* Add :ALEFirst and :ALELast commands * Add documentation for ALEFirst and ALELast commands * Add tests for ale#loclist_jumping#JumpToIndex() * Fix the loclist jumping tests
80 lines
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80 lines
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" Author: w0rp <devw0rp@gmail.com>
" Description: This file implements functions for jumping around in a file
" based on ALE's internal loclist.
" Search for the nearest line either before or after the current position
" in the loclist. The argument 'wrap' can be passed to enable wrapping
" around the end of the list.
" If there are no items or we have hit the end with wrapping off, an empty
" List will be returned, otherwise a pair of [line_number, column_number] will
" be returned.
function! ale#loclist_jumping#FindNearest(direction, wrap) abort
let l:pos = getcurpos()
let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, bufnr('%'), {'loclist': []})
" This list will have already been sorted.
let l:loclist = l:info.loclist
let l:search_item = {'lnum': l:pos[1], 'col': l:pos[2]}
" When searching backwards, so we can find the next smallest match.
if a:direction ==# 'before'
let l:loclist = reverse(copy(l:loclist))
" Look for items before or after the current position.
for l:item in l:loclist
" Compare the cursor with a item where the column number is bounded,
" such that it's possible for the cursor to actually be on the given
" column number, without modifying the cursor number we return. This
" will allow us to move through matches, but still let us move the
" cursor to a line without changing the column, in some cases.
let l:cmp_value = ale#util#LocItemCompare(
\ {
\ 'lnum': l:item.lnum,
\ 'col': min([max([l:item.col, 1]), len(getline(l:item.lnum))]),
\ },
\ l:search_item
if a:direction ==# 'before' && l:cmp_value < 0
return [l:item.lnum, l:item.col]
if a:direction ==# 'after' && l:cmp_value > 0
return [l:item.lnum, l:item.col]
" If we found nothing, and the wrap option is set to 1, then we should
" wrap around the list of warnings/errors
if a:wrap && !empty(l:loclist)
let l:item = l:loclist[0]
return [l:item.lnum, l:item.col]
return []
" As before, find the nearest match, but position the cursor at it.
function! ale#loclist_jumping#Jump(direction, wrap) abort
let l:nearest = ale#loclist_jumping#FindNearest(a:direction, a:wrap)
if !empty(l:nearest)
call cursor(l:nearest)
function! ale#loclist_jumping#JumpToIndex(index) abort
let l:info = get(g:ale_buffer_info, bufnr('%'), {'loclist': []})
let l:loclist = l:info.loclist
if empty(l:loclist)
let l:item = l:loclist[a:index]
if !empty(l:item)
call cursor([l:item.lnum, l:item.col])