Before: let g:linter = {} After: unlet g:linter Execute (PreProcess should throw when the linter object is not a Dictionary): AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess('') AssertEqual 'The linter object must be a Dictionary', g:vader_exception Execute (PreProcess should throw when there is no name): AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess({ \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction', \ 'executable': 'echo', \ 'command': 'echo', \}) AssertEqual '`name` must be defined to name the linter', g:vader_exception Execute (PreProcess should throw when there is no callback): AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess({ \ 'name': 'foo', \ 'executable': 'echo', \ 'command': 'echo', \}) AssertEqual '`callback` must be defined with a callback to accept output', g:vader_exception Execute (PreProcess should throw when then callback is not a function): AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess({ \ 'name': 'foo', \ 'callback': 1, \ 'executable': 'echo', \ 'command': 'echo', \}) AssertEqual '`callback` must be defined with a callback to accept output', g:vader_exception Execute (PreProcess should throw when there is no executable or executable_callback): AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess({ \ 'name': 'foo', \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction', \ 'command': 'echo', \}) AssertEqual 'Either `executable` or `executable_callback` must be defined', g:vader_exception Execute (PreProcess should throw when executable is not a string): AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess({ \ 'name': 'foo', \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction', \ 'executable': 123, \ 'command': 'echo', \}) AssertEqual '`executable` must be a string if defined', g:vader_exception Execute (PreProcess should throw when executable_callback is not a callback): AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess({ \ 'name': 'foo', \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction', \ 'executable_callback': 123, \ 'command': 'echo', \}) AssertEqual '`executable_callback` must be a callback if defined', g:vader_exception Execute (PreProcess should throw when there is no command): AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess({ \ 'name': 'foo', \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction', \ 'executable': 'echo', \}) AssertEqual 'Either `command`, `executable_callback`, `command_chain` must be defined', g:vader_exception Execute (PreProcess should throw when command is not a string): AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess({ \ 'name': 'foo', \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction', \ 'executable': 'echo', \ 'command': [], \}) AssertEqual '`command` must be a string if defined', g:vader_exception Execute (PreProcess should throw when command_callback is not a callback): AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess({ \ 'name': 'foo', \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction', \ 'executable': 'echo', \ 'command_callback': 123, \}) AssertEqual '`command_callback` must be a callback if defined', g:vader_exception Execute (PreProcess should when the output stream isn't a valid string): AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess({ \ 'name': 'foo', \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction', \ 'executable': 'echo', \ 'command': 'echo', \ 'output_stream': 'xxx', \}) AssertEqual "`output_stream` must be 'stdout', 'stderr', or 'both'", g:vader_exception Execute (PreProcess should not throw when everything is correct): call ale#linter#PreProcess({ \ 'name': 'foo', \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction', \ 'executable': 'echo', \ 'command': 'echo', \}) Execute (PreProcess should accept an stdout output_stream): call ale#linter#PreProcess({ \ 'name': 'foo', \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction', \ 'executable': 'echo', \ 'command': 'echo', \ 'output_stream': 'stdout', \}) Execute (PreProcess should accept an stderr output_stream): call ale#linter#PreProcess({ \ 'name': 'foo', \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction', \ 'executable': 'echo', \ 'command': 'echo', \ 'output_stream': 'stderr', \}) Execute (PreProcess should accept a 'both' output_stream): call ale#linter#PreProcess({ \ 'name': 'foo', \ 'callback': 'SomeFunction', \ 'executable': 'echo', \ 'command': 'echo', \ 'output_stream': 'both', \}) Execute(PreProcess should complain if the command_chain is not a List): let g:linter = { \ 'name': 'x', \ 'callback': 'x', \ 'executable': 'x', \ 'command_chain': 'x', \} AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) AssertEqual '`command_chain` must be a List', g:vader_exception Execute(PreProcess should complain if the command_chain is empty): let g:linter = { \ 'name': 'x', \ 'callback': 'x', \ 'executable': 'x', \ 'command_chain': [], \} AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) AssertEqual '`command_chain` must contain at least one item', g:vader_exception Execute(PreProcess should complain if the command_chain has no callback): let g:linter = { \ 'name': 'x', \ 'callback': 'x', \ 'executable': 'x', \ 'command_chain': [{}], \} AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) AssertEqual 'The `command_chain` item 0 must define a `callback` function', g:vader_exception Execute(PreProcess should complain if the command_chain callback is not a function): let g:linter = { \ 'name': 'x', \ 'callback': 'x', \ 'executable': 'x', \ 'command_chain': [{'callback': 2}], \} AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) AssertEqual 'The `command_chain` item 0 must define a `callback` function', g:vader_exception Execute(PreProcess should accept a chain with one callback): let g:linter = { \ 'name': 'x', \ 'callback': 'x', \ 'executable': 'x', \ 'command_chain': [{'callback': 