var TracWysiwyg = function(textarea, options) { var self = this; var editorMode = TracWysiwyg.getEditorMode(); this.autolink = true; this.textarea = textarea; this.options = options = options || {}; var wikitextToolbar = null; var textareaResizable = null; if (/\btrac-resizable\b/i.test(textarea.className)) { var tmp = textarea.parentNode; tmp = tmp && tmp.parentNode; if (tmp && /\btrac-resizable\b/i.test(tmp.className)) { wikitextToolbar = tmp.previousSibling; textareaResizable = tmp; } } else { wikitextToolbar = textarea.previousSibling; } if (wikitextToolbar && (wikitextToolbar.nodeType != 1 || wikitextToolbar.className != "wikitoolbar")) { wikitextToolbar = null; } this.textareaResizable = textareaResizable; this.wikitextToolbar = wikitextToolbar; this.createEditable(document, textarea, textareaResizable); var frame = this.frame; var resizable = this.resizable; this.contentWindow = frame.contentWindow; this.contentDocument = this.contentWindow.document; this.initializeEditor(this.contentDocument); this.wysiwygToolbar = this.createWysiwygToolbar(document); this.styleMenu = this.createStyleMenu(document); this.decorationMenu = this.createDecorationMenu(document); this.tableMenu = this.createTableMenu(document); this.menus = [ this.styleMenu, this.decorationMenu, this.tableMenu ]; this.toolbarButtons = this.setupMenuEvents(); this.toggleEditorButtons = null; this.autolinkButton = null; this.savedWysiwygHTML = null; this.setupToggleEditorButtons(); this.setupSyncTextAreaHeight(); var styleStatic = { position: "static", left: "-9999px", top: "-9999px" }; var styleAbsolute = { position: "absolute", left: "-9999px", top: "-9999px" }; switch (editorMode) { case "textarea": TracWysiwyg.setStyle(textareaResizable || textarea, styleStatic); if (wikitextToolbar) { TracWysiwyg.setStyle(wikitextToolbar, styleStatic); } TracWysiwyg.setStyle(resizable || frame, { position: "absolute", left: "-9999px", top: TracWysiwyg.elementPosition(textareaResizable || textarea).top + "px" }); TracWysiwyg.setStyle(this.wysiwygToolbar, styleAbsolute); TracWysiwyg.setStyle(this.autolinkButton.parentNode, { display: "none" }); textarea.setAttribute("tabIndex", ""); frame.setAttribute("tabIndex", "-1"); break; case "wysiwyg": TracWysiwyg.setStyle(textareaResizable || textarea, { position: "absolute", left: "-9999px", top: TracWysiwyg.elementPosition(textareaResizable || textarea).top + "px" }); if (wikitextToolbar) { TracWysiwyg.setStyle(wikitextToolbar, styleAbsolute); } TracWysiwyg.setStyle(resizable || frame, styleStatic); TracWysiwyg.setStyle(this.wysiwygToolbar, styleStatic); TracWysiwyg.setStyle(this.autolinkButton.parentNode, { display: "" }); textarea.setAttribute("tabIndex", "-1"); frame.setAttribute("tabIndex", ""); break; } var body = document.body; for (var i = 0; i < this.menus.length; i++) { body.insertBefore(this.menus[i], body.firstChild); } var element = wikitextToolbar || textareaResizable || textarea; element.parentNode.insertBefore(this.toggleEditorButtons, element); element.parentNode.insertBefore(this.wysiwygToolbar, element); function lazySetup() { if (self.contentDocument.body) { var exception; try { self.execCommand("useCSS", false); } catch (e) { } try { self.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false); } catch (e) { } if (editorMode == "wysiwyg") { try { self.loadWysiwygDocument() } catch (e) { exception = e } } self.setupEditorEvents(); self.setupFormEvent(); if (exception) { (self.textareaResizable || self.textarea).style.position = "static"; if (self.wikitextToolbar) { = "static"; } (self.resizable || self.frame).style.position = = "absolute"; = "none"; alert("Failed to activate the wysiwyg editor."); throw exception; } } else { setTimeout(lazySetup, 100); } } lazySetup(); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.initializeEditor = function(d) { var l = window.location; var html = []; html.push( '\n', '', '', '', ''); var stylesheets = TracWysiwyg.tracPaths.stylesheets; if (!stylesheets) { // Work around wysiwyg stops with Agilo var base = TracWysiwyg.tracPaths.base.replace(/\/*$/, "/"); stylesheets = [ base + "chrome/common/css/trac.css", base + "chrome/tracwysiwyg/editor.css" ]; } var length = stylesheets.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { html.push(''); } html.push('', '', '', ''); var first = !window.opera && d.addEventListener ? true : false; if (first) { d.designMode = "On"; }; d.write(html.join("")); d.close(); if (!first) { d.designMode = "On"; if (d != this.contentWindow.document) { this.contentDocument = this.contentWindow.document; } } }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.toggleAutolink = function() { this.autolink = !this.autolink; this.autolinkButton.checked = this.autolink; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.listenerToggleAutolink = function(input) { var self = this; return function(event) { self.autolink = input.checked; }; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.listenerToggleEditor = function(type) { var self = this; switch (type) { case "textarea": return function(event) { var textarea = self.textareaResizable || self.textarea; if ( == "absolute") { self.hideAllMenus(); self.loadTracWikiText(); = "static"; self.textarea.setAttribute("tabIndex", ""); if (self.wikitextToolbar) { = "static"; } self.syncTextAreaHeight(); (self.resizable || self.frame).style.position = = "absolute"; self.frame.setAttribute("tabIndex", "-1"); = "none"; TracWysiwyg.setEditorMode(type); } self.focusTextarea(); }; case "wysiwyg": return function(event) { var frame = self.resizable || self.frame; if ( == "absolute") { try { self.loadWysiwygDocument(); } catch (e) { TracWysiwyg.stopEvent(event || window.event); alert("Failed to activate the wysiwyg editor."); throw e; } (self.textareaResizable || self.textarea).style.position = "absolute"; self.textarea.setAttribute("tabIndex", "-1"); if (self.wikitextToolbar) { = "absolute"; } = = "static"; self.frame.setAttribute("tabIndex", ""); = ""; TracWysiwyg.setEditorMode(type); } self.focusWysiwyg(); }; } }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.activeEditor = function() { return == "absolute" ? "wysiwyg" : "textarea"; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.setupFormEvent = function() { var self = this; function listener(event) { var textarea = self.textareaResizable || self.textarea; try { if ( == "absolute") { var body = self.contentDocument.body; if (self.savedWysiwygHTML !== null && body.innerHTML != self.savedWysiwygHTML) { self.textarea.value = self.domToWikitext(body, self.options); } } } catch (e) { TracWysiwyg.stopEvent(event || window.event); } } addEvent(this.textarea.form, "submit", listener); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.createEditable = function(d, textarea, textareaResizable) { var self = this; var getStyle = TracWysiwyg.getStyle; var dimension = getDimension(textarea); if (!dimension.width || !dimension.height) { setTimeout(lazy, 100); } if (!dimension.width) { dimension.width = parseInt(getStyle(textarea, "fontSize"), 10) * (textarea.cols || 10) * 0.5; } if (!dimension.height) { dimension.height = parseInt(getStyle(textarea, "lineHeight"), 10) * (textarea.rows || 3); } var wrapper = d.createElement("div"); wrapper.innerHTML = ''; var frame = this.frame = wrapper.firstChild; if (textareaResizable) { var offset = null; var offsetFrame = null; var contentDocument = null; var grip = d.createElement("div"); grip.className = "trac-grip"; if (/^[0-9]+$/.exec(dimension.width)) { = dimension.width + "px"; } addEvent(grip, "mousedown", beginDrag); wrapper.appendChild(grip); var resizable = d.createElement("div"); resizable.className = "trac-resizable"; resizable.appendChild(wrapper); = (frame.offsetLeft - grip.offsetLeft) + 'px'; = (grip.offsetWidth - frame.offsetWidth) +'px'; this.resizable = resizable; textareaResizable.parentNode.insertBefore(resizable, textareaResizable.nextSibling); } else { textarea.parentNode.insertBefore(frame, textarea.nextSibling); } function beginDrag(event) { offset = frame.height - event.pageY; contentDocument = self.contentDocument; frame.blur(); addEvent(d, "mousemove", dragging); addEvent(d, "mouseup", endDrag); addEvent(contentDocument, "mousemove", draggingForFrame); addEvent(contentDocument, "mouseup", endDrag); } var topPageY = 0, framePageY = 0; function dragging(event) { var height = Math.max(32, offset + event.pageY); = height + "px"; frame.height = height; } function draggingForFrame(event) { var height = Math.max(32, event.clientY); = height + "px"; frame.height = height; } function endDrag(event) { self.focusWysiwyg(); TracWysiwyg.removeEvent(d, "mousemove", dragging); TracWysiwyg.removeEvent(d, "mouseup", endDrag); TracWysiwyg.removeEvent(contentDocument, "mousemove", draggingForFrame); TracWysiwyg.removeEvent(contentDocument, "mouseup", endDrag); } function getDimension(textarea) { var width = textarea.offsetWidth; if (width) { var parentWidth = textarea.parentNode.offsetWidth + parseInt(getStyle(textarea, 'borderLeftWidth'), 10) + parseInt(getStyle(textarea, 'borderRightWidth'), 10); if (width == parentWidth) { width = "100%"; } } return { width: width, height: textarea.offsetHeight }; } function lazy() { var dimension = getDimension(textarea); if (dimension.width && dimension.height) { self.frame.width = dimension.width; self.frame.height = dimension.height; if (textareaResizable) { = /^[0-9]+$/.exec(dimension.width) ? dimension.width + "px" : dimension.width; } return; } setTimeout(lazy, 100); } }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.createWysiwygToolbar = function(d) { var html = [ '' ]; var div = d.createElement("div"); div.className = "wysiwyg-toolbar"; div.innerHTML = html.join("").replace(/ href="#">/g, ' href="#" onmousedown="return false" tabindex="-1">'); return div; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.createStyleMenu = function(d) { var html = [ '


