2017-09-14 00:10:47 +01:00

355 lines
8.8 KiB

runtime ale_linters/javascript/flow.vim
unlet! g:flow_output
unlet! g:expected
unlet! g:actual
call ale#linter#Reset()
Execute(The flow handler should throw away non-JSON lines):
\ [],
\ ale_linters#javascript#flow#Handle(bufnr(''), [
\ 'Already up-to-date.',
\ '{"flowVersion":"0.50.0","errors":[],"passed":true}',
\ ])
\ [],
\ ale_linters#javascript#flow#Handle(bufnr(''), [
\ 'foo',
\ 'bar',
\ 'baz',
\ '{"flowVersion":"0.50.0","errors":[],"passed":true}',
\ ])
Execute(The flow handler should process errors correctly.):
silent! noautocmd file /home/w0rp/Downloads/graphql-js/src/language/parser.js
let g:flow_output = {
\ "flowVersion": "0.39.0",
\ "errors": [
\ {
\ "kind": "infer",
\ "level": "error",
\ "message": [
\ {
\ "context": " return 1",
\ "descr": "number",
\ "type": "Blame",
\ "loc": {
\ "source": expand('%:p'),
\ "type": "SourceFile",
\ "start": {
\ "line": 417,
\ "column": 10,
\ "offset": 9503
\ },
\ "end": {
\ "line": 417,
\ "column": 10,
\ "offset": 9504
\ }
\ },
\ "path": expand('%:p'),
\ "line": 417,
\ "endline": 417,
\ "start": 10,
\ "end": 10
\ },
\ {
\ "context": v:null,
\ "descr": "This type is incompatible with the expected return type of",
\ "type": "Comment",
\ "path": "",
\ "line": 0,
\ "endline": 0,
\ "start": 1,
\ "end": 0
\ },
\ {
\ "context": "function parseArguments(lexer: Lexer<*>): Array<ArgumentNode> {",
\ "descr": "array type",
\ "type": "Blame",
\ "loc": {
\ "source": expand('%:p'),
\ "type": "SourceFile",
\ "start": {
\ "line": 416,
\ "column": 43,
\ "offset": 9472
\ },
\ "end": {
\ "line": 416,
\ "column": 61,
\ "offset": 9491
\ }
\ },
\ "path": expand('%:p'),
\ "line": 416,
\ "endline": 416,
\ "start": 43,
\ "end": 61
\ }
\ ]
\ },
\ {
\ "kind": "infer",
\ "level": "warning",
\ "message": [
\ {
\ "context": " return peek(lexer, TokenKind.PAREN_L) ?",
\ "descr": "unreachable code",
\ "type": "Blame",
\ "loc": {
\ "source": expand('%:p'),
\ "type": "SourceFile",
\ "start": {
\ "line": 419,
\ "column": 3,
\ "offset": 9508
\ },
\ "end": {
\ "line": 421,
\ "column": 7,
\ "offset": 9626
\ }
\ },
\ "path": expand('%:p'),
\ "line": 419,
\ "endline": 421,
\ "start": 3,
\ "end": 7
\ }
\ ]
\ }
\ ],
\ "passed": v:false
let g:actual = ale_linters#javascript#flow#Handle(bufnr(''), [json_encode(g:flow_output)])
let g:expected = [
\ {
\ 'lnum': 417,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'col': 10,
\ 'text': 'number: This type is incompatible with the expected return type of array type',
\ },
\ {
\ 'lnum': 419,
\ 'type': 'W',
\ 'col': 3,
\ 'text': 'unreachable code:',
\ },
AssertEqual g:expected, g:actual
Execute(The flow handler should fetch the correct location for the currently opened file, even when it's not in the first message.):
silent! noautocmd file /Users/rav/Projects/vim-ale-flow/index.js
let g:flow_output = {
\ "flowVersion": "0.44.0",
\ "errors": [{
\ "operation": {
\ "context": " <Foo foo=\"bar\"/>, document.getElementById('foo')",
\ "descr": "React element `Foo`",
\ "type": "Blame",
\ "loc": {
\ "source": expand('%:p'),
\ "type": "SourceFile",
\ "start": {
\ "line": 6,
\ "column": 3,
\ "offset": 92
\ },
\ "end": {
\ "line": 6,
\ "column": 18,
\ "offset": 108
\ }
\ },
\ "path": expand('%:p'),
\ "line": 6,
\ "endline": 6,
\ "start": 3,
\ "end": 18
\ },
\ "kind": "infer",
\ "level": "error",