'foo'}], \} call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) Execute(PreProcess should complain about invalid output_stream values in the chain): let g:linter = { \ 'name': 'x', \ 'callback': 'x', \ 'executable': 'x', \ 'command_chain': [{'callback': 'foo', 'output_stream': ''}], \} AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) AssertEqual "The `command_chain` item 0 `output_stream` flag must be 'stdout', 'stderr', or 'both'", g:vader_exception Execute(PreProcess should complain about valid output_stream values in the chain): let g:linter = { \ 'name': 'x', \ 'callback': 'x', \ 'executable': 'x', \ 'command_chain': [{'callback': 'foo', 'output_stream': 'stdout'}], \} call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) let g:linter.command_chain[0].output_stream = 'stderr' call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) let g:linter.command_chain[0].output_stream = 'both' call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) Execute(PreProcess should complain about invalid chain items at higher indices): let g:linter = { \ 'name': 'x', \ 'callback': 'x', \ 'executable': 'x', \ 'command_chain': [{'callback': 'foo'}, {'callback': 123}], \} AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) AssertEqual 'The `command_chain` item 1 must define a `callback` function', g:vader_exception Execute(PreProcess should complain when conflicting command options are used): let g:linter = { \ 'name': 'x', \ 'callback': 'x', \ 'executable': 'x', \ 'command': 'foo', \ 'command_chain': [{'callback': 'foo'}], \} AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) AssertEqual 'Only one of `command`, `command_callback`, or `command_chain` should be set', g:vader_exception unlet g:linter.command let g:linter.command_callback = 'foo' AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) AssertEqual 'Only one of `command`, `command_callback`, or `command_chain` should be set', g:vader_exception let g:linter.command = 'foo' unlet g:linter.command_chain AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) AssertEqual 'Only one of `command`, `command_callback`, or `command_chain` should be set', g:vader_exception Execute(PreProcess should process the read_buffer option correctly): let g:linter = { \ 'name': 'x', \ 'callback': 'x', \ 'executable': 'x', \ 'command_chain': [{'callback': 'foo'}, {'callback': 'bar'}], \ 'read_buffer': '0', \} AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) AssertEqual '`read_buffer` must be `0` or `1`', g:vader_exception let g:linter.read_buffer = 0 call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) let g:linter.read_buffer = 1 call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) unlet g:linter.read_buffer let g:linter.command_chain[0].read_buffer = '0' AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) AssertEqual 'The `command_chain` item 0 value for `read_buffer` must be `0` or `1`', g:vader_exception let g:linter.command_chain[0].read_buffer = 0 call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) let g:linter.command_chain[1].read_buffer = '0' AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) AssertEqual 'The `command_chain` item 1 value for `read_buffer` must be `0` or `1`', g:vader_exception let g:linter.command_chain[1].read_buffer = 1 call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) Execute(PreProcess should set a default value for read_buffer): let g:linter = { \ 'name': 'x', \ 'callback': 'x', \ 'executable': 'x', \ 'command': 'x', \} AssertEqual 1, ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter).read_buffer Execute(PreProcess should process the lint_file option correctly): let g:linter = { \ 'name': 'x', \ 'callback': 'x', \ 'executable': 'x', \ 'command': 'x', \ 'lint_file': 'x', \} AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) AssertEqual '`lint_file` must be `0` or `1`', g:vader_exception let g:linter.lint_file = 0 AssertEqual 0, ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter).lint_file " The default for read_buffer should be 1 when lint_file is 0 AssertEqual 1, ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter).read_buffer let g:linter.lint_file = 1 AssertEqual 1, ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter).lint_file " The default for read_buffer should change to 0 when lint_file is 1. AssertEqual 0, ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter).read_buffer let g:linter.read_buffer = 1 " We shouldn't be able to set both options to 1 at the same time. AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) AssertEqual 'Only one of `lint_file` or `read_buffer` can be `1`', g:vader_exception Execute(PreProcess should set a default value for lint_file): let g:linter = { \ 'name': 'x', \ 'callback': 'x', \ 'executable': 'x', \ 'command': 'x', \} AssertEqual 0, ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter).lint_file Execute(PreProcess should set a default value for aliases): let g:linter = { \ 'name': 'x', \ 'callback': 'x', \ 'executable': 'x', \ 'command': 'x', \} AssertEqual [], ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter).aliases Execute(PreProcess should complain about invalid `aliases` values): let g:linter = { \ 'name': 'x', \ 'callback': 'x', \ 'executable': 'x', \ 'command': 'x', \ 'aliases': 'foo', \} AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) AssertEqual '`aliases` must be a List of String values', g:vader_exception let g:linter.aliases = [1] AssertThrows call ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter) AssertEqual '`aliases` must be a List of String values', g:vader_exception Execute(PreProcess should accept `aliases` lists): let g:linter = { \ 'name': 'x', \ 'callback': 'x', \ 'executable': 'x', \ 'command': 'x', \ 'aliases': [], \} AssertEqual [], ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter).aliases let g:linter.aliases = ['foo', 'bar'] AssertEqual ['foo', 'bar'], ale#linter#PreProcess(g:linter).aliases