window.$body = $('body'); window.$window = $(window); window.WAITING = 0; window.READY = 1; window.BEGUN = 2; window.BREAK_SMALL = 640; window.BREAK_MEDIUM = 1024; window.THEME_URL = ''; window.BASE_URL = '/cache.php?request='; window.NO_CACHE_BASE_URL = ''; var init_root; init_root = function($scope, $rootScope) { var _all_finished_triggered, _all_images_loaded, _all_requests_finished, all_finished, all_requests_finished, execute_lazy_load, outstanding_requests, scheduled_to_load, watch_all_finished, watch_request_finished, watch_requests_finished, watch_window_load, watch_window_resize, watch_window_scroll; $rootScope.lazy_load_state = WAITING; $rootScope.theme_url = THEME_URL; scheduled_to_load = []; outstanding_requests = 0; watch_request_finished = {}; watch_requests_finished = []; watch_all_finished = []; _all_requests_finished = true; _all_images_loaded = true; _all_finished_triggered = false; watch_window_resize = []; watch_window_load = []; watch_window_scroll = []; $rootScope.window_properties = {}; 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_all_images_loaded = true; _all_requests_finished = true; return $body.removeClass('all_loaded'); }; return $rootScope.request = function(base_url, path, menu_path, callback) { outstanding_requests += 1; if (!menu_path) { menu_path = ''; } return $.get(base_url + path + menu_path, function(response) { outstanding_requests -= 1; callback(response); if (watch_request_finished[path]) { watch_request_finished[path](); delete watch_request_finished[path]; } if (outstanding_requests === 0) { return all_requests_finished(); } }); }; }; var SimpleHelpers, json_action; SimpleHelpers = angular.module('SimpleHelpers', []); SimpleHelpers.directive("lazyBackground", function($rootScope) { return { restrict: "A", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { return $rootScope.schedule_lazy_load(function(done) { var image, loaded, timeout, url; if ($rootScope.window_properties.width <= BREAK_SMALL) { url = attrs.smallLazyBackground; } else { url = attrs.lazyBackground; } if (!url) { return done(); } image = $(''); timeout = null; loaded = function() { clearTimeout(timeout); element.css('background-image', 'url("' + url + '")'); setTimeout(function() { element.addClass('loaded'); return element.trigger('loaded'); }, parseInt(attrs.lazyDelay) || 0); image.unbind('load'); image.remove(); return done(); }; timeout = setTimeout(loaded, 1000); image.load(loaded); return image.attr('src', url); }); } }; }); SimpleHelpers.directive("lazyImage", function($rootScope) { return { restrict: "A", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { return $rootScope.schedule_lazy_load(function(done) { var loaded, timeout, url; url = attrs.lazyImage; timeout = null; loaded = function(e) { clearTimeout(timeout); element.attr('src', url); element.addClass('loaded'); element.unbind('load'); element.trigger('loaded'); return done(); }; element.load(loaded); return element.attr('src', url); }); } }; }); SimpleHelpers.directive("matchWindowHeight", function($rootScope) { return { restrict: "A", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var match_height, mobile_offset, normal_offset, offsets, only_once, ref; only_once = (ref = attrs.matchOnlyOnce !== void 0) != null ? ref : { "true": false }; if (attrs.matchWindowHeight.match(/^-?[0-9|-]+$/)) { offsets = attrs.matchWindowHeight.split('|'); normal_offset = parseInt(offsets[0]); if (offsets[1]) { mobile_offset = parseInt(offsets[1]); } } else { normal_offset = -$(attrs.matchWindowHeight).height(); } match_height = function(window_properties) { var offset; if ($ && mobile_offset) { offset = mobile_offset; } else { offset = normal_offset; } return element.css('height', window_properties.height + offset); }; if (only_once) { return match_height($rootScope.window_properties); } else { return $rootScope.$watch('window_properties', function(new_value, old_value) { return match_height(new_value); }, true); } } }; }); SimpleHelpers.directive("centerHorizontally", function($rootScope, $timeout) { return { restrict: "A", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var set_margin; set_margin = function() { if (!$rootScope.window_properties.width) { return; } if (element.width() > $rootScope.window_properties.width) { return element.css('margin-left', -(element.width() - $rootScope.window_properties.width) / 2); } else { return element.css('margin-left', -element.width() / 2); } }; $rootScope.on_window_resize(set_margin); return $timeout(set_margin); } }; }); SimpleHelpers.directive("centerVertically", function($rootScope, $timeout) { return { restrict: "A", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var set_margin; set_margin = function() { return element.css('marginTop', -element.height() / 2); }; element.addClass('center-vertically'); $rootScope.on_window_resize(set_margin); return $timeout(set_margin); } }; }); SimpleHelpers.directive("parallax", function($rootScope) { return { restrict: "A", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var base, scroll_element, travel, wh; if (!