"-X Disables all warnings regardless of use warnings or $^W". See "perldoc perlrun" or http://perldoc.perl.org/perlrun.html With the current defaults, warnings are squashed. For example: $ perl -X -Mwarnings -c -e'BEGIN { 42 + undef }' -e syntax OK $ perl -Mwarnings -c -e'BEGIN { 42 + undef }' Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at -e line 1. -e syntax OK So, it's not clear from the current defaults whether Ale wants to remove warnings or enable them. As it stands, it's trying to do both and the disabling appears to win. This commit enables warnings by default.
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ALE Perl Integration *ale-perl-options*
perl *ale-perl-perl*
g:ale_perl_perl_executable *g:ale_perl_perl_executable*
Type: |String|
Default: `'perl'`
This variable can be changed to modify the executable used for linting perl.
g:ale_perl_perl_options *g:ale_perl_perl_options*
Type: |String|
Default: `'-c -Mwarnings -Ilib'`
This variable can be changed to alter the command-line arguments to the perl