Before: silent! execute 'cd /testplugin/test/command_callback' let g:dir = getcwd() After: " Set the file to something else, " or we'll cause issues when running other tests silent file '' unlet! g:dir Execute(The python GetExecutable callbacks should return the correct path): AssertEqual \ '', \ ale#python#GetExecutable(bufnr(''), 'isort') silent execute 'file ' . fnameescape(g:dir . '/python_paths/with_virtualenv/subdir/foo/') AssertEqual \ g:dir . '/python_paths/with_virtualenv/env/bin/isort', \ ale#python#GetExecutable(bufnr(''), 'isort') AssertEqual \ g:dir . '/python_paths/with_virtualenv/env/bin/autopep8', \ ale#python#GetExecutable(bufnr(''), 'autopep8') AssertEqual \ g:dir . '/python_paths/with_virtualenv/env/bin/yapf', \ ale#python#GetExecutable(bufnr(''), 'yapf') Execute(The autopep8 callbacks should return the correct default values): AssertEqual \ 0, \ ale#fixers#autopep8#Fix(bufnr('')) silent execute 'file ' . fnameescape(g:dir . '/python_paths/with_virtualenv/subdir/foo/') AssertEqual \ {'command': "'" . g:dir . "/python_paths/with_virtualenv/env/bin/autopep8' -" }, \ ale#fixers#autopep8#Fix(bufnr('')) Execute(The isort callbacks should return the correct default values): AssertEqual \ 0, \ ale#fixers#isort#Fix(bufnr('')) silent execute 'file ' . fnameescape(g:dir . '/python_paths/with_virtualenv/subdir/foo/') AssertEqual \ {'command': "'" . g:dir . "/python_paths/with_virtualenv/env/bin/isort' -" }, \ ale#fixers#isort#Fix(bufnr('')) Execute(The yapf callbacks should return the correct default values): AssertEqual \ 0, \ ale#fixers#yapf#Fix(bufnr('')) silent execute 'file ' . fnameescape(g:dir . '/python_paths/with_virtualenv/subdir/foo/') AssertEqual \ {'command': "'" . g:dir . "/python_paths/with_virtualenv/env/bin/yapf' --no-local-style" }, \ ale#fixers#yapf#Fix(bufnr(''))