', '

Header 1

', '

Header 2

', '

Header 3

', '

Header 4

', '
Header 5
', '
Header 6
', '
Code block
', '
' ]; var menu = d.createElement("div"); menu.className = "wysiwyg-menu"; TracWysiwyg.setStyle(menu, { position: "absolute", left: "-1000px", top: "-1000px", zIndex: 1000 }); menu.innerHTML = html.join("").replace(/ href="#">/g, ' href="#" onmousedown="return false" tabindex="-1">'); return menu; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.createDecorationMenu = function(d) { var html = [ '' ]; var menu = d.createElement("div"); menu.className = "wysiwyg-menu"; TracWysiwyg.setStyle(menu, { position: "absolute", left: "-1000px", top: "-1000px", zIndex: 1000 }); menu.innerHTML = html.join("").replace(/ href="#">/g, ' href="#" onmousedown="return false" tabindex="-1">'); return menu; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.createTableMenu = function(d) { var html = [ '' ]; var menu = d.createElement("div"); menu.className = "wysiwyg-menu"; TracWysiwyg.setStyle(menu, { position: "absolute", left: "-1000px", top: "-1000px", zIndex: 1000 }); menu.innerHTML = html.join("").replace(/ href="#">/g, ' href="#" onmousedown="return false" tabindex="-1">'); return menu; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.setupMenuEvents = function() { function addToolbarEvent(element, self, args) { var method = args.shift(); addEvent(element, "click", function(event) { var w = self.contentWindow; TracWysiwyg.stopEvent(event || w.event); var keepMenus = false, exception; try { keepMenus = method.apply(self, args) } catch (e) { exception = e } if (!keepMenus) { self.hideAllMenus(); } element.blur(); w.focus(); if (exception) { throw exception; } }); } function argsByType(self, name, element) { switch (name) { case "style": return [ self.toggleMenu, self.styleMenu, element ]; case "strong": return [ self.execDecorate, "bold" ]; case "em": return [ self.execDecorate, "italic" ]; case "underline": return [ self.execDecorate, "underline" ]; case "strike": return [ self.execDecorate, "strikethrough" ]; case "sub": return [ self.execDecorate, "subscript" ]; case "sup": return [ self.execDecorate, "superscript" ]; case "monospace": return [ self.execDecorate, "monospace" ]; case "decorationmenu": return [ self.toggleMenu, self.decorationMenu, element ]; case "remove": return [ self.execCommand, "removeformat" ]; case "paragraph": return [ self.formatParagraph ]; case "heading1": return [ self.formatHeaderBlock, "h1" ]; case "heading2": return [ self.formatHeaderBlock, "h2" ]; case "heading3": return [ self.formatHeaderBlock, "h3" ]; case "heading4": return [ self.formatHeaderBlock, "h4" ]; case "heading5": return [ self.formatHeaderBlock, "h5" ]; case "heading6": return [ self.formatHeaderBlock, "h6" ]; case "link": return [ self.createLink ]; case "unlink": return [ self.execCommand, "unlink" ]; case "ol": return [ self.insertOrderedList ]; case "ul": return [ self.insertUnorderedList ]; case "outdent": return [ self.outdent ]; case "indent": return [ self.indent ]; case "table": return [ self.insertTable ]; case "tablemenu": return [ self.toggleMenu, self.tableMenu, element ]; case "insert-row-before": return [ self.insertTableRow, false ]; case "insert-row-after": return [ self.insertTableRow, true ]; case "insert-col-before": return [ self.insertTableColumn, false ]; case "insert-col-after": return [ self.insertTableColumn, true ]; case "delete-row": return [ self.deleteTableRow ]; case "delete-col": return [ self.deleteTableColumn ]; case "code": return [ self.formatCodeBlock ]; case "quote": return [ self.formatQuoteBlock ]; case "hr": return [ self.insertHorizontalRule ]; case "br": return [ self.insertLineBreak ]; } return null; } function setup(container) { var elements = container.getElementsByTagName("a"); var length = elements.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var element = elements[i]; var name =^wt-/, ""); var args = argsByType(this, name, element); if (args) { addToolbarEvent(element, this, args); buttons[name] = element; } } } var buttons = {};, this.wysiwygToolbar); for (var i = 0; i < this.menus.length; i++) {, this.menus[i]); } return buttons; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.toggleMenu = function(menu, element) { if (parseInt(, 10) < 0) { this.hideAllMenus(menu); var position = TracWysiwyg.elementPosition(element); TracWysiwyg.setStyle(menu, { left: position[0] + "px", top: (position[1] + 18) + "px" }); } else { this.hideAllMenus(); } return true; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.hideAllMenus = function(except) { var menus = this.menus; var length = menus.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (menus[i] != except) { TracWysiwyg.setStyle(menus[i], { left: "-1000px", top: "-1000px" }); } } }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.execDecorate = function(name) { if (this.selectionContainsTagName("pre")) { return; } var getSelfOrAncestor = TracWysiwyg.getSelfOrAncestor; var position = this.getSelectionPosition(); var ancestor = {}; ancestor.start = getSelfOrAncestor(position.start, /^(?:a|tt)$/); ancestor.end = getSelfOrAncestor(position.end, /^(?:a|tt)$/); this.expandSelectionToElement(ancestor); if (name != "monospace") { this.execCommand(name); } else { this.execDecorateMonospace(); } this.selectionChanged(); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.execDecorateMonospace = function() { var html = this.getSelectionHTML(); var removePattern = /|<\/tt>/gi; if (/^/i.test(html) && /<\/tt>$/i.test(html)) { html = html.replace(removePattern, ""); } else { var id = this.generateDomId(); html = '' + html.replace(removePattern, "") + ""; } this.insertHTML(html); var node = this.contentDocument.getElementById(id); if (node) { this.selectNode(node); } }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.execCommand = function(name, arg) { return this.contentDocument.execCommand(name, false, arg); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.setupEditorEvents = function() { var getSelfOrAncestor = TracWysiwyg.getSelfOrAncestor; var self = this; var d = this.contentDocument; var w = this.contentWindow; var ime = false; function listenerKeydown(event) { var method = null; var args = null; event = event || self.contentWindow.event; var keyCode = event.keyCode; switch (keyCode) { case 0x09: // TAB var range = self.getSelectionRange(); var stop = false; var element = getSelfOrAncestor(range.startContainer, /^(?:li|pre|table)$/); if (element) { switch (element.tagName.toLowerCase()) { case "li": self.execCommand(event.shiftKey ? "outdent" : "indent"); self.selectionChanged(); stop = true; break; case "pre": self.insertHTML("\t"); stop = true; break; case "table": if (getSelfOrAncestor(range.endContainer, "table") == element) { self.moveFocusInTable(!event.shiftKey); self.selectionChanged(); stop = true; } break; } } if (stop) { TracWysiwyg.stopEvent(event); } return; case 0xe5: ime = true; break; } switch ((keyCode & 0x00fffff) | (event.ctrlKey ? 0x40000000 : 0) | (event.shiftKey ? 0x20000000 : 0) | (event.altKey ? 0x10000000 : 0)) { case 0x40000042: // C-b method = self.execDecorate; args = [ "bold" ]; break; case 0x40000049: // C-i method = self.execDecorate; args = [ "italic" ]; break; case 0x4000004c: // C-l method = self.toggleAutolink; args = []; break; case 0x40000055: // C-u method = self.execDecorate; args = [ "underline" ]; break; case 0x40000059: // C-y method = self.execCommand; args = [ "redo" ]; break; case 0x4000005a: // C-z method = self.execCommand; args = [ "undo" ]; break; } if (method !== null) { TracWysiwyg.stopEvent(event); method.apply(self, args); self.selectionChanged(); } else if (keyCode) { var focus = self.getFocusNode(); if (!getSelfOrAncestor(focus, /^(?:p|li|h[1-6]|t[dh]|d[td]|pre|blockquote)$/)) { self.execCommand("formatblock", "