$ { travel = parseInt(attrs.parallax); base = parseInt(attrs.parallaxBase); scroll_element = element; if (attrs.parallaxContainer) { scroll_element = $(attrs.parallaxContainer); } wh = $rootScope.window_properties.height; return $rootScope.on_window_scroll(function() { var current_travel, option, parallax_end, parallax_percent, parallax_start; parallax_start = Math.max(scroll_element.offset().top - wh, 0); parallax_end = parallax_start + wh + scroll_element.height(); parallax_percent = Math.max($window.scrollTop() - parallax_start, 0) / parallax_end; current_travel = base + (travel * parallax_percent - travel / 2); option = current_travel + 'px'; return element.css('top', option); }); } } }; }); SimpleHelpers.directive("onLoaded", function($rootScope) { return { restrict: "A", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { return element.on('loaded', function() { return json_action(eval('(' + attrs.onLoaded + ')'), element); }); } }; }); SimpleHelpers.directive("onOtherLoaded", function($rootScope) { return { restrict: "A", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { return $(attrs.onOtherLoadedSelector).on('loaded', function() { return json_action(eval('(' + attrs.onOtherLoaded + ')'), element); 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} return $rootScope.request(BASE_URL, '/load/blocks/' + attrs.loadBlock, menu_path, function(response) { element.html(response); return element.trigger('loaded'); }); } }; }); SimpleHelpers.directive("loadJson", function($rootScope) { return { restrict: "AE", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { return $rootScope.request(BASE_URL, attrs.loadJson, '', function(response) { = JSON.parse(response); scope.$apply(); return element.trigger('loaded'); }); }, template: function(tElement, tAttrs) { return tElement.html(); } }; }); SimpleHelpers.directive("loadBlockRegion", function($rootScope, $compile, $location) { return { restrict: "AE", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var menu_path; menu_path = attrs.menuPath || ''; if (!menu_path && attrs.includePath) { menu_path = $location.path(); } return $rootScope.request(BASE_URL, '/load/block_region/' + attrs.loadBlockRegion, menu_path, function(response) { var template; template = $(response); element.append(template); $compile(template)(scope); element.trigger('loaded'); if (attrs.jsScrollbar !== void 0) { if (!$ { return element.parent().nanoScroller({ preventPageScrolling: true }); } } }); } }; }); SimpleHelpers.directive("loadHtml", function($rootScope, $compile) { return { restrict: "AE", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { return $rootScope.request(BASE_URL, attrs.loadHtml, false, function(response) { var template; template = $(response); element.append(template); $compile(template)(scope); return element.trigger('loaded'); }); } }; }); SimpleHelpers.directive("prependTo", function() { return { restrict: "A", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { return element.prependTo(attrs.prependTo); } }; }); SimpleHelpers.filter('classify', function() { return function(input) { if (input) { return input.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '_'); } return ''; }; }); SimpleHelpers.directive("portraitOrLandscape", function($rootScope) { return { restrict: "A", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var detect, only_once, ref; only_once = (ref = attrs.setOnlyOnce !== void 0) != null ? ref : { "true": false }; detect = function() { if ($window.height() > $window.width()) { element.addClass('portrait'); return element.removeClass('landscape'); } else { element.addClass('landscape'); return element.removeClass('portrait'); } }; if (only_once) { detect($rootScope.window_properties); } else { $rootScope.on_window_resize = function() { return detect(); }; } return detect(); } }; }); SimpleHelpers.directive("activeTrail", function($location) { return { restrict: "A", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var links, set_active_trail; links = element.find('a'); set_active_trail = function() { return angular.forEach(links, function(link) { var uri; link = $(link); uri = URI(); if (link.attr('href') === uri.path()) { return link.addClass('active'); } else { return link.removeClass('active'); } }); }; set_active_trail(); return scope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function(current) { return set_active_trail(); }); } }; }); SimpleHelpers.directive("cycleChildren", function() { return { restrict: "A", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var autoPlay, children, cycleNav, i, navButtons, showSlide, timeout; autoPlay = parseInt(attrs.autoPlay); children = element.find('> *'); timeout = null; i = 0; if (children.length > 1) { cycleNav = $(''); angular.forEach(children, function() { return cycleNav.append('
