Keith Smiley 5fc2f8f6c0
Choose shell dialect based on vim syntax
Shellcheck is smart enough to check the shebang in a given file to
determine which dialect to use. Unfortunately this doesn't work for
files without shebangs, even if it might be apparent what dialect should
be used, such as "bashrc" or "foo.bash". Luckily `filetype.vim` defines
specific vars based on which shell dialect is being used based on a huge
list of conditions. With this change we take those into account for all
the types shellcheck supports, otherwise we fallback to letting it try
and decide.
2016-10-27 18:46:58 -07:00

41 lines
1.2 KiB

" Author: w0rp <>
" Description: This file adds support for using the shellcheck linter with
" shell scripts.
" This global variable can be set with a string of comma-seperated error
" codes to exclude from shellcheck. For example:
" let g:ale_linters_sh_shellcheck_exclusions = 'SC2002,SC2004'
if !exists('g:ale_linters_sh_shellcheck_exclusions')
let g:ale_linters_sh_shellcheck_exclusions = ''
if g:ale_linters_sh_shellcheck_exclusions !=# ''
let s:exclude_option = '-e ' . g:ale_linters_sh_shellcheck_exclusions
let s:exclude_option = ''
function! s:GetDialectArgument()
if exists('b:is_bash') && b:is_bash
return '-s bash'
elseif exists('b:is_sh') && b:is_sh
return '-s sh'
elseif exists('b:is_kornshell') && b:is_kornshell
return '-s ksh'
return ''
function! ale_linters#sh#shellcheck#GetCommand(buffer)
return 'shellcheck ' . s:exclude_option . ' ' . s:GetDialectArgument() . ' -f gcc -'
call ale#linter#Define('sh', {
\ 'name': 'shellcheck',
\ 'executable': 'shellcheck',
\ 'command_callback': 'ale_linters#sh#shellcheck#GetCommand',
\ 'callback': 'ale#handlers#HandleGCCFormat',