"); } } } addEvent(d, window.opera ? "keypress" : "keydown", listenerKeydown); function listenerKeypress(event) { event = event || self.contentWindow.event; var modifier = (event.ctrlKey ? 0x40000000 : 0) | (event.shiftKey ? 0x20000000 : 0) | (event.altKey ? 0x10000000 : 0); switch (event.charCode || event.keyCode) { case 0x20: // SPACE self.detectTracLink(event); return; case 0x3e: // ">" self.detectTracLink(event); return; case 0x0d: // ENTER self.detectTracLink(event); switch (modifier) { case 0: if (self.insertParagraphOnEnter) { self.insertParagraphOnEnter(event); } break; case 0x20000000: // Shift if (self.insertLineBreakOnShiftEnter) { self.insertLineBreakOnShiftEnter(event); } break; } return; } } addEvent(d, "keypress", listenerKeypress); function listenerKeyup(event) { var keyCode = event.keyCode; if (ime) { switch (keyCode) { case 0x20: // SPACE self.detectTracLink(event); break; } ime = false; } self.selectionChanged(); } addEvent(d, "keyup", listenerKeyup); function listenerMouseup(event) { self.selectionChanged(); } addEvent(d, "mouseup", listenerMouseup); function listenerClick(event) { self.hideAllMenus(); self.selectionChanged(); } addEvent(d, "click", listenerClick); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.loadWysiwygDocument = function() { var d = this.contentDocument; var container = d.body; var tmp; while (tmp = container.lastChild) { container.removeChild(tmp); } var fragment = this.wikitextToFragment(this.textarea.value, d, this.options); container.appendChild(fragment); this.savedWysiwygHTML = container.innerHTML; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.focusWysiwyg = function() { var self = this; var w = this.contentWindow; function lazy() { w.focus(); try { self.execCommand("useCSS", false); } catch (e) { } try { self.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false); } catch (e) { } self.selectionChanged(); } setTimeout(lazy, 10); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.loadTracWikiText = function() { this.textarea.value = this.domToWikitext(this.contentDocument.body, this.options); this.savedWysiwygHTML = null; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.focusTextarea = function() { this.textarea.focus(); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.setupToggleEditorButtons = function() { var div = document.createElement("div"); var mode = TracWysiwyg.editorMode; var html = '' + '' + ' ' + ' ' + '  '; div.className = "editor-toggle"; div.innerHTML = html.replace(/@/g, ++TracWysiwyg.count); this.toggleEditorButtons = div; var buttons = div.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) { var button = buttons[i]; switch (button.type) { case "checkbox": var listener = this.listenerToggleAutolink(button); addEvent(button, "click", listener); addEvent(button, "keypress", listener); this.autolinkButton = button; break; case "radio": addEvent(button, "click", this.listenerToggleEditor(button.value)); break; } } }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.setupSyncTextAreaHeight = function() { var self = this; var d = document; var timer = null; var editrows = document.getElementById("editrows"); if (editrows) { addEvent(editrows, "change", changeHeight); } if (this.textareaResizable) { addEvent(this.textarea.nextSibling, "mousedown", beginDrag); } function changeHeight() { if (timer !== null) { clearTimeout(timer); } setTimeout(sync, 10); } function beginDrag(event) { addEvent(d, "mousemove", changeHeight); addEvent(d, "mouseup", endDrag); } function endDrag(event) { TracWysiwyg.removeEvent(d, "mousemove", changeHeight); TracWysiwyg.removeEvent(d, "mouseup", endDrag); } function sync() { timer = null; self.syncTextAreaHeight(); } }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.syncTextAreaHeight = function() { var height = this.textarea.offsetHeight; var frame = this.frame; if (height > 0 && frame.height != height) { frame.height = height; } }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.detectTracLink = function(event) { if (!this.autolink) { return; } var range = this.getSelectionRange(); var node = range.startContainer; if (!node || !range.collapsed) { return; } var getSelfOrAncestor = TracWysiwyg.getSelfOrAncestor; if (getSelfOrAncestor(node, /^(?:a|tt|pre)$/)) { return; } var offset = range.startOffset; if (node.nodeType != 3) { node = node.childNodes[offset]; while (node && node.nodeType != 3) { node = node.lastChild; } if (!node) { return; } offset = node.nodeValue.length; } else if (offset == 0) { node = node.previousSibling; if (!node || node.nodeType == 1) { return; } offset = node.nodeValue.length; } var startContainer = node; var endContainer = node; var text = [ node.nodeValue.substring(0, offset) ]; for ( ; ; ) { if (/[ \t\r\n\f\v]/.test(text[text.length - 1])) { break; } node = node.previousSibling; if (!node || node.nodeType == 1) { break; } text.push(node.nodeValue); startContainer = node; } text.reverse(); text = text.join(""); if (!text) { return; } var pattern = this.wikiDetectTracLinkPattern; pattern.lastIndex = /[^ \t\r\n\f\v]*$/.exec(text).index; var match, tmp; for (tmp = pattern.exec(text); tmp; tmp = pattern.exec(text)) { match = tmp; } if (!match) { return; } var label = match[0]; var link = this.normalizeTracLink(label); var id = this.generateDomId(); var anchor = this.createAnchor(link, label, { id: id, "data-tracwysiwyg-autolink": "true" }); var anonymous = this.contentDocument.createElement("div"); anonymous.appendChild(anchor); var html = anonymous.innerHTML; node = endContainer; var startOffset = match.index; while (startContainer != node && startOffset >= startContainer.nodeValue.length) { startOffset -= startContainer.nodeValue.length; startContainer = startContainer.nextSibling; } var endOffset = startOffset + label.length; endContainer = startContainer; while (endContainer != node && endOffset >= endContainer.nodeValue.length) { endOffset -= endContainer.nodeValue.length; endContainer = endContainer.nextSibling; } this.selectRange(startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset); offset = text.length - match.index - label.length; if (offset == 0) { switch (event.keyCode) { case 0x20: // SPACE this.insertHTML(html + "\u00a0"); TracWysiwyg.stopEvent(event); return; case 0x0d: // ENTER if (event.shiftKey) { if (window.opera || !anonymous.addEventListener) { this.insertHTML(html + "
"); if (window.opera) { anchor = this.contentDocument.getElementById(id); node = anchor.parentNode; offset = node.childNodes.length; this.selectRange(node, offset, node, offset); } TracWysiwyg.stopEvent(event); return; } } this.insertHTML(html); anchor = this.contentDocument.getElementById(id); node = event.shiftKey ? anchor.parentNode : anchor; offset = node.childNodes.length; this.selectRange(node, offset, node, offset); return; } } this.insertHTML(html); anchor = this.contentDocument.getElementById(id); node = anchor.nextSibling; if (!node) { node = anchor.parentNode; offset = node.childNodes.length; } this.selectRange(node, offset, node, offset); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.formatParagraph = function() { if (this.selectionContainsTagName("table")) { return; } this.execCommand("formatblock", "

"); this.selectionChanged(); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.formatHeaderBlock = function(name) { if (this.selectionContainsTagName("table")) { return; } this.execCommand("formatblock", "<" + name + ">"); this.selectionChanged(); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.insertOrderedList = function() { if (this.selectionContainsTagName("table") || this.selectionContainsTagName("pre")) { return; } this.execCommand("insertorderedlist"); this.selectionChanged(); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.insertUnorderedList = function() { if (this.selectionContainsTagName("table") || this.selectionContainsTagName("pre")) { return; } this.execCommand("insertunorderedlist"); this.selectionChanged(); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.outdent = function() { if (this.selectionContainsTagName("table") || this.selectionContainsTagName("pre")) { return; } this.execCommand("outdent"); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.indent = function() { if (this.selectionContainsTagName("table") || this.selectionContainsTagName("pre")) { return; } this.execCommand("indent"); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.insertTable = function() { if (this.selectionContainsTagName("table") || this.selectionContainsTagName("pre")) { return; } var id = this.generateDomId(); this.insertHTML(this.tableHTML(id, 2, 3)); var element = this.contentDocument.getElementById(id) if (element) { this.selectNodeContents(element); } this.selectionChanged(); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype._tableHTML = function(row, col) { var tr = "" + ((1 << col) - 1).toString(2).replace(/1/g, "") + ""; var html = [ '', '', ((1 << row) - 1).toString(2).replace(/1/g, tr), '', '
' ]; return html.join(""); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype._getFocusForTable = function() { var hash = { node: null, cell: null, row: null, table: null }; hash.node = this.getFocusNode(); hash.cell = hash.node ? TracWysiwyg.getSelfOrAncestor(hash.node, /^t[dh]$/) : null; hash.row = hash.cell ? TracWysiwyg.getSelfOrAncestor(hash.cell, "tr") : null; hash.table = hash.row ? 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return true; } return false; } function handleWikiAnchor(text) { var match = /^\[=#([^ \t\r\f\v\]]+)(?:[ \t\r\f\v]+([^\]]*))?