  • '); }); cycleNav.appendTo(element); cycleNav.on('click', 'li', function() { return showSlide($(this).index()); }); navButtons = cycleNav.find('li'); } showSlide = function(i) { if (i > children.length - 1) { i = 0; } clearTimeout(timeout); if (navButtons) { navButtons.removeClass('active').eq(i).addClass('active'); } children.removeClass('active').eq(i).addClass('active'); if (autoPlay && children.length > 1) { return timeout = setTimeout(function() { return showSlide(i + 1); }, autoPlay); } }; return children.eq(0).on('loaded', function() { showSlide(i); return element.addClass('active'); }); } }; }); SimpleHelpers.directive("tabbedContent", function() { return { restrict: "A", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { var links, panels; links = element.find('a'); panels = $(attrs.tabbedContent + ' [panel]'); { links.removeClass('active'); $(this).addClass('active'); panels.removeClass('active').filter('[panel=' + $(this).attr('panel') + ']').addClass('active'); $window.trigger('resize'); return false; }); return links.eq(0).trigger('click'); } }; }); SimpleHelpers.directive("osSpecificLink", function() { return { restrict: "A", link: function(scope, element, attrs) { return $window.load(function() { var href, os, re; os =; re = new RegExp("windows|mac|linux", "g"); href = element.attr('href'); if (os.indexOf('windows') > -1) { element.attr('href', href.replace(re, 'windows')); } if (os.indexOf('mac') > -1) { return element.attr('href', href.replace(re, 'mac')); } else if (os.indexOf('linux centos debian fedora gentoo gnewsense kubuntu mandriva mageia mandriva red hat slackware suse turbolinux ubuntu limo') > -1) { return element.attr('href', href.replace(re, 'linux')); } }); } }; }); json_action = function(actions, element) { var delay, speed, transition; transition = actions.animate; delay = actions.delay || 0; if (transition) { speed = transition.speed || 700; delete transition.speed; setTimeout(function() { return element.velocity(transition, speed); }, delay); } if (actions["class"]) { element.addClass(actions["class"]); } if (actions.play_video) { return element.get(0).play(); } }; var Docker; window.Docker = Docker = angular.module('Docker', ['SimpleHelpers', 'ngSanitize', 'ngAnimate', 'ngTouch']); Docker.controller('DockerController', function($rootScope, $scope) { var getCookie, userName; init_root($scope, $rootScope); $rootScope.on_window_resize(function() { if ($('#content').height() + $('footer').height() + 20 < $window.height()) { return $body.addClass('short'); } else { return $body.removeClass('short'); } }, true); getCookie = function(cname) { var c, ca, cookie, i, len, name; name = cname + "="; ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for (i = 0, len = ca.length; i < len; i++) { cookie = ca[i]; c = cookie.trim(); if (c.indexOf(name) === 0) { return c.substring(name.length, c.length); } } return ""; }; userName = getCookie('docker_sso_username'); if (userName) { $('a[href="/support"]').attr('href', ''); $('ul.nav-global a[href=""]').text('Logout').attr('href', ''); return $('ul.nav-global a.button').text('Go to Hub').attr('href', ''); } }); Docker.controller('EventsController', function($scope, $rootScope, $timeout) { $ = $.parseJSON($('#event_data').html()); $scope.searchType = 'upcoming'; $scope.searchRegion = 'any'; $scope.searchMeetupType = 'any'; $timeout(function() { $('.event.static').remove(); return $('.search-results').addClass('loaded'); }); $scope.filterEvents = function() { if (!$scope.searchString && !$scope.searchMeetupType && !$scope.searchRegion) { $scope.filtered = $, 50); return; } $scope.filtered = []; angular.forEach($, function(ev) { var include; include = true; if (!ev.field_meetup_type) { ev.field_meetup_type = ''; } if (!ev.upcoming) { include = false; } if (!ev.field_region) { return; } if ($scope.searchString) { if (!ev.searchableText.includes($scope.searchString.toLowerCase())) { include = false; } } if ($scope.searchMeetupType !== 'any' && $scope.searchMeetupType.toLowerCase().trim() !== ev.field_meetup_type.toLowerCase().trim()) { include = false; } if ($scope.searchRegion !== 'any' && $scope.searchRegion.toLowerCase() !