bachelorthesis/Webseiten/torbirdy – Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki_files/folding.js

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2016-06-15 12:40:15 +00:00
$.fn.enableFolding = function(autofold, snap) {
var fragId = document.location.hash;
if (fragId && /^#no\d+$/.test(fragId))
fragId = parseInt(fragId.substr(3));
if (snap == undefined)
snap = false;
var count = 1;
return this.each(function() {
// Use first child <a> as a trigger, or generate a trigger from the text
var trigger = $(this).children("a").eq(0);
if (trigger.length == 0) {
trigger = $("<a" + (snap? " id='no" + count + "'": "")
+ " href='#no" + count + "'></a>");
} {
var div = $(this.parentNode.parentNode).toggleClass("collapsed");
return snap && !div.hasClass("collapsed");
if (autofold && (count != fragId))
/** Enable columns of a table to be hidden by clicking on the column header.
* +------------------+------+---- ... ---+---------------------+
* |column_headers[0] | ... | | column_headers[k-1] | <- c_h_row
* +==================+======+==== ... ===+=====================+
* | row_headers[0] | row_headers[1] | row_headers[1*k-1] | <- rows[0]
* | row_headers[k] | row_headers[k+1] | row_headers[2*k-1] | <- rows[1]
* ...
$.fn.enableCollapsibleColumns = function(recovery_area) {
// column headers
var c_h_row = $('thead tr', this);
var column_headers = $('th', c_h_row).not(recovery_area);
var k = column_headers.length;
// row headers
var tbody = $('tbody', this);
var row_headers = $('th', tbody);
var rows = $('tr', tbody);
var n = row_headers.length / k;
// add a 'hide' callback to each column header
column_headers.each(function(j) {
function hide() {
// remove and save column j
var th = $(this);
th.css('display', 'none');
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ )
row_headers.eq(i*k+j).css('display', 'none');
// create a recovery button and its "show" callback
.text(_("Show %(title)s", {title: th.text()}))
.click(function() {
if ($.browser.msie)
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ )
else // much faster, but not supported by IExplorer
for ( var i = 0; i < n; i++ )
row_headers.eq(i*k+j).css('display', 'table-cell');
.css('cursor', 'pointer')
.attr('title', _("%(title)s (click to hide column)",
{title: $(this).attr('title')}));