\]$/.exec(text); var d = contentDocument; var element = d.createElement("span"); element.className = "wikianchor"; = match[1]; if (match[2]) { element.appendChild(self.wikitextToOnelinerFragment(match[2], d, self.options)); } holder.appendChild(element); } function handleList(value) { var match = /^(\s*)(?:([-*])|((?:([0-9]+)|([a-z])|([A-Z])|[ivxIVX]{1,5})))/.exec(value); var tag, className, depth, start; if (!match) { holder.appendChild(contentDocument.createTextNode(value)); return; } depth = match[1].length; if (match[2]) { tag = "ul"; } else if (match[3]) { tag = "ol"; switch (match[3]) { case "0": className = "arabiczero"; break; case "1": break; case "i": className = "lowerroman"; break; case "I": className = "upperroman"; break; default: if (match[4]) { start = parseInt(match[4], 10); } else if (match[5]) { className = "loweralpha"; } else if (match[6]) { className = "upperalpha"; } break; } } var last = listDepth.length - 1; if (depth > (last >= 0 ? listDepth[last] : -1)) { closeToFragment("li"); openList(tag, className, start, depth); } else { var container, list; if (listDepth.length > 1 && depth < listDepth[last]) { do { if (depth >= listDepth[last]) { break; } closeList(); last = listDepth.length - 1; } while (listDepth.length > 1); container = holder; } else { list = getSelfOrAncestor(holder, "li"); self.appendBogusLineBreak(list); container = list.parentNode; } if (tag != container.tagName.toLowerCase()) { holder = container.parentNode; listDepth.pop(); openList(tag, className, start, depth); } else { var tmp = contentDocument.createElement("li"); container.appendChild(tmp); holder = tmp; listDepth[last] = depth; } } } function openList(tag, className, start, depth) { var d = contentDocument; var h = holder; var container = d.createElement(tag); if (className) { container.className = className; } if (start) { container.setAttribute("start", start); } var list = d.createElement("li"); container.appendChild(list); var target; if (h == fragment) { target = fragment; } else { target = getSelfOrAncestor(h, "li"); target = target ? target.parentNode : h; } target.appendChild(container); holder = list; listDepth.push(depth); } function closeList() { var h = holder; var target = getSelfOrAncestor(h, "li"); if (target) { self.appendBogusLineBreak(target); holder = target.parentNode.parentNode; } else { holder = h.parentNode; } listDepth.pop(); } function handleDefinition(value) { var d = contentDocument; var h = holder; var dl = null; if (inDefList) { dl = getSelfOrAncestor(h, "dl"); } else { closeParagraph(); dl = d.createElement("dl"); fragment.appendChild(dl); inDefList = true; } var match = /^ +(.*?)\s*::/.exec(value); var dt = d.createElement("dt"); var oneliner = self.wikitextToOnelinerFragment(match[1], d, self.options); dt.appendChild(oneliner); dl.appendChild(dt); var dd = d.createElement("dd"); dl.appendChild(dd); holder = dd; } function closeDefList() { var element = getSelfOrAncestor(holder, "dl"); if (element) { holder = element.parentNode; } inDefList = false; } function handleIndent(value) { var depth = value.length; var last = quoteDepth.length - 1; if (depth > (last >= 0 ? quoteDepth[last] : 0)) { closeParagraph(); closeTable(); openQuote(depth, false); } else { while (quoteDepth.length > 0) { if (depth >= quoteDepth[last]) { break; } closeToFragment("blockquote"); closeQuote(); last = quoteDepth.length - 1; } quoteDepth[last] = depth; } } function openParagraph() { if (!inParagraph) { var element = contentDocument.createElement("p"); holder.appendChild(element); holder = element; inParagraph = true; } } function closeParagraph() { if (inParagraph) { var target = holder; if (target != fragment) { target = getSelfOrAncestor(target, "p"); self.appendBogusLineBreak(target); } holder = target.parentNode; inParagraph = false; } } function handleTableCell(action, colspan, header, align) { var d = contentDocument; var h, table, tbody; if (!inTable) { closeToFragment("blockquote"); h = holder; table = d.createElement("table"); table.className = "wiki"; tbody = d.createElement("tbody"); table.appendChild(tbody); h.appendChild(table); inTable = true; inTableRow = false; } else { h = holder; tbody = getSelfOrAncestor(h, "tbody"); } if (inTableRow) { var cell = getSelfOrAncestor(h, "td"); if (cell) { self.appendBogusLineBreak(cell); } } var row; switch (action) { case 1: row = d.createElement("tr"); tbody.appendChild(row); inTableRow = true; break; case 0: row = getSelfOrAncestor(h, "tr"); break; case -1: if (inTableRow) { var target = getSelfOrAncestor(h, "tr"); holder = target.parentNode; inTableRow = false; } return; } var cell = d.createElement(header ? "th" : "td"); if (colspan > 1) { cell.setAttribute("colSpan", colspan); } switch (align) { case -1: align = "left"; break; case 0: align = "center"; break; case 1: align = "right"; break; default: align = null; break; } if (align !== null) { cell.setAttribute("align", align); } row.appendChild(cell); holder = cell; decorationStatus = {}; } function closeTable() { if (inTable) { var target = getSelfOrAncestor(holder, "table"); holder = target.parentNode; inTable = inTableRow = false; } } function closeToFragment(stopTag) { var element = holder; var _fragment = fragment; stopTag = stopTag ? stopTag.toLowerCase() : null; while (element != _fragment) { var tag = element.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (tag == stopTag) { holder = element; return; } var method; switch (tag) { case "p": method = closeParagraph; break; case "li": case "ul": case "ol": method = closeList; break; case "dd": method = closeDefList; break; case "blockquote": method = closeQuote; break; case "td": case "tr": case "tbody": case "table": method = closeTable; break; default: break; } if (method) { method(); element = holder; } else { element = element.parentNode; } } holder = _fragment; } function getMatchNumber(match) { var length = match.length; for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) { if (match[i]) { if (i <= wikiInlineRulesCount) { return i; } if (i <= wikiToDomInlineRulesCount) { return i - wikiInlineRulesCount + 1000; } return wikiToDomInlineRulesCount - i; } } return null; } for (var indexLines = 0; indexLines < lines.length; indexLines++) { var line = lines[indexLines].replace(/\r$/, ""); if (inCodeBlock || /^ *\{\{\{ *$/.test(line)) { handleCodeBlock(line); continue; } if (/^----/.test(line)) { closeToFragment(); fragment.appendChild(contentDocument.createElement("hr")); continue; } if (line.length == 0) { closeToFragment(); continue; } line = line.replace(/\t/g, " "); line = line.replace(/\u00a0/g, " "); wikiRulesPattern.lastIndex = 0; var prevIndex = wikiRulesPattern.lastIndex; decorationStatus = {}; decorationStack = []; for ( ; ; ) { var match = wikiRulesPattern.exec(line); var matchNumber = null; var text = null; if (match) { matchNumber = getMatchNumber(match); if (prevIndex < match.index) { text = line.substring(prevIndex, match.index); } } else { text = line.substring(prevIndex); } if ((prevIndex == 0 && text || match && match.index == 0 && matchNumber > 0) && (!inParagraph || quoteDepth.length > 0) && (!inDefList || !/^ /.test(line))) { closeToFragment(); } if (text || match && matchNumber > 0) { if (inParagraph && (prevIndex == 0 || quoteDepth.length > 0)) { if (escapeNewlines) { if (quoteDepth.length == 0) { holder.appendChild(contentDocument.createElement("br")); } } else { text = text ? (" " + text) : " "; } } if (!inTable && quoteDepth.length > 0 || holder == fragment) { if (!inParagraph) { openParagraph(); } } if (text) { holder.appendChild(contentDocument.createTextNode(text)); } } if (!match) { break; } prevIndex = wikiRulesPattern.lastIndex; var matchText = match[0]; if (!/^!/.test(matchText)) { // start '!' switch (matchNumber) { case 1: // bolditalic handleInline("bolditalic"); continue; case 2: // bold handleInline("bold"); continue; case 3: // italic handleInline("italic"); continue; case 4: // underline handleInline("underline"); continue; case 5: // strike handleInline("strike"); continue; case 6: // subscript handleInline("subscript"); continue; case 7: // superscript handleInline("superscript"); continue; case 8: // code block handleInlineCode(matchText, 3); continue; case 9: // inline handleInlineCode(matchText, 1); continue; case 10: // ticket if (handleTracTicketLink(matchText)) { continue; } break; case 11: // report case 12: // changeset case 13: // log handleTracOtherLinks(matchText); continue; case 14: // wiki:TracLinks handleTracWikiLink(matchText); continue; case 15: // [wiki:TracLinks label] handleTracLinks(matchText); continue; case 16: // [[macro]] break; case 17: // WikiPageName handleWikiPageName(matchText); continue; case 18: // ["internal free link"] handleWikiPageName(matchText.slice(1, -1), matchText.slice(2, -2)); continue; case 19: // handleBracketLinks(matchText); continue; case 20: // [=#anchor label] handleWikiAnchor(matchText); continue; case 1001: // escaping double escape break; case -1: // citation if (escapeNewlines && inParagraph) { holder.appendChild(contentDocument.createElement("br")); } handleCitation(matchText); if (escapeNewlines) { openParagraph(); } continue; case -2: // header currentHeader = handleHeader(matchText); if (currentHeader) { line = line.replace(/(?:[ \t\r\f\v]+#[^ \t\r\f\v]+)?[ \t\r\f\v]*$/, ""); var m = /^\s*(=+)[ \t\r\f\v]+/.exec(line); if (line.slice(-m[1].length) == m[1]) { line = line.slice(0, -m[1].length).replace(/[ \t\r\f\v]+$/, ""); } wikiRulesPattern.lastIndex = prevIndex = m[0].length; continue; } break; case -3: // list handleList(matchText) continue; case -4: // definition handleDefinition(matchText); continue; case -5: // leading space if (listDepth.length == 0 && !inDefList) { handleIndent(matchText); continue; } if (!this.isInlineNode(holder.lastChild)) { continue; } matchText = matchText.replace(/^\s+/, " "); break; case -6: // closing table row if (inTable) { if (matchText.slice(-1) != "\\") { handleTableCell(-1); } else { continueTableRow = true; } continue; } break; case -7: // cell if (quoteDepth.length > 0 && match.index == 0) { closeToFragment(); } var align = null; for ( ; ; ) { // lookahead next double pipes var m = wikiRulesPattern.exec(line); switch (m ? getMatchNumber(m) : 0) { case 0: case -6: case -7: var end = m ? m.index : line.length; if (prevIndex < end) { var tmp = line.substring(prevIndex, end); var m = /^([ \t\r\n\f\v]*)(.*?)([ \t\r\n\f\v]*)$/.exec(tmp); if (m) { if (m[1].length == tmp.length) { align = null; } else if ((m[1].length == 0) === (m[3].length == 0)) { align = m[1].length >= 2 && m[3].length >= 2 ? 0 : null; } else { align = m[1].length == 0 ? -1 : 1; } tmp = m[2]; } line = line.substring(0, prevIndex) + tmp + line.substring(end); } break; default: continue; } break; } wikiRulesPattern.lastIndex = prevIndex; handleTableCell(inTableRow ? 