/* Haraka Plugins for SMTP-based anonymization Copyright (C) 2016 Julian Ospald This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ var console = require('console'); var fs = require('fs'); var os = require('os'); var Address = require('./address').Address; var MessageStream = require('./messagestream'); var Transaction = require('./transaction').Transaction; var config = require('./config'); var uuid = require('./utils').uuid; exports.hook_data_post = function(next, connection) { var mail = create_myst_mail(connection.transaction); var t = transform_transaction(mail, connection); connection.transaction = t; next(); } /** * Transforms the current transaction based on a given * raw email string. This always parses the body. * * 'mail_from' and 'rcpt_to' are filled in from the email headers. * The uuid and results are taken from the old transaction. * * @param {string} email the raw full email, including headers * @param {Connection} connection the current connection object * @return {Transaction} the new transaction */ function transform_transaction(email, connection) { var email_lines = email.split("\n"); // create new empty transaction var t = new Transaction(); t.uuid = connection.transaction.uuid; t.parse_body = true; t.message_stream = new MessageStream( config.get('smtp.ini'), t.uuid, t.header.header_list); // parse the email and fill the object var i; for (i = 0; i < email_lines.length; i++) { t.add_data(email_lines[i] + "\n"); } t.end_data(function() { return ; }) // use old result object t.results = connection.transaction.results; // overwrite mail_from and rcpt_to var from_addr = t.header.get("From").match(/[^@<\s]+@[^@\s>]+/g)[0]; var to_addr = t.header.get("To").match(/[^@<\s]+@[^@\s>]+/g)[0]; t.mail_from = new Address(from_addr); t.rcpt_to = [new Address(to_addr)]; t.results.store.mail_from = new Address(from_addr); t.results.store.rcpt_to = [new Address(to_addr)]; return t; } /** * Check whether the given header object identifies as a myst mail header * * @param {Header} header * @return {Boolean} true/false */ function is_myst_mail(header) { if (header.get("X-Myst")) { return true; } return false; } function myst_encrypt(string) { var enc = new Buffer(string).toString('base64'); return enc; } function get_hops() { // excludes the last hop return ["hop1.haraka", "hop2.haraka", "hop3.haraka"]; } // TODO: randomize date? function create_mail_for_hop(fromd, tod, date, bodytext) { var from_addr = "myst@" + fromd; var to_addr = "myst@" + tod; return ["Date: " + date, "To: " + to_addr, "From: " + from_addr, "X-Myst: 1", "Subject: ", "", myst_encrypt(bodytext), ""].join("\n"); } function create_myst_mail(transaction) { // recipient is always the last hop var recipient = transaction.rcpt_to[0].host; var hops = get_hops(); hops.push(recipient); var date = transaction.header.get("Date").replace(/\n$/, ""); // innermost mail, untouched var old_mail = get_raw_mail(transaction.body); var i; var new_mail = old_mail; for (i = hops.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i == 0) { // first hop, "from" must be the actual sender var sender = transaction.mail_from.host; new_mail = create_mail_for_hop(sender, hops[i], date, new_mail); } else { new_mail = create_mail_for_hop(hops[i-1], hops[i], date, new_mail); } } return new_mail; } function get_raw_mail(body) { // TODO: doesn't handle multipart mime return body.header.header_list.join("") + "\n" + body.bodytext; }