\ "message": [{
\ "context": "module.exports = function(props: Props) {",
\ "descr": "property `bar`",
\ "type": "Blame",
\ "loc": {
\ "source": "/Users/rav/Projects/vim-ale-flow/foo.js",
\ "type": "SourceFile",
\ "start": {
\ "line": 9,
\ "column": 34,
\ "offset": 121
\ },
\ "end": {
\ "line": 9,
\ "column": 38,
\ "offset": 126
\ }
\ },
\ "path": "/Users/rav/Projects/vim-ale-flow/foo.js",
\ "line": 9,
\ "endline": 9,
\ "start": 34,
\ "end": 38
\ }, {
\ "context": v:null,
\ "descr": "Property not found in",
\ "type": "Comment",
\ "path": "",
\ "line": 0,
\ "endline": 0,
\ "start": 1,
\ "end": 0
\ }, {
\ "context": " <Foo foo=\"bar\"/>, document.getElementById('foo')",
\ "descr": "props of React element `Foo`",
\ "type": "Blame",
\ "loc": {
\ "source": expand('%:p'),
\ "type": "SourceFile",
\ "start": {
\ "line": 6,
\ "column": 3,
\ "offset": 92
\ },
\ "end": {
\ "line": 6,
\ "column": 18,
\ "offset": 108
\ }
\ },
\ "path": expand('%:p'),
\ "line": 6,
\ "endline": 6,
\ "start": 3,
\ "end": 18
\ }]
\ }],
\ "passed": v:false
let g:actual = ale_linters#javascript#flow#Handle(bufnr(''), [json_encode(g:flow_output)])
let g:expected = [
\ {
\ 'lnum': 6,
\ 'col': 3,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'text': 'property `bar`: Property not found in props of React element `Foo` See also: React element `Foo`'
\ }
AssertEqual g:expected, g:actual
Execute(The flow handler should handle relative paths):
silent! noautocmd file /Users/rav/Projects/vim-ale-flow/index.js
let g:flow_output = {
\ "flowVersion": "0.44.0",
\ "errors": [{
\ "operation": {
\ "context": " <Foo foo=\"bar\"/>, document.getElementById('foo')",
\ "descr": "React element `Foo`",
\ "type": "Blame",
\ "loc": {
\ "source": "vim-ale-flow/index.js",
\ "type": "SourceFile",
\ "start": {
\ "line": 6,
\ "column": 3,
\ "offset": 92
\ },
\ "end": {
\ "line": 6,
\ "column": 18,
\ "offset": 108
\ }
\ },
\ "path": "vim-ale-flow/index.js",
\ "line": 6,
\ "endline": 6,
\ "start": 3,
\ "end": 18
\ },
\ "kind": "infer",
\ "level": "error",
\ "message": [{
\ "context": "module.exports = function(props: Props) {",
\ "descr": "property `bar`",
\ "type": "Blame",
\ "loc": {
\ "source": "vim-ale-flow/foo.js",
\ "type": "SourceFile",
\ "start": {
\ "line": 9,
\ "column": 34,
\ "offset": 121
\ },
\ "end": {
\ "line": 9,
\ "column": 38,
\ "offset": 126
\ }
\ },
\ "path": "vim-ale-flow/foo.js",
\ "line": 9,
\ "endline": 9,
\ "start": 34,
\ "end": 38
\ }, {
\ "context": v:null,
\ "descr": "Property not found in",
\ "type": "Comment",
\ "path": "",
\ "line": 0,
\ "endline": 0,
\ "start": 1,
\ "end": 0
\ }, {
\ "context": " <Foo foo=\"bar\"/>, document.getElementById('foo')",
\ "descr": "props of React element `Foo`",
\ "type": "Blame",
\ "loc": {
\ "source": "vim-ale-flow/index.js",
\ "type": "SourceFile",
\ "start": {
\ "line": 6,
\ "column": 3,
\ "offset": 92
\ },
\ "end": {
\ "line": 6,
\ "column": 18,
\ "offset": 108
\ }
\ },
\ "path": "vim-ale-flow/index.js",
\ "line": 6,
\ "endline": 6,
\ "start": 3,
\ "end": 18
\ }]
\ }],
\ "passed": v:false
let g:actual = ale_linters#javascript#flow#Handle(bufnr(''), [json_encode(g:flow_output)])
let g:expected = [
\ {
\ 'lnum': 6,
\ 'col': 3,
\ 'type': 'E',
\ 'text': 'property `bar`: Property not found in props of React element `Foo` See also: React element `Foo`'
\ }
AssertEqual g:expected, g:actual