== ev.field_region.toLowerCase()) { include = false; } if (include) { return $scope.filtered.push(ev); } }); return $scope.filtered = $scope.filtered.slice(0, 100); }; return $scope.filterEvents(); }); Docker.controller('CustomersController', function($scope, $rootScope, $timeout) { $scope.customers = $('.customers .customer'); $scope.details = $('.customers .customer-details'); return $scope.showDetails = function(i) { var details; $scope.details.removeClass('open'); $scope.customers.eq(i); details = $scope.details.eq(i); details.insertAfter($scope.customers.eq(i + 3 - i % 4)); details.addClass('open'); }; }); Docker.controller('ContributeController', function($scope, $rootScope, $timeout) { var connections, fuzzyMatch, i, loadIframe, repos; repos = $('ul.repos li'); connections = 0; i = 0; loadIframe = function() { var iframe; iframe = repos.eq(i).find('iframe'); iframe.attr('src', iframe.attr('_src')); connections += 1; i += 1; if (repos.length > i && connections <= 3) { loadIframe(); } return iframe.load(function() { connections -= 1; if (repos.length > i && connections <= 3) { return loadIframe(); } }); }; loadIframe(); fuzzyMatch = function(str, pattern) { pattern = pattern.split("").reduce(function(a, b) { return a + ".* " + b; }); return (new RegExp(pattern)).test(str); }; return $scope.filterRepos = function() { repos.each(function() { if ($(this).attr('name').score($scope.searchString) > .2 || !$scope.searchString) { return $(this).show(); } else { return $(this).hide(); } }); }; }); Docker.controller('SelectContentController', function($scope, $rootScope, $element, $timeout) { $scope.$watch('selectData', function(newValue, oldValue) { if (newValue) { $scope.selectOptions = newValue.split(','); $scope.displayedContent = $scope.selectOptions[0]; return $scope.ChangeContent(); } }); return $scope.ChangeContent = function() { var i; i = $('option[label="' + this.displayedContent + '"]').index(); if ($('option[label="' + this.displayedContent + '"]').index() == -1) { i = 0; } $element.find('.select-content').hide().eq(i).show(); //console.log(i); //console.log($('option[label="' + this.displayedContent + '"]').index()); }; }); Docker.controller('TeamController', function($scope, $rootScope, $element, $timeout) { var links, select; links = $element.find('a[href^="#"]'); select = null; $('#grnhse_iframe').load(function() { return select = $('#grnhse_iframe').contents().find('#departments-select'); }); return { var evt, team, val; $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $("#grnhse_iframe").offset().top - 100 }, 750); if (select) { team = $(this).attr('href').replace('#', ''); val = select.find('option:contains("' + team + '")').attr('value'); select.val(val); if (document.createEvent != null) { evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); evt.initEvent("change", false, true); select.get(0).dispatchEvent(evt); } else { select.get(0).fireEvent("onchange"); } } return false; }); }); Docker.controller('ManagementController', function($scope, $rootScope, $element, $timeout) { $(window).on('load resize', function() { if ('only screen and (min-width: 58.8125em)')) { return $scope.columns = 4; } else if ('only screen and (min-width: 40.0625em)')) { return $scope.columns = 3; } else { return $scope.columns = 2; } }); return $('a.more').click(function() { var columns, details, n, parent_li, parent_ul, row; $('.current').remove(); $('.selected').removeClass('selected'); parent_ul = $(this).parents('ul'); parent_li = $(this).parents('li'); details = parent_li.find('.bio-details').clone(); n = parent_li.index(); columns = $scope.columns; row = Math.floor(n / $scope.columns) + 1; $(this).parents('li').addClass('selected'); if ((parent_ul.find('li').eq(row * columns - 1)[0])) { return details.insertAfter(parent_ul.find('li').eq(row * columns - 1)).addClass('current'); } else { return details.insertAfter(parent_ul.find('li:last-child')).addClass('current'); } }); }); Docker.controller('PartnersController', function($scope, $rootScope, $element, $timeout) { var content; content = $('.page-content > .row').offset().top - 30; return $(window).scroll(function() { if (content < $(window).scrollTop() &&'only screen and (min-width: 58.8125em)')) { return $('.page-content .large-3 ul').addClass('fixed-bar'); } else { return $('.page-content .large-3 ul').removeClass('fixed-bar'); } }); }); Docker.controller('NewsController', function($scope, $rootScope, $timeout) { var newsPage; $scope.moreNews = true; newsPage = 1; $ = []; return $scope.loadMore = function(type) { return $.get('/api/news-and-press?type=' + type + '&page=' + newsPage, function(response) { if (response) { newsPage += 1; response = $.parseJSON(response); $scope.moreNews = response.more; $ = $; return $scope.$apply(); } }); }; }); Docker.controller('SocialCountController', function($scope, $rootScope, $timeout) { return $(window).load(function() { return $('.social a').click(function(e) { = $(this).attr('class'); window.project = $(this).parents('.hack_idea').attr('id'); return $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: '/count/' + window.project + '/' +, async: true, cache: false, success: function(response) { return window.project = = ''; } }); }); }); });