0 : 1, matchText.replace(/^=|=$/g, '').length / 2, matchText.slice(-1) == "=", align); continue; } } if (matchText) { if (listDepth.length == 0 && !currentHeader && !inDefList && !inTable) { openParagraph(); } var tmp; if (matchNumber == 16) { tmp = /^!?\[\[br\]\]$/i.test(matchText) ? (matchText.charCodeAt(0) == 0x21 ? contentDocument.createTextNode(matchText.substring(1)) : contentDocument.createElement("br")) : contentDocument.createTextNode(matchText); } else { tmp = contentDocument.createTextNode(/^!/.test(matchText) ? matchText.substring(1) : matchText); } holder.appendChild(tmp); } } if (currentHeader) { closeHeader(); } if (inTable) { if (continueTableRow) { continueTableRow = false; } else { handleTableCell(-1); } } } closeToFragment(); return fragment; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.wikitextToOnelinerFragment = function(wikitext, contentDocument, options) { var source = this.wikitextToFragment(wikitext, contentDocument, options); var fragment = contentDocument.createDocumentFragment(); this.collectChildNodes(fragment, source.firstChild); return fragment; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.wikiOpenTokens = { "h1": "= ", "h2": "== ", "h3": "=== ", "h4": "==== ", "h5": "===== ", "h6": "====== ", "b": "'''", "strong": "'''", "i": "''", "em": "''", "u": "__", "del": "~~", "strike": "~~", "sub": ",,", "sup": "^", "hr": "----\n", "dl": true, "dt": " ", "dd": " ", "table": true, "tbody": true }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.wikiCloseTokens = { "#text": true, "a": true, "tt": true, "h1": " =", "h2": " ==", "h3": " ===", "h4": " ====", "h5": " =====", "h6": " ======", "b": "'''", "strong": "'''", "i": "''", "em": "''", "u": "__", "del": "~~", "strike": "~~", "sub": ",,", "sup": "^", "br": true, "hr": true, "dl": "\n", "dt": "::", "dd": "\n", "tbody": true, "tr": "||\n", "td": true, "th": true }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.wikiBlockTags = { "h1": true, "h2": true, "h3": true, "h4": true, "h5": true, "h6": true, "table": true, "dl": true, "hr": true }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.wikiInlineTags = { "a": true, "tt": true, "b": true, "strong": true, "i": true, "em": true, "u": true, "del": true, "strike": true, "sub": true, "sup": true, "br": true, "span": true }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.domToWikitext = function(root, options) { options = options || {}; var formatCodeBlock = !!options.formatCodeBlock; var escapeNewlines = !!options.escapeNewlines; var self = this; var getTextContent = TracWysiwyg.getTextContent; var getSelfOrAncestor = TracWysiwyg.getSelfOrAncestor; var wikiOpenTokens = this.wikiOpenTokens; var wikiCloseTokens = this.wikiCloseTokens; var wikiInlineTags = this.wikiInlineTags; var wikiBlockTags = this.wikiBlockTags; var xmlNamePattern = this.xmlNamePattern; var domToWikiInlinePattern = this.domToWikiInlinePattern; var wikiSyntaxPattern = this.wikiSyntaxPattern; var tracLinkPattern = new RegExp("^" + this._tracLink + "$"); var wikiPageNamePattern = new RegExp("^" + this._wikiPageName + "$"); var decorationTokenPattern = /^(?:'''|''|__|\^|,,)$/; var texts = []; var stack = []; var last = root; var listDepth = 0; var quoteDepth = 0; var quoteCitation = false; var inCodeBlock = false; var skipNode = null; var openBracket = false; function escapeText(s) { var match = /^!?\[\[(.+)\]\]$/.exec(s); if (match) { return match[1].toLowerCase() != "br" ? s : "!" + s; } if (/^&#\d+/.test(s)) { return s; } return "!" + s; } function isTailEscape() { var t = texts; var length = t.length; return length > 0 ? /!$/.test(t[length - 1]) : false; } function tokenFromSpan(node) { if (node.className == "underline") { return wikiOpenTokens["u"]; } var style =; if (style.fontWeight == "bold") { return wikiOpenTokens["b"]; } if (style.fontStyle == "italic") { return wikiOpenTokens["i"]; } switch (style.textDecoration) { case "underline": return wikiOpenTokens["u"]; case "line-through": return wikiOpenTokens["del"]; } switch (style.verticalAlign) { case "sub": return wikiOpenTokens["sub"]; case "sup": return wikiOpenTokens["sup"]; } return undefined; } function nodeDecorations(node) { var _wikiOpenTokens = wikiOpenTokens; var _decorationTokenPattern = decorationTokenPattern; var hash = {}; for ( ; ; ) { var childNodes = node.childNodes; if (!childNodes || childNodes.length != 1) { break; } var child = childNodes[0]; if (child.nodeType != 1) { break; } var token = _wikiOpenTokens[child.tagName.toLowerCase()]; if (_decorationTokenPattern.test(token)) { hash[token] = true; } node = child; } return hash; } function pushTextWithDecorations(text, node, traclink) { var _texts = texts; var _decorationTokenPattern = decorationTokenPattern; var decorationsHash = nodeDecorations(node); var decorations = []; var cancelDecorations = []; while (_texts.length > 0) { var token = _texts[_texts.length - 1]; if (_decorationTokenPattern.test(token)) { if (decorationsHash[token]) { delete decorationsHash[token]; cancelDecorations.push(_texts.pop()); continue; } if ((token == "'''" || token == "''") && _texts.length > 1) { var moreToken = _texts[_texts.length - 2]; if (_decorationTokenPattern.test(moreToken) && token + moreToken == "'''''" && decorationsHash[moreToken]) { delete decorationsHash[moreToken]; cancelDecorations.push(moreToken); _texts[_texts.length - 2] = _texts[_texts.length - 1]; _texts.pop(); } } } break; } for (var token in decorationsHash) { decorations.push(token); } decorations.sort(); if (decorations.length > 0) { _texts.push.apply(_texts, decorations); } if (traclink) { if (_texts.length > 0 && /[\w.+-]$/.test(_texts[_texts.length - 1])) { _texts.push(traclink); } else { text = new String(text); text["tracwysiwyg-traclink"] = traclink; _texts.push(text); } } else { _texts.push(text); } if (decorations.length > 0) { decorations.reverse(); _texts.push.apply(_texts, decorations); } if (cancelDecorations.length > 0) { cancelDecorations.reverse(); _texts.push.apply(_texts, cancelDecorations); } } function pushToken(token) { var _texts = texts; var _decorationTokenPattern = decorationTokenPattern; var length = _texts.length; if (length == 0 || !_decorationTokenPattern.test(token)) { _texts.push(token); return; } var last = _texts[length - 1]; if (!_decorationTokenPattern.test(last)) { _texts.push(token); return; } if (last == token) { _texts.pop(); return; } if (length < 2 || last + token != "'''''") { _texts.push(token); return; } if (_texts[length - 2] == token) { _texts[length - 2] = _texts[length - 1]; _texts.pop(); } else { _texts.push(token); } } function tracLinkText(link, label) { if (!/\]/.test(label) && !/^[\"\']/.test(label)) { return "[" + link + " " + label + "]"; } if (!/\"/.test(label)) { return "[" + link + ' "' + label + '"]'; } if (!/\'/.test(label)) { return "[" + link + " '" + label + "']"; } return "[" + link + ' "' + label.replace(/"+/g, "") + '"]'; } function pushAnchor(node, bracket) { var link = node.getAttribute("data-tracwysiwyg-link"); var autolink = node.getAttribute("data-tracwysiwyg-autolink"); var attrs; if (link === null) { attrs = TracWysiwyg.unserializeFromHref(node.href); link = attrs["data-tracwysiwyg-link"]; autolink = attrs["data-tracwysiwyg-autolink"]; } link = (link || node.href).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); var label = getTextContent(node).replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); if (!label) { return; } var text = null; var traclink = null; if (autolink == "true") { if (wikiPageNamePattern.test(label)) { text = label; link = "wiki:" + label; traclink = "[wiki:" + label + "]"; } else if (wikiSyntaxPattern.test(label)) { text = label; link = self.convertWikiSyntax(label); } else if (tracLinkPattern.test(label)) { text = link = label; } } else { if (link == label) { if (bracket) { text = label; } else if (tracLinkPattern.test(label)) { text = label; } } } if (!text) { var match = /^([\w.+-]+):(@?(.*))$/.exec(link); if (match) { if (label == match[2]) { if (match[1] == "wiki" && wikiPageNamePattern.test(match[2])) { text = match[2]; traclink = "[wiki:" + text + "]"; } else { text = "[" + link + "]"; } } else { var usingLabel = false; switch (match[1]) { case "changeset": usingLabel = label == "[" + match[2] + "]" || /^\d+$/.test(match[2]) && label == "r" + match[2]; break; case "log": usingLabel = label == "[" + match[3] + "]" || label == "r" + match[3]; break; case "report": usingLabel = label == "{" + match[2] + "}"; break; case "ticket": usingLabel = label == "#" + match[2]; break; } if (usingLabel) { text = label; } } } } if (isTailEscape()) { texts.push(" "); } if (text === null) { text = tracLinkText(link, label); } if (!traclink && /^[\w.+-]/.test(text)) { traclink = tracLinkText(link, label); } pushTextWithDecorations(text, node, traclink); } function string(source, times) { var value = (1 << times) - 1; if (value <= 0) { return ""; } else { return value.toString(2).replace(/1/g, source); } } function open(name, node) { if (skipNode !== null) { return; } var _texts = texts; var token = wikiOpenTokens[name]; if (token !== undefined) { if (name in wikiBlockTags && self.isInlineNode(node.previousSibling)) { _texts.push("\n"); } if (token !