" Author: jwilliams108 " Description: phpcs for PHP files if exists('g:loaded_ale_linters_php_phpcs') finish endif let g:loaded_ale_linters_php_phpcs = 1 function! ale_linters#php#phpcs#GetCommand(buffer) let l:command = 'phpcs -s --report=emacs --stdin-path=%s' " This option can be set to change the standard used by phpcs if exists('g:ale_php_phpcs_standard') let l:command .= ' --standard=' . g:ale_php_phpcs_standard endif return l:command endfunction function! ale_linters#php#phpcs#Handle(buffer, lines) " Matches against lines like the following: " " /path/to/some-filename.php:18:3: error - Line indented incorrectly; expected 4 spaces, found 2 (Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent.IncorrectExact) let l:pattern = '^.*:\(\d\+\):\(\d\+\): \(.\+\) - \(.\+\) \(\(.\+\)\)$' let l:output = [] for l:line in a:lines let l:match = matchlist(l:line, l:pattern) if len(l:match) == 0 continue endif let l:text = l:match[4] let l:type = l:match[3] " vcol is Needed to indicate that the column is a character. call add(l:output, { \ 'bufnr': a:buffer, \ 'lnum': l:match[1] + 0, \ 'vcol': 0, \ 'col': l:match[2] + 0, \ 'text': l:text, \ 'type': l:type ==# 'warning' ? 'W' : 'E', \ 'nr': -1, \}) endfor return l:output endfunction call ale#linter#Define('php', { \ 'name': 'phpcs', \ 'executable': 'phpcs', \ 'command_callback': 'ale_linters#php#phpcs#GetCommand', \ 'callback': 'ale_linters#php#phpcs#Handle', \})