" Author: w0rp " Description: Set options in files based on regex patterns. " A dictionary mapping regular expression patterns to arbitrary buffer " variables to be set. Useful for configuring ALE based on filename patterns. let g:ale_pattern_options = get(g:, 'ale_pattern_options', {}) let g:ale_pattern_options_enabled = get(g:, 'ale_pattern_options_enabled', !empty(g:ale_pattern_options)) " These variables are used to cache the sorting of patterns below. let s:last_pattern_options = {} let s:sorted_items = [] function! s:CmpPatterns(left_item, right_item) abort if a:left_item[0] < a:right_item[0] return -1 endif if a:left_item[0] > a:right_item[0] return 1 endif return 0 endfunction function! ale#pattern_options#SetOptions(buffer) abort if !g:ale_pattern_options_enabled || empty(g:ale_pattern_options) return endif " The items will only be sorted whenever the patterns change. if g:ale_pattern_options != s:last_pattern_options let s:last_pattern_options = deepcopy(g:ale_pattern_options) " The patterns are sorted, so they are applied consistently. let s:sorted_items = sort( \ items(g:ale_pattern_options), \ function('s:CmpPatterns') \) endif let l:filename = expand('#' . a:buffer . ':p') for [l:pattern, l:options] in s:sorted_items if match(l:filename, l:pattern) >= 0 for [l:key, l:value] in items(l:options) call setbufvar(a:buffer, l:key, l:value) endfor endif endfor endfunction