== true) { if (name in wikiInlineTags && isTailEscape()) { _texts.push(" "); } pushToken(token); } openBracket = false; } else { switch (name) { case "#text": var value = node.nodeValue; if (value) { if (!inCodeBlock) { if (value && !self.isInlineNode(node.previousSibling || node.parentNode)) { value = value.replace(/^[ \t\r\n\f\v]+/g, ""); } if (value && !self.isInlineNode(node.nextSibling || node.parentNode)) { value = value.replace(/[ \t\r\n\f\v]+$/g, ""); } value = value.replace(/\r?\n/g, " "); if (!formatCodeBlock) { value = value.replace(domToWikiInlinePattern, escapeText); } openBracket = /<$/.test(value); } if (value) { var length = _texts.length; var prev = length > 0 ? _texts[length - 1] : null; if (prev && prev["tracwysiwyg-traclink"] && tracLinkPattern.test(prev + value.substring(0, 1))) { _texts[length - 1] = prev["tracwysiwyg-traclink"]; } _texts.push(value); } } break; case "p": if (quoteDepth > 0) { _texts.push(string(quoteCitation ? "> " : " ", quoteDepth)); } else if (!/[^ \t\r\n\f\v]/.test(getTextContent(node))) { skipNode = node; } break; case "a": skipNode = node; var bracket = false; if (openBracket) { var nextSibling = node.nextSibling; bracket = nextSibling && nextSibling.nodeType == 3 && /^>/.test(nextSibling.nodeValue); openBracket = false; } pushAnchor(node, bracket); break; case "li": _texts.push(" " + string(" ", listDepth - 1)); var container = node.parentNode; if ((container.tagName || "").toLowerCase() == "ol") { var start = container.getAttribute("start") || ""; if (start != "1" && /^(?:[0-9]+|[a-zA-Z]|[ivxIVX]{1,5})$/.test(start)) { _texts.push(start, ". "); } else { switch (container.className) { case "arabiczero": _texts.push("0. "); break; case "lowerroman": _texts.push("i. "); break; case "upperroman": _texts.push("I. "); break; case "loweralpha": _texts.push("a. "); break; case "upperalpha": _texts.push("A. "); break; default: _texts.push("1. 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"> " : " ", quoteDepth) : "\n"; } if (!value) { value = "[[BR]]"; var length = _texts.length; if (length > 0) { var lastText = _texts[length - 1]; var tmp = lastText + "[[BR]]"; var _pattern = domToWikiInlinePattern; _pattern.lastIndex = 0; var lastMatch, match; while (match = _pattern.exec(tmp)) { lastMatch = match; } if (lastMatch && lastMatch.index < lastText.length && lastMatch.index + lastMatch[0].length > lastText.length) { value = " [[BR]]"; } } } } _texts.push(value); } break; case "pre": _texts.push( /^(?:li|dd)$/i.test(node.parentNode.tagName) || self.isInlineNode(node.previousSibling) ? "\n{{{\n" : "{{{\n"); inCodeBlock = true; break; case "blockquote": if (self.isInlineNode(node.previousSibling)) { _texts.push("\n"); } quoteDepth++; if (quoteDepth == 1) { quoteCitation = (node.className == "citation"); } break; case "th": var header = true; case "td": skipNode = node; var colspan = node.getAttribute("colSpan"); colspan = colspan ? parseInt(colspan, 10) : 0; _texts.push(colspan > 1 ? string("||", colspan) : "||"); if (header) { _texts.push("="); } var align =; if (!align) { align = (node.getAttribute("align") || "").toLowerCase(); } var text = self.domToWikitext(node, self.options).replace(/ *\n/g, "[[BR]]").replace(/^ +| +$/g, ""); if (text) { switch (align) { case "left": _texts.push(text, " "); break; case "center": _texts.push(" ", text, " "); break; case "right": _texts.push(" ", text); break; default: _texts.push(" ", text, " "); break; } } else { _texts.push(" "); } if (header) { _texts.push("="); } break; case "tr": if (quoteDepth > 0) { _texts.push(string(quoteCitation ? ">" : " ", quoteDepth)); } break; case "tt": skipNode = node; var value = getTextContent(node); var text; if (value) { if (isTailEscape()) { _texts.push(" "); } if (!/`/.test(value)) { text = "`" + value + "`"; } else if (!/\{\{\{|\}\}\}/.test(value)) { text = "{{{" + value + "}}}"; } else { text = value.replace(/[^`]+|`+/g, function(m) { return m.charCodeAt(0) != 0x60 ? "`" + m + "`" : "{{{" + m + "}}}"; }); } pushTextWithDecorations(text, node); } break; case "span": if (node.className == "wikianchor" && xmlNamePattern.test( || "")) { skipNode = node; var text = self.domToWikitext(node, self.options).replace(/^ +| +$|\]/g, ""); _texts.push("[=#",, text ? " " + text + "]" : "]"); } else { var token = tokenFromSpan(node); if (token !== undefined) { if (name in wikiInlineTags && isTailEscape()) { _texts.push(" "); } pushToken(token); } } break; case "script": case "style": skipNode = node; break; } if (name != "#text") { openBracket = false; } } } function close(name, node) { if (skipNode !== null) { if (skipNode == node) { skipNode = null; } return; } var _texts = texts; var token = wikiCloseTokens[name]; if (token === true) { // nothing to do } else if (token !== undefined) { if (name in wikiInlineTags && isTailEscape()) { _texts.push(" "); } pushToken(token); } else { switch (name) { case "p": _texts.push(quoteDepth == 0 ? "\n\n" : "\n"); break; case "li": if (node.getElementsByTagName("li").length == 0) { _texts.push("\n"); } break; case "ul": case "ol": listDepth--; if (listDepth == 0) { _texts.push("\n"); } break; case "pre": var text; var parentNode = node.parentNode; if (parentNode && /^(?:li|dd)$/i.test(parentNode.tagName)) { var nextSibling = node.nextSibling; if (!nextSibling) { text = "\n}}}"; } else if (nextSibling.nodeType != 1) { text = "\n}}}\n"; } else if (nextSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() == "pre") { text = "\n}}}"; } else { text = "\n}}}\n"; } if (text.slice(-1) == "\n") { text += listDepth > 0 ? " " + string(" ", listDepth) : " "; } } else { text = "\n}}}\n"; } _texts.push(text); inCodeBlock = false; break; case "blockquote": quoteDepth--; if (quoteDepth == 0) { _texts.push("\n"); } break; case "span": var token = tokenFromSpan(node); if (token !== undefined) { if (name in wikiInlineTags && isTailEscape()) { _texts.push(" "); } _texts.push(token); } break; case "table": if (quoteDepth == 0) { _texts.push("\n"); } break; } } if (/^h[1-6]$/.test(name)) { if (xmlNamePattern.test( || "")) { _texts.push(" #",; } _texts.push("\n"); } } function iterator(node) { var name = null; switch (node && node.nodeType) { case 1: // element name = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); break; case 3: // text name = "#text"; break; } if (node && last == node.parentNode) { // down // nothing to do } else if (node && last == node.previousSibling) { // forward close(stack.pop(), last); } else { // up, forward var tmp = last; var nodeParent = node ? node.parentNode : root; for ( ; ; ) { var parent = tmp.parentNode; if (parent == node) { break; } close(stack.pop(), tmp); if (parent == nodeParent || !parent) { if (!node) { return; } break; } tmp = parent; } } open(name, node); stack.push(name); last = node; } this.treeWalk(root, iterator); return texts.join("").replace(/^(?: *\n)+|(?: *\n)+$/g, ""); }; if (window.getSelection) { TracWysiwyg.prototype.appendBogusLineBreak = function(element) { var wikiInlineTags = this.wikiInlineTags; var last = element.lastChild; for ( ; ; ) { if (!last) { break; } if (last.nodeType != 1) { return; } var name = last.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (name == "br") { break; } if (!(name in wikiInlineTags)) { return; } last = last.lastChild || last.previousSibling; } var br = this.contentDocument.createElement("br"); element.appendChild(br); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.isBogusLineBreak = TracWysiwyg.prototype.isLastChildInBlockNode; TracWysiwyg.prototype.insertParagraphOnEnter = function(event) { var range = this.getSelectionRange(); var node = range.endContainer; var header = null; if (node && node.nodeType == 3 && range.endOffset == node.nodeValue.length) { var nextSibling = node.nextSibling; if (!nextSibling || nextSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() == "br") { while (node) { if (node.nodeType == 1 && /^h[1-6]$/i.exec(node.tagName)) { header = node; break; } node = node.parentNode; } if (header) { var parent = header.parentNode; var childNodes = parent.childNodes; var length = childNodes.length; for (var offset = 0; offset < length; offset++) { if (childNodes[offset] == header) { offset++; break; } } this.selectRange(parent, offset, parent, offset); this.insertHTML('

'); TracWysiwyg.stopEvent(event); } } } }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.tableHTML = function(id, row, col) { var html = this._tableHTML(row, col); return html.replace(/<\/td>/g, '
