter Umständen}
\acro{WWW}{World Wide Web}
\acro{z.B.}{zum Beispiel}