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selection.getRangeAt(0) : null; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.expandSelectionToElement = function(arg) { if (arg.start || arg.end) { var selection = this.contentWindow.getSelection(); var range = this.getNativeSelectionRange() || this.contentDocument.createRange(); selection.removeAllRanges(); if (arg.start) { range.setStartBefore(arg.start); } if (arg.end) { range.setEndAfter(arg.end); } selection.addRange(range); } }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.insertHTML = function(html) { this.execCommand("inserthtml", html); }; } else { // Safari 2 TracWysiwyg.prototype.selectNode = function(node) { var selection = this.contentWindow.getSelection(); var range = this.contentDocument.createRange(); range.selectNode(node); selection.setBaseAndExtent(range.startContainer, range.startOffset, range.endContainer, range.endOffset); range.detach(); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.selectNodeContents = function(node) { this.selectRange(node, 0, node, node.childNodes.length); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.selectRange = function(start, startOffset, end, endOffset) { var selection = this.contentWindow.getSelection(); selection.setBaseAndExtent(start, startOffset, end, endOffset); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getNativeSelectionRange = function() { var selection = this.contentWindow.getSelection(); if (selection.anchorNode) { var range = this.contentDocument.createRange(); range.setStart(selection.baseNode, selection.baseOffset); range.setEnd(selection.extentNode, selection.extentOffset); if (range.collapsed && !selection.isCollapsed) { range.setStart(selection.extentNode, selection.extentOffset); range.setEnd(selection.baseNode, selection.baseOffset); } return range; } return null; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.expandSelectionToElement = function(arg) { if (arg.start || arg.end) { var selection = this.contentWindow.getSelection(); var range = this.getNativeSelectionRange(); if (arg.start) { range.setStartBefore(arg.start); } if (arg.end) { range.setEndAfter(arg.end); } selection.setBaseAndExtent(range.startContainer, range.startOffset, range.endContainer, range.endOffset); range.detach(); } }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.insertHTML = function(html) { var range = this.getNativeSelectionRange(); if (range) { var d = this.contentDocument; var tmp = d.createRange(); tmp.setStart(d.body, 0); tmp.setEnd(d.body, 0); var fragment = tmp.createContextualFragment(html); range.deleteContents(); range.insertNode(fragment); range.detach(); tmp.detach(); } }; } TracWysiwyg.prototype.getSelectionRange = TracWysiwyg.prototype.getNativeSelectionRange; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getSelectionText = function() { var range = this.getNativeSelectionRange(); return range ? range.toString() : null; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getSelectionHTML = function() { var fragment = this.getSelectionFragment(); var anonymous = this.contentDocument.createElement("div"); anonymous.appendChild(fragment); return anonymous.innerHTML; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getSelectionFragment = function() { var range = this.getNativeSelectionRange(); return range ? range.cloneContents() : this.contentDocument.createDocumentFragment(); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getSelectionPosition = function() { var range = this.getNativeSelectionRange(); var position = { start: null, end: null }; if (range) { position.start = range.startContainer; position.end = range.endContainer; } return position; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.selectionContainsTagName = function(name) { var selection = this.contentWindow.getSelection(); var range = this.getNativeSelectionRange(); if (!range) { return false; } var ancestor = range.commonAncestorContainer; if (!ancestor) { return false; } if (TracWysiwyg.getSelfOrAncestor(ancestor, name)) { return true; } if (ancestor.nodeType != 1) { return false; } var elements = ancestor.getElementsByTagName(name); var length = elements.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (selection.containsNode(elements[i], true)) { return true; } } return false; }; } else if (document.selection) { TracWysiwyg.prototype.appendBogusLineBreak = function(element) { }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.isBogusLineBreak = function(node) { return false }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.insertParagraphOnEnter = null; TracWysiwyg.prototype.insertLineBreak = function() { this.insertHTML("
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}; TracWysiwyg.prototype.selectRange = function(start, startOffset, end, endOffset) { var d = this.contentDocument; var body = d.body; d.selection.empty(); var range = endPoint(start, startOffset); if (start != end || startOffset != endOffset) { range.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", endPoint(end, endOffset)); }; function endPoint(node, offset) { var range; if (node.nodeType == 1) { var childNodes = node.childNodes; if (offset >= childNodes.length) { range = body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(node); range.collapse(false); return range; } node = childNodes[offset]; if (node.nodeType == 1) { range = body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(node); range.collapse(true); switch (node.tagName.toLowerCase()) { case "table": range.move("character", -1); break; } return range; } return endPoint(node, 0); } if (node.nodeType != 3) { throw "selectRange: nodeType != @".replace(/@/, node.nodeType); } range = body.createTextRange(); var element = node.previousSibling; while (element) { var nodeType = element.nodeType; if (nodeType == 1) { range.moveToElementText(element); range.collapse(false); break; } if (nodeType == 3) { offset += element.nodeValue.length; } element = element.previousSibling; } if (!element) { range.moveToElementText(node.parentNode); range.collapse(true); } if (offset != 0) { range.move("character", offset); } return range; } }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getSelectionRange = function() { var body = this.contentDocument.body; var pseudo = {}; var start = this.getNativeSelectionRange(); if (start.item) { var element = start.item(0); var parent = element.parentNode; var childNodes = parent.childNodes; var length = childNodes.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (childNodes[i] == element) { pseudo.startOffset = i; pseudo.endOffset = i + 1; break; } } pseudo.collapsed = false; pseudo.startContainer = pseudo.endContainer = parent; return pseudo; } var end = start.duplicate(); pseudo.collapsed = start.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", end) == 0; start.collapse(true); end.collapse(false); function nextElement(range) { var parent = range.parentElement(); var childNodes = parent.childNodes; var length = childNodes.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var node = childNodes[i]; if (node.nodeType == 1) { var tmp = body.createTextRange(); tmp.moveToElementText(node); if (range.compareEndPoints("EndToStart", tmp) <= 0) { return node; } } } return null; } function nodeOffset(range, parent, element, index, length) { var tmp = body.createTextRange(); tmp.moveToElementText(element || parent); tmp.collapse(!!element); tmp.move("character", -index); if (!element) { length++; } for ( ; length >= 0; length--) { if (tmp.compareEndPoints("EndToStart", range) == 0) { return length; } tmp.move("character", -1); } return null; } function setContainerOffset(range, containerKey, offsetKey) { var parent = range.parentElement(); var element = nextElement(range); var index = 0; var node = element ? element.previousSibling : parent.lastChild; var offset, length; while (node && node.nodeType == 3) { length = node.nodeValue.length; offset = nodeOffset(range, parent, element, index, length); if (offset !== null) { pseudo[containerKey] = node; pseudo[offsetKey] = offset; return; } index += length; node = node.previousSibling; } var childNodes = parent.childNodes; length = childNodes.length; if (length > 0) { pseudo[containerKey] = parent; pseudo[offsetKey] = containerKey == "startContainer" ? 0 : length - 1; return; } element = parent; parent = element.parentNode; childNodes = parent.childNodes; length = childNodes.length; for (offset = 0; offset < length; offset++) { if (element == childNodes[offset]) { pseudo[containerKey] = parent; pseudo[offsetKey] = offset; return; } } } setContainerOffset(start, "startContainer", "startOffset"); setContainerOffset(end, "endContainer", "endOffset"); return pseudo; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getNativeSelectionRange = function() { this.contentWindow.focus(); return this.contentDocument.selection.createRange(); }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getSelectionText = function() { var range = this.getNativeSelectionRange(); if (range) { return range.item ? range.item(0).innerText : range.text; } return null; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getSelectionHTML = function() { var range = this.getNativeSelectionRange(); if (range) { return range.item ? range.item(0).innerHTML : range.htmlText; } return null; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getSelectionFragment = function() { var d = this.contentDocument; var fragment = d.createDocumentFragment(); var anonymous = d.createElement("div"); anonymous.innerHTML = this.getSelectionHTML(); this.collectChildNodes(fragment, anonymous); return fragment; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getSelectionPosition = function() { this.contentWindow.focus(); var d = this.contentDocument; var range = d.selection.createRange(); var startNode = null; var endNode = null; if (range.item) { if (range.item(0).ownerDocument == d) { startNode = range.item(0); endNode = range.item(range.length - 1); } } else { if (range.parentElement().ownerDocument == d) { var startRange = range.duplicate(); startRange.collapse(true); startNode = startRange.parentElement(); var endRange = range.duplicate(); endRange.collapse(false); endNode = endRange.parentElement(); } } return { start: startNode, end: endNode }; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.expandSelectionToElement = function(arg) { this.contentWindow.focus(); var d = this.contentDocument; var body = d.body; var range = d.selection.createRange(); var tmp; if (arg.start) { tmp = body.createTextRange(); tmp.moveToElementText(arg.start); range.setEndPoint("StartToStart", tmp); } if (arg.end) { tmp = body.createTextRange(); tmp.moveToElementText(arg.end); range.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", tmp); } if (tmp) {; } }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.selectionContainsTagName = function(name) { this.contentWindow.focus(); var d = this.contentDocument; var selection = d.selection; var range = selection.createRange(); var parent = range.item ? range.item(0) : range.parentElement(); if (!parent) { return false; } if (TracWysiwyg.getSelfOrAncestor(parent, name)) { return true; } var elements = parent.getElementsByTagName(name); var length = elements.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var testRange = selection.createRange(); testRange.moveToElementText(elements[i]); if (range.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", testRange) <= 0 && range.compareEndPoints("EndToStart", testRange) >= 0) { return true; } } return false; }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.insertHTML = function(html) { this.contentWindow.focus(); var selection = this.contentDocument.selection; var range = selection.createRange(); range.pasteHTML(html.replace(/\t/g, " ")); range.collapse(false);; range = this.contentDocument.selection.createRange(); }; } else { TracWysiwyg.prototype.appendBogusLineBreak = function(element) { }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.insertParagraphOnEnter = null; TracWysiwyg.prototype.insertLineBreak = function() { }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.insertTableCell = function(row, index) { return null }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getFocusNode = function() { return null }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.selectNode = function(node) { }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.selectNodeContents = function(node) { return null }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.selectRange = function(start, startOffset, end, endOffset) { }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getSelectionRange = function() { return null }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getNativeSelectionRange = function() { return null }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getSelectionText = function() { return null }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getSelectionHTML = function() { return null }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getSelectionFragment = function() { return null }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.getSelectionPosition = function() { return null }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.expandSelectionToElement = function(arg) { }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.selectionContainsTagName = function(name) { return false }; TracWysiwyg.prototype.insertHTML = function(html) { }; } TracWysiwyg.prototype._treeWalkEmulation = function(root, iterator) { if (!root.firstChild) { iterator(null); return; } var element = root; var tmp; while (element) { if (tmp = element.firstChild) { element = tmp; } else if (tmp = element.nextSibling) { element = tmp; } else { for ( ; ; ) { element = element.parentNode; if (element == root || !element) { iterator(null); return; } if (tmp = element.nextSibling) { element = tmp; break; } } } iterator(element); } }; if (document.createTreeWalker) { TracWysiwyg.prototype.treeWalk = function(root, iterator) { var walker = root.ownerDocument.createTreeWalker( root, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT | NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, true); while (walker.nextNode()) { iterator(walker.currentNode); } iterator(null); }; } else { TracWysiwyg.prototype.treeWalk = TracWysiwyg.prototype._treeWalkEmulation; } TracWysiwyg.instances = []; TracWysiwyg.count = 0; TracWysiwyg.tracPaths = null; TracWysiwyg.newInstance = function(textarea, options) { var instance = new TracWysiwyg(textarea, options); TracWysiwyg.instances.push(instance); return instance; }; TracWysiwyg.findInstance = function(textarea) { var instances = TracWysiwyg.instances; var length = instances.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var instance = instances[i]; if (instance.textarea == textarea) { return instance; } } return null; }; TracWysiwyg.getTracPaths = function() { var stylesheets = []; var paths = { stylesheets: stylesheets }; var d = document; var head = d.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var links = head.getElementsByTagName("link"); var length = links.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var link = links[i]; var href = link.getAttribute("href") || ""; var type = link.getAttribute("type") || ""; switch ((link.getAttribute("rel") || "").toLowerCase()) { case "tracwysiwyg.base": paths.base = href; break; case "tracwysiwyg.stylesheet": stylesheets.push(href); break; } } if (paths.base && stylesheets.length > 0) { return paths; } return null; }; TracWysiwyg.getOptions = function() { var options = {}; if (typeof window._tracwysiwyg != "undefined") { options = _tracwysiwyg; } return options; }; TracWysiwyg.getEditorMode = function() { if (TracWysiwyg.editorMode) { return TracWysiwyg.editorMode; } var mode = null; var cookies = (document.cookie || "").split(";"); var length = cookies.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var match = /^\s*tracwysiwyg=(\S*)/.exec(cookies[i]); if (match) { switch (match[1]) { case "wysiwyg": mode = match[1]; break; default: // "textarea" mode = null; break; } break; } } TracWysiwyg.editorMode = mode || "textarea"; return TracWysiwyg.editorMode; }; TracWysiwyg.setEditorMode = function(mode) { switch (mode) { case "wysiwyg": break; default: // "textarea" mode = "textarea"; break; } TracWysiwyg.editorMode = mode; var now = new Date(); if (!/\/$/.test(TracWysiwyg.tracPaths.base)) { expires = new Date(now.getTime() - 86400000); pieces = [ "tracwysiwyg=", "path=" + TracWysiwyg.tracPaths.base + "/", "expires=" + expires.toUTCString() ]; document.cookie = pieces.join("; "); } var expires = new Date(now.getTime() + 365 * 86400 * 1000); var pieces = [ "tracwysiwyg=" + mode, "path=" + TracWysiwyg.tracPaths.base, "expires=" + expires.toUTCString() ]; document.cookie = pieces.join("; "); }; TracWysiwyg.removeEvent = function(element, type, func) { jQuery(element).unbind(type, func); }; TracWysiwyg.stopEvent = function(event) { if (event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } else { event.returnValue = false; event.cancelBubble = true; } }; TracWysiwyg.setStyle = function(element, object) { var style =; for (var name in object) { style[name] = object[name]; } }; if (document.defaultView) { TracWysiwyg.getStyle = function(element, name) { var value =[name]; if (!value) { var style = element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null) value = style ? style[name] : null; } return value; }; } else { TracWysiwyg.getStyle = function(element, name) { return[name] || element.currentStyle[name]; }; } TracWysiwyg.elementPosition = function(element) { function vector(left, top) { var value = [ left, top ]; value.left = left; = top; return value; } var position = TracWysiwyg.getStyle(element, "position"); var left = 0, top = 0; for (var node = element; node; node = node.offsetParent) { left += node.offsetLeft || 0; top += node.offsetTop || 0; } if (position != "absolute") { return vector(left, top); } var offset = TracWysiwyg.elementPosition(element.offsetParent); return vector(left - offset.left, top -; }; TracWysiwyg.getSelfOrAncestor = function(element, name) { var target = element; var d = element.ownerDocument; if (name instanceof RegExp) { while (target && target != d) { switch (target.nodeType) { case 1: // element if (name.test(target.tagName.toLowerCase())) { return target; } break; case 11: // fragment return null; } target = target.parentNode; } } else { name = name.toLowerCase(); while (target && target != d) { switch (target.nodeType) { case 1: // element if (target.tagName.toLowerCase() == name) { return target; } break; case 11: // fragment return null; } target = target.parentNode; } } return null; }; TracWysiwyg.serializeToHref = function(attrs) { var texts = []; for (var name in attrs) { if (/^data(?:-|$)/.exec(name)) { texts.push(encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(attrs[name])); } } return "#" + texts.join("&"); }; TracWysiwyg.unserializeFromHref = function(href, name) { var attrs = {}; if (href.indexOf("#") !== -1) { var pieces = href.replace(/^[^#]*#/, '').split(/&/g); var length = pieces.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var pair = pieces[i].split(/=/g, 2); attrs[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); } } return name ? attrs[name] : attrs; }; TracWysiwyg.getTextContent = (function() { var anonymous = document.createElement("div"); if (typeof anonymous.textContent != "undefined") { return function(element) { return element.textContent }; } else if (typeof anonymous.innerText != "undefined") { return function(element) { return element.innerText }; } else { return function(element) { return null }; } })(); TracWysiwyg.initialize = function() { if ("replace".replace(/[a-e]/g, function(m) { return "*" }) != "r*pl***") { return; } if (typeof document.designMode == "undefined") { return; } TracWysiwyg.tracPaths = TracWysiwyg.getTracPaths(); if (!TracWysiwyg.tracPaths) { return; } var options = TracWysiwyg.getOptions(); var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea"); for (var i = 0; i < textareas.length; i++) { var textarea = textareas[i]; if (/\bwikitext\b/.test(textarea.className || "")) { TracWysiwyg.newInstance(textarea, options); } } };